Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication (Page 107)
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Can you tell me about any doctors who can prescribe Vicodin

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@ brown eyed girl # 649

I was rindering if you had found a pain doctor yet? I'm asking because im moving to MI from CA and suffer severe lower back pain from a failed back surgery 7 years ago and I need a new pain managemrmt Dr. Thank you

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@Amy in MI #625

I was wondering if you had found a pain doctor yet? I'm asking because I'm a chronic pain sufferer and im moving to Michigan from California in 3 weeks and am freaking out because I haven't been able to find a doctor there yet. Thank you

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@ Kari do you think you can stop? We all get it. You are moving and need a doctor. Stop saying it over and over. I get an email every time you do and so does everyone else. Let someone answer you if they can if not let it go just like I am.

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@shelby 28

Did you have any luck finding a doctor? I'm asking because I'm moving to MI and need a Dr when I get there . Thank You!!

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@clare 475 I am interested please. Thank you aSO much!!!

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@Cam 392 Thank you for what you said. I suffer severe debilitating chronic pain and am bedridden most days because of it. The best thing ANY Dr has ever said to me was an ER doctor at kaiser Hospital in CA: I was in the ER because I fell 2 weeks after my failed fusion back surgery. We were talking about medications and somehow got me talking about my worrying over being on opiates and becoming addicted. He said when you rake your pain meds between 1 - 10 what is your pain...I said with meds its a 6. He said what is it without I chuckled and I said 10 +. I can't function I can't get out of bed I am in the fetal position and I cry. He told me that YES my body needs this medication and yes if I stop it I will go through withdrawals but I am NOT an addict...I am a human being who needs this medication to function like some people heed glasses to see or a cane to walk. If i took this medication for s***s and giggles then YES I would be an addict. So for all of you chronic pain sufferers you have to fight for what you sucks...but you are the only one who cares enough for yourself to fight and not give up. Never Give Up!!!!!!!

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@Matthew # 328 is that clinic in Dearborn still valid and/or do you know any where else? I'm moving back home to MI from California and I need a new doctor for chronic severe pain and im scared I'll get there and have no where to go. :(

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@ Diane I am moving to Michigan from California and am wondering if you were able to find a new Dr I could use a referral.

Thank you kindly ~ Kari

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@ Louis I'm moving to Michigan and will be living in the lower half of MI do you by any miracle of a chance know any doctors in that area. I'm moving to MI from CA in 30 days and have a metal rod iny lower from a work injury and a failed back surgery with 5 damaged nerves. Needless to say um a Hot

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here is my story and my opinion-when I was 16 I fell from a 2 story window-(me and a girlfriend actually tied sheets together to sneak out-yeah I know DUMB-well she got down fine but as I was scaling down on the sheet it ripped and I fell.I literally heard my back break-well I was taken to ER and thus began a lifelong condition.Initially I was partially parylyzed fin the lower part of my body. I had multible shattered vertebrae and nerve damage.I was relocated to another hospital 4 hours away -it was there I had a very risky and difficult surgery.The specialists who did my surgery said cutting into my back was dangerous-my spinal cord was already smashed between fractures bones-and cutting there would be a high probability of permanent parylyses.So-he performed a 14 hour surgery where he sliced a nearly foot long incision in my side-sort of near my left rib cage-when I came out of surgery and was awake they performed a few tests and I did indeed have feeling back.I wore a body cast that started above my breast area and went down to my hips-for a nearly 6 months-finally had it removed only to be told I needed to continue to wear it-a few months later I finally got that cast off and was fitted for a customized back brace-was supposed to wear it all the time-but man-I was a teemager and just chucked it after a while.My youth was a big part of my back healing exceptionally well-and though I had some discomfort,pretty much for the next 20-25 years I managed well.But as i got into my 40's problems began to multiply.

I had been injured in a car accident-and basically just deteriorated. The pain i experienced elevated to the point was in agony nearly 24 hours a day-which naturally affected all aspects of my life and my family as well.I was referred to a new primary care Dr when we moved to a new city-for the next year I did all kinds of treatments-spinal inj's., physical therapy, chiropractic care- and nothing gave me relief. Finally my primary care Dr. wrote me a prescription for vicoden (hydrococodone 10s)-with dosed recommended at 1 to 2 pills every 4-6 hours, which meant I received a prescription for 120 pills every month-yes you read that right.The pills immediately gave me relief-and allowed me to enjoy activities and get back to being more active-I also definitely enjoyed the euphoric state that the medication gave me-so that went on for a while,but at a follow up appointment,i casually mentioned that ti was fine in the day-but was having pain at night-the pills would wear off -so without missing a beat he said he could give me a separate longer lasting -extended release med that I could take at night-so along with my comically huge prescription bottle of vicoden-I now also got a prescription got a prescription for 60 tablets of morphine sulphate-can't remember the dose-but really-does it matter? I mean it was morphime.So now I picked up 180 strong narcotic pills every month. And no I didn't take that many at first-but my tolerance grew and grew-and there were months my scripts ran out way before my next refill.

There is no doubt whatsoever that I was a addicted-but I also did need the pain relief.This went on for a few years-and than -after i had not shown up for 2 scheduled appts in a row-I received a letter from my drs office that My dr would no longer be treating me-because of the missed appts-which I know I could have easily called to cancel or reschedule-but I didn't. This was days before my next refills were due-(because they are schedule narcotics-they can't be written with refills-I had to pick up prescription at the office each month which was no big deal.I went into panic mode and called the office-and the office manager-a true b****-informed me I would have to find another provider-I swear-Iliterally begged and cried-to please atleast give me a month of refills to give me time to find new Dr-plus,I was like-hey-you know its dangerous to just abruptly stop meds-so she did get the dr to write a month of refills.I couldn't find a new Dr-and some that researched or was referred to made it clear right up front that they either did NOT give narcotics or maybe gave much milder ones loke tramadol.For the next part of a year I was in hell,beyond the back pain-I was experiencing devastating withdrawal symtons.My whole body would ache-constant chills,insomnia,depression,staying in bed for days-I was so desperate i went to an acquaintance that I knew had a friend that sold her pain meds-anywhere from 6.00 a piece for hydrocodone to 20.00 for oxycontin-and i was all to ready to hand over the cash. My 14 yr marriage imploded-I did find a Pchyciatrist-and what do you know-he immediately put me on Xanax,ambien,seroquel,wellbutrin-and when i told him the meds made me groggy in the morning-he wrote me a script for 30mg of Adderall twice day.

That went on as well for a couple years too-but than i had to move and dreaded looking for a new Dr-so against better judgement i just stopped. All of it. Not very wise, but it was just something I decided to do.After having detaled to you all the grief,and downward spiral my life took i am going to say something you wont expect.Last year-I fell down about 8 steps onto a hardwood floor- I broke my lower leg/ankle-had to have screws put into fix the bone and I totally damaged several of the disks in my back-pinched a sciatic nerve that sent some of the absolute worst pain i have ever felt in my life- it ran all the way down my right leg. Surgery was not an option me-I was told a surgery would probably do more damage than repair. The chronic, constant, non relenting pain left me nearly completely immobile.I could not bend at the waist at all, or pick up items, dressing myself was problematic,performing a simple chore like washing dishes or cooking dinner left me racked with pain. So I actively,with full knowledge of the risks,searched and searched and found an MD that would write me the strong narcotics I needed - I am not anywhere near as many as i had been- but I still take a lot of narcotics-I accept that addiction is a reality - and I weigh all that against one simple fact- I get some relief- I can get off the couch and take a walk.

I have mostly had no problem sticking to the doses-once in awhile I pop one extra one-this is my reality-its how I have to live-in order to live. Because I am here to tell you-severe,constant torturous pain will definitely make you have thoughts of just giving up all together.Like I said,now I am responcible with taking my meds-I don't try to get my dr to up my doses or add more drugs-my usual daily meds consist of 5 mg hydrocodone every 4-6 hours,I do again take the extended relief morphine at a lower dose at night.I am able to function-I still have breakthrough pain that usually results from having overdid it in some way-but Iwhat the drugs do is minimize how pain affects my life-its not the all consuming entity that it was-I surely did go down a slippery slope the first time-it was just easy-I mean i would get like 8-10 minutes a couple of times a year with my primary care dr-there wasn't really a conversation-it was just-a vague discussion-now I talk to my Dr about concerns and have good communication.So i am definitely an advocate of using these type of medications. Educate yourself with all the information you can-and if your lucky you will find a compassionate dr who isn't a quacj that understands that masses of people need these drugs to give them a better quality of life.Good Louck

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Hi Randy. I am moving to MI from CA and I'm looking for a good hassle free pain management doctor. Do you have any you can refer me to?? Thankvypu SO much

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You or your amazing pain Dr don't by any miracle of a chance know a Dr in Michigan do you?????? Thank you Kari

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Hi Greg. I know these posts are old but im praying you can help me . I'm moving back home to Michigan from California. I am a chronic pain patient from a car accident 3 Years ago....I was hit by a drunk driver. So im moving to MI and need to find a pain management Dr...any advise??? Um praying you do...lo . ~ Kari

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Hi I was wondering if you found a new pain Dr? I'm asking because I am moving back to MI from CA and I need to have a pain management Dr as soon as I get there. I hope you found someone. Thank you!!

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Wow flare while I know you don't feel lucky but you are. I was in a car accident 4 months ago...hit by a drunk driver...and broke my lower back. :( I have never abused pain medications before and now when I can't even get out of bed to take care of my 2 kids I would beg borrow and steal to have a couple norcos but my primary Dr Wong prescribes any opiates for pain. Now I'm moving to MI in 30 days so I'm hoping I will get a fresh start with a new doctor. Would do anything to be able to sit on the couch with my kids to eat pop corn and watch a movie.

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My diagnosis will never go away. It is severe chronic pain. I have post laminectomy Syndrome and a shattered pelvic bone that is plated and screwed into place. I have hundreds of records, xrays, mris, CT scans, and more. Ask the doctors want to do here is redo everything that I have already done and that don't help. It is ridiculous what I have been put through. Yet here I am hardly able to get up to take a damn shower or brush my teeth every day. In not a pill head or junkie. I'm just disabled, even the government says I'm disabled. I'm ready to just travel back and forth to florida just to go to my doctor there. I really hope there is someone around NC that has a good doctor.

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Be sure and read your medical records very carefully. If your diagnostic test results say that your condition is mild or moderate and not severe, that may be one of the reasons you can't find a dr to rx you pain meds. Also if you ask for specific meds and/or dosages that can be another reason. Just because a orevious dr treated you with a certain med at a certain dosage doesn't mean another dr will agree to doing the same thing.

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Christina M,
I'm In your area (upstate SC) and I've been to three second opinions after my first pain management "Dr. " immediately took away my pain meds after getting referred to him from ortho.
(MRI has shown my lumbar region advanced degeneration, one disc all but tissue thin and two others bulging against spinal cord plus stenosis, spurs, fractures of facet joints blah blah blah).
I'm finding the same attitude from all Drs. No meds (that work) at all. Period.
They have treated me like a guinea pig with numerous new drugs that either do mothing, make me sick, almost kill me, cause nerve damage, but will NOT prescribe a freaking 5mg Norco.
Hope NC is a better place to find a Dr that cares more for patients than what their corporate bosses/ malpractice insurers/ local department of health say.
Keep trying and let us know if you find an actual healer, not another bunch of profit oriented, butt covering physicians.
We could use some good news.
I have been advised by my Dr to try Benadryl when pain becomes intolerable. I told him I'll skip that and just drink Scotch. So there's Greenville SC and it's pain management community.
Bottoms up. One more, neat please. My leg is numb so make it a double.

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Of course I have all my records. I don't need advice on what to do I need the name of a good doctor. I got lucky in Florida but not here in NC.

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Christina M , do you have a copy of your medical records from your previous drs ? If not, you need to contact your drs in Florida and ask then what you need to do to have them mailed to you. You will more than likely have to pay for the copies and the postage. You will probably also have to sign a release from. Drs can't take a patients work for things any longer. People on disability are on it for different reason.

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