Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Richmond Va (Page 5)
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I am looking for a compassionate doctor in the Richmond VA area who will prescribe pain medication.

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I do know a pain dr that i go to

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HI, BlueBell! How are you?

The current situation isn't that doctors aren't compassionate, it's that there are strict regulations in place regarding what they can and cannot prescribe, how much they can prescribe, how long they can prescribe it and why they can prescribe it. It's really tied their hands in many cases.

If you have a condition that requires strong pain medications for long-term treatment of chronic pain, then your best bet is most likely going to be to see a pain management specialist.

Do you have a general practitioner that you see regularly who may be able to refer you to someone?

Does anyone else know of a good doctor in that area?

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