Doctors In Michigan That Prescribe Methadone (Page 38)
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I'm interested in finding a private doctor's office (not a clinic) that will prescribe methadone. I can't afford these clinics! Does anyone know of a doctor???

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I live in baycity Mi and I need a doctor that will give me pain meds such as opana ER's. Does anyone know of a doctor in Mi? also, what is Dr. P's full name?? Does he prescribe opiates? please let me know anyone. My email address is . Would really appreciate the help thanks!

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I called this dr eiglestien and he is not taking anymore chronic pain clients. I am desperately seeking a dr in battle creek or kzoo area who will prescribe methadone to me please if anyone can help me. . . Thanks

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hello again i went to the clinic for 6 yrs then i found a dr here in town that started me on 4 and a half a day but all he cares about is trying to get me off. i went to the clinic for pain pill addiction and it saved my life and i am terrified to come of them. is that the reason u r on it or is it for pain? i just want to find someone that will leave me on the 2 or 3 a day and i would be very happy. the clinic cost around 500 a month and then 25 in gas a month. i only went once a month because all my test came back clean and i built up to a months worth but we have ins and it does help i pay 5 for the methadone now but like i said he wants to get me off. so do u still think he would help me plz let me know thanks for the reply so quick on the other also

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I too,have.been on methadone since 2004 . ...,I know he will help ya

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Yea he will .. I was taking 48 mg a day and.dr lingreen gives me.4 a day .... And, my insurance copay os only.5

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hello was u going to a methadone clinic when u found this dr lingreen i have been on methadone for over 6 yrs and is looking for a dr that will give me two a day do u think it's worth trying to see him anyinfo would be great thanks

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Hey Shannon, I've been on Suboxone for close to two years now and have had terrible headaches as a result of taking it. On top of that, I suffer from chronic migraines which occur about 2-3 times a month. I take a preventative called Topamax for them but I do not believe it to be very effective. Finally, I also suffer from chronic Restless Leg Syndrome which has me up at night and unable to relax, and I don't find the Suboxone to help with that either (besides the massive headaches). My thought is that I'd like to switch to Methadone for the obvious reasons. Relief from the frequent, painful, and annoying headaches that I get from Suboxone, and sedation for the RLS, apart from the maintenance benefits of the medication. Do you believe that Doc Egelston could help me out? And if so, how should I approach the topic with him?

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hes your man!!!

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Does anyone no a Dr around the Monroe mi that will give u methadome for being sick of oc or heroin plz if u know tell me. Thank you

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Richard lingreen is located in frankfort ky wnd a office in dryridge ky .. he accepts all insurances ..I also have united healthcare insurance. I spent 20 on my copay and I got y methdone filled for 5.00 ,that was what my insurance charged me... I webt from paying 600.00 a mobth to only paying 30.00 !!!!! I go everyother month .. good luck

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I know a dr that prescribes methadone. Hs name is richard lingren and he has a office in frankfort on kings-daughters drive and also one in dryridge ky. I hope this helps.. they taje insurance also...

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Hey what his this Dr. P's full name? I would really appreciate an answer.

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i mean starts with a P

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hey u have his number or some what of a location, is he the dr p with the high ass office call.

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im looking for this docotr in michigan with the $500.00 office call, he out by 14 mile and john r, and states with a p, does ne one who his number or where at excelty?

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i am trying to find a doc in baltimore md that will keep me on the same dose of 300 methadone it was helping me been on it for 5 yrs all the other docs want to cut me back and i need the dose i was taking it helps my pain please help thanks so much

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Does anyone Know of a Dr in Kentucky,or no tennesse that prescrbes Meathadone&take united health Ins, I have been on Methadonefor 12 y,I have to Drive to Nashville 1x a month,but the cost $400,+gas,is killing me, I am on the clinic because of cancer, Please if anyone could Help it would be Great....

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Dr. P? Can you be more specific. Thank you very much.

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You may be better off just paying the office visit. I live in Belleville and looking for a doctor who takes new patients.

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Need a doctor in SE Mich who will prescribe Roxi 30m. Also, hard time finding a doctor to take new patients.

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