Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Richmond Va (Page 4)
UpdatedI am looking for a compassionate doctor in the Richmond VA area who will prescribe pain medication.
Can you help me too. After back surgery I'm still living in pain. Thanks.
Plz can u share your docs name n number if possible. I'm a amputatee and in a lot of pain.
Annie....have you found a doctor yet? I'm also an amputee suffering from chronic pain.
Obama is not the issue... Doctors who don't care and the strict regulations are out of hand. We need doctors who actually give a s*** about people and not just money that want to help us survive. You need not worry about who is about to run the world....geez!
Please help me I need a doctor really badly in our area I am in severe pain that I can never get any relief from. Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Please help me I need a doctor really badly very badly! Thank you for any help you can provide.
Hi, I go to Richmond for work. And I am in the same boat.
Any chance you might be able to help me a little bit?
I can drive hours in any direction.
Thank you
I have been in Pain Management since 1999. These pain management Dr.s cut you off at the smallest little thing. All they are doing is creating a bunch of illicit drug addicts. I usually get about 3 years from each pain management Dr.
I'm trying to find a pain management doctor that will prescribe meds to me as my old doctor stopped taking my insurance and I can't afford it. I've have four back surgeries and now I'm without my meds and a doctor. Can anyone one help and tell me a good doctor in the Richmond Petersburg or Chesterfield or Chester or Midlothian area? I'm a mom of five and my back is really bad. I genuinely need my meds to be a mom, to move, to function. It's bad. I've had four different back surgeries now and this not having a doctor is crazy.
Tasha Dickerson of dominion medical associates in Richmond Virginia: 804-225-7177
Hi! Just wondering if you ever found someone? We're in the West end of richmond. My husband has had several strokes and now his neurologist days he can't prescribe pain needs anymore. This man has a horrific pain syndrome known as RSD and some days he can't stand it. If you or anyone can help, please let me know!!!!
Hey, I really could use that doctor for suboxone. Please help me with any information as soon as possible.
I am looking for a dr that treats pain pumps in central Louisiana. I have had 2 back surgeries, degenerative disc disease, 3 bulging discs and more, have been disabled 27 yrs, my dr lost his license. I am on Dilaudid in pump form, 2-30 mg morphine er, 3-norco 10-350, 2 tramadol daily. My pain is unbearable without my meds. I can't get referral from my family dr and will go out of state if I have to. I don't know what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Living in the West End of Richmond. I have degenerative disc disease and a constantly reherniating disc that is preventing me from doing almost anything. Doctors I've been to in the area flat out will not prescribe anything. I have had procedures and been sent home with Tylenol. If anyone knows the name of a doctor who still prescribes opiates, I would be so grateful for the help. I'm without insurance, so a doctor who takes self-pay would be the best. Without the meds, I can't even work to get the insurance and it's just a stupid cycle that's making me lose hope.
I am looking for a Dr in Richmond, Va that will prescribe suboxone and take our Cigna pop. This is for my husband, he has crohns disease and has had many surgeries and had had his colon removed; now he has a colostomy bag. With that being said, he was having our ppc prescribe his suboxone, but lost his insurance and he was unemployed and could not self-pay. He also saw a counselor in the same office - forgot to mention that. He has recently got a good job with a good company and that is how we are now insured with Cigna through his company. Now his ppc will not take him back and prescribe his suboxone and I need to mention the suboxone was prescribed to him because of all the pain meds he was on for the chrones. When he was taken off the pain meds, which was Dilaudid, he was going through withdrawals and didn't even know what was happening. He is not a street addict, this happened to him because of all the pain meds. He does not need a treatment center, he needs a Dr that will prescribe his suboxone. He did go to a treatment center and they treated him like a street addict and expected him to go to meetings and support groups he didn't need. Not to mention he will have to miss a lot of work going to these meetings that he didn't need! Please help us. He was prescribed 2 weeks of suboxone and he needs a Dr ASAP that will take our Cigna in Richmond, Va.
Re: KM8080 (# 4)
Hi. Is there any way u can help me with a Dr. that prescribes pain meds please? I was in a car accident a year ago. Thank you. {edited for privacy}
I'm trying to find a suboxone doctor that takes my insurance through Medicaid in Richmond, VA.
Re: Joyce (# 24)
Hello Joyce. I am in the Fredericksburg area as well. I'm having a hard time finding a Dr that will prescribe what I need. My ins changed and the new people don't believe me and are going to cut me off completely,.even with records, x rays and MRI. They actually read the same x ray as my previous ortho Dr and are trying to tell me it looks normal to them. BS. Who are you seeing in Fredericksburg, if you don't mind me asking.
Re: Gina (# 38)
Sound all too familiar Tina. I live in the same area and am having a hard time to ding a new doc also. My ins changed and the new people I see had me do an x ray. They said everything looks normal even though it is documented with my previous ortho doc that there are several issues with my hip. I know this is an old thread but did you ever find a doc that was willing to prescribe? I'm going to have to just pay out of pocket if I want any relief I guess.
Can I please have the information.i live in Petersburg n doct mind going to Richmond.
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