Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycodone In South Carolina (Page 3)
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I'm moving to south Carolina from Florida and was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to a new Pain Management Clinic where I can continue getting the same prescriptions wrote to me: 30 mg Oxycodone and xanax 2mg...thanks for your time :)
Please help - I need a pain management doctor in SC - I'm moving near the Lexington area. I'm in NJ and I have a good doctor and i just need methadone, oxycodone and klonopin. I've been on this exact medication for 8-9 years at least. I'm scared to move.. Not sure what to expect there, it's gotten me to the point of wondering what I should do. I don't want to miss what SC has to offer in my life and remain in NJ. Thank You.
No doctors here will do that what about the doctors in Florida do they write them
Are you able to help find a doctor in SC?
I live in Florence sc and need a pain Doctor that will prescribe me my pain medicine. I have had 2 back surgeries, the last was a fusion that failed, I can even sweep the floor without extreme pain. I dont want any shots put in my back tried that before and the only thing I got out of it was an extremely high bill. I only take hydrocodone, I hear Doctor Lilly in Darlington will do this. In pain and need help
Looking for the same kind of doctor if you can email directly that would be great
Not here honey not yet kills people around here everyday and Doctor are very wise to it good luck ya aint going to find it from a doctor
You trust your doctor and when they give you medication and instruct you to take it and tell you that it's going to help you feel better and that you have a long road to recovery that is a lot different than a diction it is a physical dependency that your body has after being on those types of medicines all together at the same time for years if you quit cold turkey it will kill you so no its not all the patients fault the doctors play a huge role in it and so do the pharmaceutical companies because are all learning each other's pockets
That's because his stupid ass is a drug dealer with a f****** college degree
Dr. William McGuire at Moreland internal medicine West Ashley be careful make sure he don't kill you by over prescribing
Palmetto pain management Dr Blaine Richardson, he is also in the building of the new southeastern Spine Institute but if you're looking for a doctor to prescribe you pills just to feel high off of you got the wrong one.
Thank you for somebody finally speaking up about all these drug seeking behaviours. I was in a terrible car accident three and a half years ago. I was in a lot of pain and went to a lot of doctors appointments. unfortunately this doctor continued to increase my pain meds as he was sticking needles in my back and my hip and doing all these different surgeries and procedures. this went on for two and a half years and it almost killed me. I finally woke up one day after having a spinal nerve block and no longer needed any kind of pain medication so I took the rest of what I hadand flushed it down the toilet along with contacts and somebody to help me with the withdrawal symptoms from being on all of these pills, this deadly cocktail for so long it's a good thing I did because my new doctor the one that saved my life told me how do I stop cold turkey from all those pills that I was taking. I would have died. now the good doctor who is feeding me all of those pills insisting that we need to up my dose we need to change my medication to a stronger one we need to do more surgeries now he has lost his medical license after being investigated by DEA.
Hi, I also own my own business and need to start going to pain management. I do not want to spend bunches of cash looking the right one. I have spinal stenosis and take 40 mg hydrocodone a day. If someone could give me a good doc in charleston area I would be thankful.
Hello, moved to SC from NC. I wish to remain on my current medication that my NC has prescribed to me before. Does anyone know of a DR in Anderson, SC (or nearby) who is a caring DR & would possibly continue my current therapy/medication? Thank you, in advance.
Moving to SC from Florida also looking for pain management for degenerative disc disease fibromyalgia severe migraines all from gunshot wound to the head any help would be greatly appreciated
Hi Cindy ,
I understand completely. We own our business also and it definitely has suffered from him being hurt. I can tell you exactly where to go but I would rather email it to you so just send me your email address for privacy. Jules
Tami here, Just gave info on Dr in Charleston, SC getting ready to move to little rock, ak will need pain management dr there that will prescribe 15 & 30 mg Roxicodone if you know of any please let me know. I have 2 to 3 mths max to find one. Thanks for any help you can give me
Hi Lisa my name is Tami I was with a pain management clinic ( one of the best on the east coast ) for 13 years, their great dr's but there's one problem January 2013 they stopped writing script's for 30 mg but they will write them for 15 mg. I hated leaving them but I moved from sc to nc & the drive got to be to much. It's Southeastern Spine Institute ask to schedule an appt with Dr Netherton ( he the best, he cares ) their in Mt. Pleasant ( Charleston )
Hi lis my name is Jules and we are moving from sc to Florida and you stated that you knew a lot of good doctors in florida so can you give me a couple of names bc my husband has permanent nerve damage in his back from falling off of a 30 ft ladder and is prescribed 5 30mg oxycodone and 2 valium a day. I would truly appreciate a push in the write direction. A good place here is dr.nolan by tri dent hops. Good luck
If 35 OxyContin 20 mg will help u get thru till u find someone let me know
Looking for a dr to prescribe pain medicines for serious back issues and hip replacement problems. Florence SC. Would like a GP. Don't understand this pain management extra dr stuff. Sick of the drama.
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