Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Ohio (Page 4)
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Does anyone know of a good PCP in the Columbus Ohio area willing to prescribe Norcos for pain of the middle to lower back? Please let me know as I am in a bit of pain and just moved to the area. Thanks.

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I went to the medical board website and when I typed him in nothing came up. How do i find this information?

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Thank you for that Herman, really appreciate that bc I have been told by a pharmacist that they are regulated, I believe he said that they could only dispense a certain amount each month. I was leaving the state of Ohio for six weeks and wouldn't of been here for my next appt. I had to have my doctor write 2 scripts, get insurance approval and I couldn't pick up the 2nd script until the day before I left. Really making it hard for people.

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Hello Ohio, i am a cpp patient but i live on Co. i am going to all threads to post a link to sign the petition to stop the production of opiods by 25% in 2017. i posted the link but admin needs to review. you can also GOOGLE petition " as stated above. your stories need to be heard. i think the petition to stop the cdc FROM making dr.s to lower doses to 120 mg morphine equvalent.
sadly there r only about 300 sig. pn the 2017 reduction. we need more signatures

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I got my records the other day from korbys old office...jus took awhile but they do mail them if u did what they told u too.
..write a letter to address they provided us with...3 months later u may get em...gotta remember he had quite a few patients to provide these to...but i got everytging he had ..a book..good luck

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Shay ~ I'm unsure who you are replying to since you didn't direct your comment to a specific person, but I'm going assume you were referring to me when you said big, fat, liar. 1) NEVER EVER in a million years would I make something like that up. I never reported Dr. K, but you're pissing me off enough calling me a liar that I'm seriously starting to consider it! AND I'LL GLADLY GLADLY GLADLY take a lie detector test! 2) DNA? Again, never reported this perv so still don't know what you're talking about. 3) Why are you so convinced that he would never do something like that? Sweetie, predators don't wear t-shirts with $EX FIEND written on them! DUH! Anywho, Eric was fantastic though! Honest, thorough, and best of all, not a perv! I'd absolutely love to know where he's at now.

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Hi. I'm sorry for what he put you thru. What Dr did you go to after korby?

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I go to the new office and I like it
Wish I knew where Eric went

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He is at a new place after Gahanna. You can find it if you Google him. It would be good if we could message directly hope.

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Eric quit last month..if u r referring to gahanna midwest spine...he no longer is there...which really sucks he left..he was a good man with good intentions

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My friend told me the place where Eric is working now. Anybody know how things are going there? I have never been a patient of his but hoping to get good treatment there.

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You are such a big. Fat. Liar. Loser. And you made it all up. I even know how you collected the DNA you used against him, you liar

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Anybody hear about or go to a Dr.Swain in Circleville or hocking County? Maybe used to work at OSU?

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I may try him out that is a bit of a drive for me. He seems like a good option. If anybody has any recommendations on other doctors in Columbus that would be great. Or if anybody else can vouch for Cincinnati doctor. I will probably call him after my next appointment. Ill keep you updated. Thanks.

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Eric left gahnna 3 months after getting everyone in...hes moved on somewhere else...the place he left is descent but not korby...try the cinci dr..ive heard of him az well and let us know.
Good luck

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Dr. George Griffin in Cincinnati will probably give u what u want

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I go to a local PM practice that will not give me the medication I need for a legitimate medical condition. I have never seen a doctor except for procedures and have only seen a very rude nurse practitioner. I know people that went to Dr. Korby and he was highly recommended. I know his nurse practitioner Eric is at Midwest Pain and Spine in Gahanna working for a Dr. Henry. Is anyone a patient there and was the treatment as good as you received from Dr. Korby? Does anyone know about the Dr. Patel that was mentioned? This has been a good conversation we need to keep going. There are great pain mangment doctors in Columbus and it seems a lot of us are having trouble finding one. Being new to the city I could use some help finding one.

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I was a former patient of Dr. Kirby. I need my medical records. I spent all day calling round to find them. No one can give me answers

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@nrigsbee can you please send me tbat number I've been look for so long and could really use help. Tbank you

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The definition of libel is to write false statements about another. Keyword: FALSE! With a degree in HR and a background in Associate Relations, not to mention my own integrity and very very high moral compass, what I said isn't a lie! I'd never in a million years concoct such statements if they weren't true. In fact, I didn't even go into detail about what he did to me. Nor did I report his perverted a$$ for what he did! I'd be willing to take a lie detector 10 times over! The bottom line is this, he did something horrific to me, period! I was looking for some form of pain relief so I can lead a fairly normal, comfortable life and he took advantage of that. Abuse of power in the highest! My back is jacked up! Each annual MRI only reveals my condition is worsening. Dr. K was able to get me out of the physical pain only to traumatize me emotionally! I feel sorry for his wife! I wish others would come forward! He did this to at least one other person, so that makes at least two of us. He's lucky my husband didn't beat the **** out of his sorry a$$. He knows what he did. I know what he did, and that's that. Luckily, I found a reputable doctor with a brain between his head and I don't have to worry about being sexually assaulted! Until Dr. K, I never realized that was something I had to be grateful for.

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First of all, if you go to the ohio medical board website, look up korby, you will see that in September 20, 2016, he "voluntarily" surrendered his license to practice medicine in the state of Ohio, IN LIEU OF ANSWERING TO THE CHARGES MADE AGAINST HIM. He did ADMIT to the over prescribing of 720 oxycodone tablets to a specific patient in one months time. In June 2016, he sold his condominium at (6266 Marias Point Lane, Columbus ohio, 43213 for $299k). PEOPLE--THIS IS ALL PUBLIC RECORD--JUST LOOK FOR YOURSELVES!! He now lives in Huntington Woods, Michigan, where he has an active license to practice, until 2018. I was lucky enough to get away from him in December 2015, WITH MY MEDICAL RECORDS. Most patients that TRUSTED this Liar cannot even get their medical records now. I STRONGLY URGE ALL FORMER PATIENTS THAT CAN'T GET THEIR RECORDS, OR HAD OTHER PROBLEMS THAT ARE LEGITIMATE, TO CONTACT THE MICHIGAN STATE BOARD OF MEDICINE AND LODGE YOUR COMPLAINTS. HE HAS LITERALLY ABANDONED HIS FORMER PATIENTS, LEAVING THEM WITHOUT ACCESS TO THEIR MEDICAL RECORDS, WHICH ARE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO FIND A NEW PAIN MANAGEMENT DOCTOR. KORBY outsmarted the Ohio Medical Board, and here's how: In Dec 2015, he received a certified letter from the Medical Board. The letter outlined several complaints. First, he had been caught in several LIES in a previous interview with the board. Those lies were based on his having SEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH 2 EMPLOYEES. The letter also stated that the Board KNEW HE LIED ABOUT PRESCRIBING OVER 700 Oxycodone tablets, all in a 30 day period, to ONE PATIENT. He was informed that at some time in the next 6-8 months, he would have to come before the board and answer these "charges". Korby got his attorney to start working quick...and quick it was! Sold the condo in June. Then in Sept, he surrendered his License to practice medicine in Ohio. By surrendering his license, the Board was unable to REVOKE it. I will explain--- If a State revokes your license to practice medicine in that state, then you are UNABLE TO EVER PRACTICE MEDICINE IN ANY STATE IN THE U.S. Korby "quit" before the Board could "fire" him, making him unable to be a doctor. He is a pathetic, narcissistic, delusional, sociopath. Often, as an example, he would ask me if I saw that girl in the waiting room with the huge breasts, only breasts wasn't the term he used.

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