Doctors In Louisiana That Prescribe Methadone For Chronic Pain (Page 4)
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I have been taking 120 mg of methadone for approximately 5 years. My husbands job transferred us from Florida to Louisiana where I found a pretty good pain doc. He is now running scared and wants to take me off of methadone. Methadone has given me a good quality of life; I am able to work and be a productive member of society. My doctor is unwilling or unable to assist me in finding a new doctor who will continue my meds. Oh yeah, I have been the route of blocks and injections and gotten little if any relief. I'm tired of being branded a drug seeker-I have years of medical records that back up my claims and verify the dosages that I've been on-what drug seekers have this kind of back up? I am looking for a Louisiana doctor, but am willing to travel (within reason of course). Please help!!

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Brian, did your currnet dr tell you why he has decided to no longer prescribe you Methadone ? A pain management dr will want to get copies of youe medical records from your current dr. There is no way of knowing is a pain dr will prescribe you Methadone or not. Call you insurance company and ask for a list of pain management drs in your area. Asking is a dr prescribes a particular med is a red flag for abuse so the best thing to do is to get an appointment and go. It is common for each dr to start a patient out on the lowest dose of meds and go from there.

Patty. once someone has received treatment for drug addiction, they won't be able to find a dr that will manage their pain. Getting chronic pain patients to go to Methadone Clinics is labeling them as drug addicts for the rest of their life. Methadone Clinics do not manage chronic pain, they treat drug addicts.

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I live in lake Charles La. Does anyone know of a dr. The will give 50 mg a day. I take 20 mg in morning and 30 at bed time . Your nelp would be appreciated. The sleep Doctor I go to can no longer give it to me . I've had 2 neck surgeries and they want to do a 3rd,but the way he prescribes it to me works perfect. Your help needed

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I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I can understand how it makes you feel being labeled a drug seeker..this is how things are because the FDA is sticking their nose in chronic pain patients well being..I hate to even suggest this to you, but what you may need to do is go to a methadone clinic..I don't know how it is in your State but in California where I am from, Doctors are sending their chronic pain sufferers to methadone clinics. Don't blame your doctor, his/her hands are tied. I am just afraid that if you are going to get your pain under control, that may be your best option. If you need any more advice please let me know.

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Being right on the Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama state lines, there are 5 Methadone Clinics right around the Chattanooga area. The wait time is hardly any what so ever, and I know one of the facilities is Privately owned, and the BEST you'll ever find. The new Tennessee laws or TBI laws on PRESCRIBING practices for pain meds by M.D.s is ridiculous, but being a Bail/recovery Agent in Hamilton County, I see the issues EVERY NIGHT that illegal narcotic possession and Illegal acquiring practices have brought on society....and it DOESN'T have to be like this/that...

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I don't know what to tell you. I'm terribly sorry, I've heard that Louisiana is one of the worst States in the U.S. to deal with as far as Methadones concerned. I've also heard through the grapevine that a Company called DRD Medical Services is behind the entire issues in Louisiana. I've heard that all the way up in Chattanooga Tennessee. There are 2 DRD Methadone Clinics in Knoxville, and people drive w hours, each way, just to keep from being belittled in their establishments.

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Wht dr were u going to for 300 a month ? Im n louosiana

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I need a pain managment dr i got deteratin disk n my back n need a good dr in louisiana

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Girlfriend I am 50 years old and half of my life I have been on methadone maintenance my suggestion from experience is for you to stay on your methadone in my opinion it will definitely save your life if you are an addict

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P450Metabolizer, a Methadone Clinic is not going to write if someone was treated properly for pain or not because they aren't pain drs. If someone is addicted to opiates, they will treat you. That is why someone that has been to a Methadone Clinic can't find a dr to manage their pain, because they have a history of being treated for addiction to opiates. Withdrawals aren't fun, but unless you have other health problems or are on a high dose of opiates, you don't have to have help getting off of the opiates. If you have physical health problems that makes getting off of opiates dangerous and/or you are on a high dose of opiates, then you need to do to a detox facility. It is all a matter of what you think you can live with immediate and long term.

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During Hurricane Katrina I evacuated from the New Orleans area and ended up in Jacksonville, Fl. For whatever reason, I couldn't get in touch with my PM doctor. I went to a methadone clinic after going to emergency room where they luckily gave me a couple days supply. The methadone clinic wouldn't take me for whatever reason and actually treated me like I was a little crazy. This was really frustrating but someone must have been watching out for me because I did finally find a doctor who was sympathetic to my situation and did prescribe me methadone until we were allowed to go back home which was about a month and a half. I was really lucky because he accepted my insurance which wouldn't have been the case with the methadone clinic.

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Delaying pain management is asking for death, it has nothing to do with age.

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If you needed a Methadone clinic to save your life as a pain patient and it is documented you will receive proper treatment.

I have referred multiple patients throughout the U.S. in a crisis to do this to save their lives and if it is documented and you were treated properly for pain before it should not matter.

METHADONE is the cheapest long acting medication and lasts longer then any opioids we have out.

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Thank you for this information. Finally someone on this site who will give a name. I have never seen so many posts without any helpful information.

Thanks again.

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I have similar issues. DId you ever find a doctor? In Louisiana?

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I need help in finding a good pain management doctor in south Louisiana area. I have an autoimmune disease and neuropathy both which generate extreme pain daily. I cannot continue to try and treat with Gabapentin only, it doesn't help relieve the "all over body" pain. Please help. Thank you

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Donna, call your insurance company and ask the for a list of pain management drs in your area. You will also need s copy of your current medical records that prove that there is a medical reason that may cause pain severe enough to require pain medications.

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I am looking for pain management in Louisiana.

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amy , if you have gone to a Methadone clinic you won't be able to find a dr that will prescribe you Methadone or any other opiate for chronic pain. If you are an addict and you are taking the Methadone for addiction maintance, you will have to go to a Methadone clinic.

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hi. I'm looking for a dr that will give me methadone, but I cant go to the clinic every day that's why I need a dr that I can see once a month. Please get back with me thanks

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What do you mean you are drug tested once a month and treated like a heroin addict? If you were going to a PM doctor you also had to give monthly UA's. Heroin is an opiate same as any other. Being on it for pain doesn't make you any better than me..

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