Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Meds In Denver Co (Page 4)
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I am still looking myself for the same kind of doctor - any luck?

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chaos just be careful spreading his name around. We don't want him flooded with people who could get him in trouble. If all you people have legitimate issues and paperwork to back it up then you can go to Dr. May. But we need to be careful spreading his name all over. That's the last thing that needs to happen is people not really in pain getting him shut down by the DEA. Then we'll all be screwed.

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Cpr in whaetridge co Dr. May

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Please in need of a doc to prescribe pain meds I have documents of all im legit to get them so need a doc call {edited for privacy}

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I need a pain management doctor in Colorado I have been on pain meds for 20 years and now they tell me they can't give them to me anymore

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I hope you get the pain relief you need. Be well ~

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Fitz. Do you have a specific doc that helps you?

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Grumpy Bear, I have Lupus. I'd be happy to talk to you. :-)

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