Doctors In Michigan That Prescribe Methadone (Page 3)
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I'm interested in finding a private doctor's office (not a clinic) that will prescribe methadone. I can't afford these clinics! Does anyone know of a doctor???

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Could you send me details about the methadone clinic? My boyfriend is looking for one instead of going to the clinic on 9 mile and vandyke.

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@NANA2SPA, I am near Lansing, and hoping you can help me please!!! I desperately need a doctor to prescribe methadone to me. I, like so many others, have been suffering during this opiate crisis and I am a chronic pain patient with a brain tumor, rheumatoid arthritis and several other conditions that make it hard to even get out of bed in the morning. I have taken numerous other opiate medications throughout the last 15 years and my regular doctor just up and left me last year. I did find another doctor in April, but she is two hours away (one way) and I am hearing that she may be closing down as soon as next week (!!) due to the DEA crackdown on so many doctors! I am really needing help ASAP Please help me, from the bottom of my heart, I really need some guidance and it would be such a blessing to have someone close to my hometown area. Thanks for reading.

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Can you please give me your Doctor's name if he is in Oakland or Mocomb county Mich. I was in a bad car accident n morphine doesn't work anymore. I HAVE been on it before.

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I so feel your pain. I called over 100 doctors in SE Michigan to see is any psych dr who would write me an rx monthly for MMT- it is so much cheaper than clinic. I found NONE. They do not want to be responsible, but all these pain clinic croakers give patients methadone for pain. WRONG- these are the people who are dying. They don't seem to understand what a dangerous drug it is, especially in the wrong hands. 50 mgs will kill an adult with no tolerance. I've been on MMT for 20 years, so I go once a month to my clinic- 2 miles away from my home! That has only happened 1 other time, where I could walk to my clinic. It is awesome, but expensive. I spend almost 5 grand yearly on my medicine. If a dr wrote, it would be under $500 bux annually. Unfortunately, Medicare won't pick up the tab.

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I am sorry to hear this about your doctor doing such a thing to you. I have had a VERY similar experience and want to know if we possibly have the same doctor..... May I ask who your doctor is?

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Hi. How are you? I was wondering if you could possibly find it in your heart to help me... I am a single mother of 3 and my doctor says he is no longer prescribing pain meds. Because of DEA or something. But I need a doctor badly. I really need to get my methadone back. It's very hard taking care of 3 kids with so many breaks as well as a pinched sciatica nerve. But I have had my tailbone broken, 2 ribs, the whole right side of my face was crushed when punched in the face by and being hit several times with a pistol in the head when I was raped at gunpoint. God bless! Thank you for your valuable time.

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Please I need a Doctor in northern mocomb county. I have chronic pain from broken back, plates in my left arm n no acronnem bone in shoulder from electricity shock. Please let me know of a private doctor not a clinic.

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I'm also in the Flint area. Have you been to Insight, the pain management clinic? (Not methadone clinic)

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Barbie did you ever find a dr? My dr closed without warning in oct 2015 i went to my appt to be told hes dropping all but a few patients and closing that office and was made to stop cold turkey plus he mis placed my records, LONG STORY but i had to start going to a methadone clinic and i wish i could find a dr who could give me methadone monthly instead. Im also downriver

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Pam where is Dr. Alison and Dr. P. Located at? I am in chronic pain from a car accident broken back, and a couple other broken bones with plates. Please let me know.

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Can you send me the name of the doctors your talking about because I can go to a clinch anymore and wait in line and get treated like crap I have insurance!! Please if you coul help me out!

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I need a doctor in northern mocomb county to prescribe methadone not a clinic I need it for pain.

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Same here. .need a dr that prescribes methadone for pain in the downriver area cuz my old pain dr closed with no warning in 2015,long story made me stop extremely high doses of morphine and oxy cold turkey, well im now at a methadone clinic cuz i couldn't handle withdraws and couldn't find new dr cuz old one lost my records and no new dr would take me so i gave up looking last year. I was on methadone for pain yearz ago and it does help so it would help alot if i could get it monthly from a private dr instead of the clinic. Anywhere downriver or detroit area please if anyone knows of any.

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Ya im goin through fentynl patches 100mg every 48-72 hrs an stoppedcem /too dangerous/had 2 low back surgeries/SPINAL STENOSIS And SPONDYLOTHESIS VERY PAINFUL. Lookin for a compassionate dr. MM

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Bronson groves dr Eric Hoichins prescribes metadone for addiction have tho sign contrAct

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Tana, it says u can share clinic/Dr info, I'm in wi (north eastern) 1 hrs from green bay, any dr's u r aware of in my area who can help? Mine retired, & I have 4 breaks In Back / 1 is awful compression fract. I agree 100% w/ ur posr, thanks 4 saying what I've been telling people for last 4 years!!!
It's the street users who are OD" ing by mixing dones & benzo's, not realizing that methadone takes 4 hrs to b full strength, so let's pop a few valium right , they ruined it for the ones who need it, & never fail a UA, always have propper count, I feel ya! Please reply!!!

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Nana2spa, sounds like u found wat I've needed, my Dr retired, it's killing me! Where's ur help coming from?? I have 4 breaks in back/ 1 compression fracture, no purpose in life like this, please share ur info!!! Thanx

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Can u give any information on Dr d. Parker from Ann arbor area?
Saw that u used 2 c him?? Thanx

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Can you tell me the name of the doctor please ? THX so much .moving from Ky. bac to Michigan .

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Can you help a guy from Ky. who is moving back to Mich. find a doc who will write my methadone ? THX .....

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