Doctors Who Prescribe Methodone In Rockford, Il
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I am looking for Doctors who can prescribe Methodone in Rockford, Illinois 10 mg pills for back pain and foot pain with neuropathy. In 2010 I had stage four colon cancer. I had an operation and took chemo for a year and half. I am now cancer free but the chemos left me with so much pain and neuropathy I cant funfunction without pain meds. I was taking 8 5mg Norco and 2 50mg Kadian a day. But i had to stop the Kadian due to breathing problems i also have COPD. Reciently my pain managment Dr decreased my Norco to 5 10mg a day. And i am in pain. I know there are people that sell the Methodone on the street but i can't go that route. After what i have read about this medicine i would like to see if it will help me i am not looking for a high just relief, but my pain Dr doesn't prescribe it, please help.

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First off your doctor did not.lower you according to your post...he upped you.
8 x 5mg. = 40 mg. Daily. Now if post is correct you take 5 x 10 mg. = 50mg. Daily so you went up 10. The increase to 10 mg is so your system absorbs the lesser acetaminophen amount.

Across from St. Anthony is Advanced Pain Intervention. Dr. Rosche.

He is a HUGE believer in using METHADONE FOR PAIN. helps.

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Go to remedies in Rockford, IL. It is a methadone clinic. 75.00 a week. You need to pay the first 2 weeks upfront to join. Call & set up an intake appt 815-962-0871

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Hello, Lee! How are you? Sorry that you're in pain.

Unfortunately, there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. Technically, any licensed doctor can prescribe it, the main issue is just that it's a very habit forming medication that is hard for someone to ever stop taking, so most doctors will only prescribe it as a last resort, when other pain management efforts have been exhausted.

Additionally, if you go to a doctor asking for a specific medication like this, they generally view that as being drug seeking behavior and won't even let you get in the door, they'll just tell you that they don't prescribe it.

Has your current doctor offered you any other options?

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