Doctors Who Prescribe Xanax In Gulfport (Top voted first)


I recently moved from Baton Rouge to Bilxoi. I was prescribed 2mg xanax but that doctor's office got shut down...I do not know the exact details. Anyways, I'm looking for a doctor in the the Biloxi, Gulfport, or any area around there in Mississippi who can pick up the pieces. My script is almost out and I need to find a doctor ASAP. Please help.

5 Replies

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Did you find a doctor? I moved too. I need a psychiatrist. I was on xanax for years.

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Re: Sue (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I found a whole list over at WebMD. *Note* I don't endorse WebMD as they work with my Federal Health plan and always watching you, this I know as fact!

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Hello Jessica,

I have found that this website seems to help a lot when looking for pain management doctors. I have not personally visited any of these doctors and it will be up to you to make the determination as to which one works best for you.

US News Doctors

Let me know if you need any assitance using this web tool.

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Did you ever find anyone? Looking as well.

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Bumping this up to see if anyone has found a doctor.

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