Doctors Willing To Prescribe Pain Medication In Louisiana (Page 12) (Top voted first)


I need to find a Dr. To write a Rx. For hydrocodin for chronic back pain, where can I find one in Southern Louisiana?

263 Replies (14 Pages)

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Angel. Google pain management physicians Shreveport Louisiana. There are several in the area. Do you have insurance? Most of them require insurance.

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I'm looking for a doctor to prescribe hydrocodone for pain relief. I have psoriatic arthritis, DDD, CHF. I'm in east texas. Close to nacogdouches, tx.

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A pain doctor in southern Indiana that writes scripts instead of pain shots

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Good luck on finding a doctor any where from middle Louisiania to southern Louisiania to write scripts for pain meds no matter how bad your pain is! Unless they send you to pain management doctors who in turn send you to a number of other doctors who btw are not the doctors that will help you either. I went through this for 5 long months just wanting to just give up every day, so if you have please let me know and if you haven't good luck. I have really tried to find one and the state will not let you nor will it let your regular doctor help you for more than 3 to 4 months.

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Did you find a physician yet? I'll be out of pocket tomorrow but checking in and know you have legitimate diagnoses.

Are you willing to go into Big H for help?

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Marie, I know a doctor that WILL write and another one I've heard of that will. The doctor that I go to is Dr. Ehlenberger at the Accurate Cinic in Kenner, La. on Veterans Blvd. The doctor I've heard about is Dr. Boucadray but I have no further info on him. But I"m sure you can look him up.

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nicole, Dr. Troy Beaucoudray is a Neurologist and is located in Metairie, LA.

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Read my posts. I am in the field a long time. Trust me, I am a walking death trap. I try to weed through posts for some people may be here for wrong reasons.

When you ask for help state what you have or people will back off.

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Paul. I kinda think I know what u are going through. I was taking three three 10mg of Norco a day. i needed more, and my DR. retired. at one time I was taking the same mg. but 6xdaily and the soma. I didn't ask for the Xanax. because my pysch. dr was giving me klonopin. which works good for me. and I wanted to be honest. well the dea shut them down. now I have the klonopin from my internist. but he cant write chronic pain meds anymore. so I have no pain meds. and cant find one here in southeast la, who will just give me pain meds. i went to a pain mang clinic. clinic. i had alcohol in my system. and I have depression. he wanted me to see HIS social worker. i did. and stopped drinking. i was drinking 2-3 beers a day. (I sometimes wonder if I should lie?) but I don't like to lie. so in 7days, and this was cash. I borrow from my aunt (I'm on Medicaid). I paid over 500.00.And got this.. u need to go to rehab..for alcohol. stop all klonopin..see our social / whatever person twice month. and I MIGHT get suboxone. like I felt I was going to prison or something. they don't even know why I drank before. why I was on klonopin. just covering their butts. they did not care. then it would be 225.00 month. 85.00 when I saw a social worker. i retired as a nurse. and would never have treated anyone like this. it is allll money. i am still not drinking. and still not having anything for pain. i feel soo lost. just where do all these (excuse the lang) ass...... get the pain meds that 'WE NEED' to just sell?? it is so wrong. i would love if u would reply. and good luck on ur knee surg. i hope to GOD that they take good care of you, sweetie. GOD SPEED.

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bl.i se u and paul there a way u can help me?? just in any way?

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also.i am sooo stupid on this comp. how do I tell if anyone has answered 63.retired nurse since 1996.due to depression. and getting alittle so sorry to bother you guys.i just don't know where to turn.what to sorry.But in the case that either one of u answer I come back to this page? seems this is the only page I know.sorry it is so late.i cant sleep. pam

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p450 metabolizer, could u please read my message from b4. if I even sent it. i think I did. but not great on here. and have some dementia. i was a lpn for years but had to stop due to depression, concentration and back surg. i don't know where or how to use this darn thing. i was on 10mg of Norco 3xdaily (not a pain mang dr.) but he is retiring.i use to be on 10mg. 6x daily. until they shut that place down. and I have to say for good reasons. that is why, now people in real pain cant get nothing it seems. thank u a lot.

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etech.i keep reading and reading these posts.and u know what I noticed?just seems like the only thing u tell people ?if you go to dr.ehlenberger is let u know .so YOU can get credit for a referral.u have told that to more than one preson.that does not mean if he keeps them as a patient or kicks them out,that u will still not get your credit.i hate to ask u this.because I am not a mean person.but do u really care about others that are in pain? if u do I am sorry.And if u do care.that dr. must be trying to drain u dry,because he knows that u need ur meds.he does not seem very considerate to me.not getting down on u sweetie.u gotta do what u gotta do when u are in pain.he is making a killing.again.i am NOT trying to be mean.

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hey Verwon. i am really upset now. im looking for a dr. and I am at the end in 2013 reading this. i really do need a DR. And this person calling themselves ninthwardapper is just giving this drs name and # out to everyone. these people he talks to..are soooo happy, that they may not have to do drug panels. what the F***? then they don't need it. i did like u said and went to a pain mang. i have been on 10mg 3x daily of Norco for 8 years. before that I got 10mg 6x daily. (which I really needed) until that place got shut down because of people whom did not need it. now my DR. is retiring. and I have nowhere to go. when I went to a pain mang in kenner they made me see this and that for 7days. (I had a history of suicide at age 14) and drinking in 1996. that is all over with. but I still paid in advance (as the papers said, that I should have read closer) And they would not give me anything. and the last visit wanted me to go on suboxone? why? i am 63 and had surg. etc etc. it doesn't matter what I have. i know I have had pain since my back surg, injections etc. why do we people who have real pain. and aren't worried about any drug panel suffer? yes I am on depression meds. so what? i think the pain mang. lets just so many people in. and then they make all the rest of the money by charging u as they keep u hanging on. so they don't get tooooo many people that they have to write for. and still they have people out there trying to sell the meds that they swear they need. what is ur take on this? I'm on this darn comp. which I'm not good at. because I can not sleep, due to pain. and I am sooo upset right now. thanks for reading this. if u get to. i don't know if u will ever see it. but why cant I find a dr, when I know there are people out there that have a dr. and they don't even hurt..sorry. i just had to get this out.

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Pam, I absolutely agree with you about the etech thing! You have nothing to feel bad about! Enough about etech, let's talk about you. Are you located in LA? Do you have a primary care doc? Orthopedist? Have you seen any doctors since your long time(8 yrs)retired? Do you have your records from the retired doc? I'm sorry to throw all these questions at you all at once but the records are going to be very important in the coming days as we try to assist you in finding a new Dr.....

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yeah right.are u a drug dealer?

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I'm in P.A. Texas right over the border about 60 miles of Lake Charles LA.

There are physicians to treat you in Louisiana in fact Texas is tighter then a witches c--nt right now and yes I too am a LADY but that is the best I could say. Stay calm; unresolved pain builds and causes memory loss and hopelessness. IT IS NORMAL to have depression with untreated intractable pain.

I also am a professional NURSE a BS RN and would be glad if anything to chat, talk and work through what your needs are ok. Hang tight.

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If you do find a doc that will take medicaid try to make sure he writes or you will be spinning your wheels. Have you tried Boucadray? That is who many are talking about. I also heard of another one. Dr. Hubble. He was Boucadray's associate at one time or another. The last number I got from him is 504-887-7207. I don't know, it might be the same one as Boucadray. But I'm sure you can look him up. Now....I only HEARD that he writes so please don't hold me to it. Also not sure about Medicaid. But it won't hurt to call and ask.

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I'm by Coushatta Casino and my Mother forgot her meds in Houston....... Could use your input or any help on where near here or state line this can be solved without going back. Thanks

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I'm from Texas..where at in Louisiana is this

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