Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Ohio (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know of a good PCP in the Columbus Ohio area willing to prescribe Norcos for pain of the middle to lower back? Please let me know as I am in a bit of pain and just moved to the area. Thanks.

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patients have the right to their medical records. i also did not receive my medical records after sending a written request to a po box as instructed on the voicemail of Dr. Korby's office. the management company kept all the records in the hope of keeping the patients because they thought they were opening another practice with another physician; however that never came to fruition. i am considering contacting/complaining to the medical board. perhaps you should, too. Ohio State Medical Board is whom to issue a formal complaint against the management company, not Dr. Korby. He has no relationship/interest with the management group.

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I was a former patient of Dr. Kirby. I need my medical records. I spent all day calling round to find them. No one can give me answers

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Shay ~ I'm unsure who you are replying to since you didn't direct your comment to a specific person, but I'm going assume you were referring to me when you said big, fat, liar. 1) NEVER EVER in a million years would I make something like that up. I never reported Dr. K, but you're pissing me off enough calling me a liar that I'm seriously starting to consider it! AND I'LL GLADLY GLADLY GLADLY take a lie detector test! 2) DNA? Again, never reported this perv so still don't know what you're talking about. 3) Why are you so convinced that he would never do something like that? Sweetie, predators don't wear t-shirts with $EX FIEND written on them! DUH! Anywho, Eric was fantastic though! Honest, thorough, and best of all, not a perv! I'd absolutely love to know where he's at now.

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Thank you for that Herman, really appreciate that bc I have been told by a pharmacist that they are regulated, I believe he said that they could only dispense a certain amount each month. I was leaving the state of Ohio for six weeks and wouldn't of been here for my next appt. I had to have my doctor write 2 scripts, get insurance approval and I couldn't pick up the 2nd script until the day before I left. Really making it hard for people.

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Here is the website:

I hope this helps.

He surrendered his license prior to the board coming to a decision. This way he can't be found guilty and can still work by going to another state. He was very sneaky.

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Chaos reply to post 83,

Unfortunately you see what inherent issues exist when it comes to becoming proactive in addressing a presumed injustice or policy conflict and petitions are profered.Those whom complained loudest couldn't even muster the energy or time to affix an electronic signature on a online petition.300 signatures is beyond pathetic and discouraging to those who dedicate personal time and resources to establish these actions. If one in every 5 that have been aggrieved by these practices would get involved PERHAPS a change could be realized.But as it stands APATHY is our opponents greatest advantage .FACT!!

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Absolutely, Dr. Despande (spelling ?) and I sat down on my first visit to talk about my history of my surgeries and pain levels along withwhat I've been through the past 20 years. I truly believed he took an interest in what I had to say, however I also felt that he was very aggressive in his course of action on how to treat me. He immediately wanted to cut my pain Med's down to 3-10's a day and schedule me for a the spinal cord stimulator; which I've had already that done once and it didn't work. I couldn't understand why he felt the need to do it again, whether it was for the money or if it's a requirement by these *****s who are making these new rules. I feel that for him to make that decision on my very first visit without trying any other types of medication was kind of hard for me to swallow. However, I went along with his program and once again it didn't work. I have had four back surgeries in which one of them left me with permanent damage to my main nerve going down my right leg. I have talk to orthopedic surgeons, neurosurgeons, four different pain management clinics, and all of them told me the same thing that there is nothing they can do to repair the nerve. Don't get me wrong, Dr. Despande seems to really care about his patients but also is dedicated to what he feels is best despite what you tell him. It's as if this is the first time I've had to deal with this kind of pain. I hope I haven't confused you but my advice is if you know a Doctor who will sit down and really listen to you and you both work out a good plan, then and I would go to that doctor. Please feel free to ask me anymore questions and I will try my best to answer them. Good luck.

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I can totally relate to you I have rsd too. The worst ever .People have no clue the pain you are actually in they think you make it up that you just want pain meds or flat out just lying. No it took 5 doctors until I got diagnosed. Doctors had no clue just guessing wasting my time but filling their pockets. I was going insane. I felt totally beside myself literally. I didn't walk for two long long years left leg shriveled up to nothing . Was told I have good news and bad good news was my injury was identified as rsd he read all of my symptoms to a tee finally I felt like I wasn't crazy. Well the bad news was it don't get better I will never walk I had bad case to get in wheel chair and do physical therapy for the sympathetic response. I did all that the hot cold off on electric synthasisor that I hooked up at home that shocked the crap outta my good leg but felt nothing in my bad leg. Dr.Gronbach in Chillicothe Ohio is amazing. He works at Adena hospital. He's so on point. But he installed a stimulator from st Jude's too in me to just try anything when I pushed button it made me pee,and it did nothing for the pain. I had it taken out. But bless his heart he tried. The only thing to help control .pain was meds and after awhile they'll slowly stop and you find yourself getting stronger meds to cover your pain. I never gave up and got into a wheel chair I stayed on crutches for 2 years,boy was my arms muscular more than I wanted lol. But I prayed and prayed to God help me I'm a young mother my boys need me I felt so helpless and hopeless. I said please let me be a mother again they need me. They're father didn't help. I got up one day and walked out to the pool, well hobbled and got into that pool and did my own therapy. Water is the best therapy ever. I pushed myself harder than anyone could make me. I felt .Y muscles rejuvenate my leg looking like the other one slowly but surely. After swimming and arobics I went into house and tried standing on my leg without crutches off and on .And after doing this for about a month straight I put all my weight down and said your going to walk today. And I did. I took about five steps but I did it it hurt but after each day it felt better and better . The atrophy makes you hurt so much more. The ole saying g move it or loose it is soo correct. But I truly believe God gave me the blessing to empower me with the strength not to give up. No one believes me still to this day but I know God does and that's all that matters. I walked on a walker for a minute until my muscles were stronger then the Cain then nothing. I could walk again when I was told basically to give upon that idea. Today I still hurt all the time I'm still walking tho the disease has traveled to hand and other leg but nothing like my first encounter with this horrible disease. Never give up don't let anyone tell you you can't do it, you can God gave me the blessing and he will you too. Truely ... Take your meds serious and put them in safe place. I've had mine stolen more times then I can count trusting different people to help family included. Just be cautious and you'll be fine listen to your intowishin and follow it . That's God telling you hey chick do this . If your reading this and you don't know what reflex sympathetic dystrophy is look it up. It's a disease that you can get just outta the blue and change your life forever. It effects your nerves, bones, muscles, your brain ,your entire being. But you can't let it beat you you gotta fight and fight hard, then harder. I'm a proven fact. And pray he really does listen . God bless you all. Goodnight.

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I just read your post and a part of it really stuck out. You said how ironic it is for the people who are in real pain or chronic pain (like myself) it's really hard for us to get pills but to the abusers it seem very easy. I don't remember this ever being discussed in length or in detail. We all know how true this is but how are they doing it. My experience has been next to impossible to find a doctor that will prescribe painkillers, as if they are in fear of losing their license. And if you are lucky enough to find one then he or she will only prescribe no more than 4 per day. I did notice another post giving information about a doctor in Marion Ohio that gives them out like candy. Why aren't the opiate patrol targeting doctors like that. They are the ones that have created the problem. I would love to give some feedback or opinions.

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Anyone gone to see how korby is treating his patients in mixhigan...please share as id love to take the trip to see the man the saved my life for ten years. Just nervous and unsure of what to expect. Id move there if i didnt have a great job to lose...please share..u would b helping me more than u know

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Dr.Deshpande has been my doctor for many years. I started out with going through at least 20 different pain pills to injections. Later I got a pain pump. It changed my life. He is not a doctor to just give all kinds of meds. He cares about his patients by taking a more aggressive treatment route instead of getting them hooked on pills. Down side of his office is a lot of the staff is very unfriendly and there is always new people in the front office. If I didn't owe him big time for my pain pump I would have left by now. He has a new office and he is very busy. You wait for him up to an hour. Very very busy. He will get you some pain relief though and I trust HIM 100% with my treatment!

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Re: Bobby (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I go to a doc in dublin tried stimulator had many shots among other things. I can only get ten ml, oxycodone but it is better than nothing. I live in mt.vernon area, sucks driving to dublin every month but dont know what else to do. Had surgury in 2012 that went wrong and have severe neuropothy in my left leg and every day just absolutly sucks.

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Re: JMCOmega (# 139) Expand Referenced Message

OMG Can't believe I'm seeing this all these years later.I too.was a workmanship comp.patient of his and had the same encounter with this psychopath around. I filed a complaint with the Ohio medical board to no avail!!

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I am havin trouble findin a pain doctor willin to prescribe my medications I have a pain syndrome I have had 7 knee surgeries broke back n 2 places auto accident have non union fracture right ankle left elbow surgery and everywhere I call they say they don't accept self pay or they want to do injections that I can not get please help me find a doctor that can help me

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Where you ever able to get the help you were looking for?

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I live in central Ohio, centerburg area, I have been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, osteo arthritis, and ra, three herniated disk, and degenerative disc disease, and a joint disease, I am 42 and I just want to put a bullet in my head because of the pain, I have been to internist, family Doctor, pain clinic and management, neurologist, ra doc, was on oxy 30 amongst other things, felt human for the first time in years, then docs took me off all meds thinking I was addicted, wasn't never have had withdrawals , of course that is now in my file which is untrue. So I haven't been to a doctor in two years, I lay in bed a shell of who I was and can't get a damn doctor to listen or help me, I'm now a failure of a mother and wife because walking is a challenge, anyone know of a good doctor, even willing to drive to Columbus

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Could you please share with me the doctors name you are referring to. Thanks.

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Dear Looking for Help--- I know from my research, which is extensive, that the rest of the pain docs all press really hard for steroid injections into the spine and vertebrae..which is great if that works for you. They didn't for me unfortunately. In the sense of cutting you back on your meds, what percentage would you say the cut back, or since this is anonymous, what did they already cut you back on? That may be only the beginning of cutting back, but I hope not. I will await your answer. Where I am now is I in grove city. Stay away as it is dirty and a 'injection mill".

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I appreciate telling me to look at that as i had no idea u can view that. I find what they say hard to believ but that also happened a month b4 hos last sudden closing in possible but id say it has somethin to do wit him not prescribing her what she wanted. People who r desperate will do anything sometimes....anyway i appreciate it. Hopefully my new doc wont b as bad as ive imagined. Korby did tell me some of this truth but not all ibviously as hes prob ashamed. I been wit him for 10 years so i believe he told me more than others as to where his new practice will be but its not in this state. Anyway keep in touch. Hopefully we will find one nearly as reliable in many aspects. I have several ideas and will keep u posted. Thanks

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Seeing if anyone has a good pm doc in columbus or in ohio for that even. Please share atleast a city to look as the dr ive known for several years has retiredband have no idea where to start. Thanks to anyone that is caring enough for others to share.

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