Doctors Willing To Prescribe Oxycodone In Chicago Illinois (Page 2)
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I live in Chicago, Illinois and I have been on Oxycodone 30mg for 3 years. My doctor retired and I haven't been able to find a doctor since to prescribe them. Can you help me and give me a doctors name that will prescribe this medication in the Chicagoland area...
Cannot find the doctor you listed. I found a dr valerie Flacco in galesburg illinois. But no one with that name in Arlington Heights
I believe it. There are so many nasty people in the world including doctors!!
Who is your current doctor ?..
Can u please provide the number ? Thank you. I'm suffering from after accident pain in my lower back and my doc retired and can't find anyone who would prescribe me .
Can you recommend a dr. Or help? I have serious back pain from a fall and have an important meeting I need to get through
Can you recommend a dr. Or help? I have serious back pain from a fall last year
Any luck on finding them or any place?
Need help finding a pain management doctor in the chicagoland suburbs the prescribe oxi 15s and 10/325
Anne how do I contact you about your post? Much help needed
hey this number is working, is there another number I could reach
hey wat was dr.madison prescribing you?
Hi Ann. I saw your post and thought I would try reaching out to you. My Beloved husband recently passed away after a 3 1/2 year cancer battle. I have nothing left here in the Carolinas. I am relocating back to IL. Where my only sister lives in the Suburbs. I have been going to pain mgmnt. For 5 years now and I haven't a clue of any Doctor to make an appointment with. It also takes some time so I wanted to go ahead and schedule before my arrival on December 3rd. I would greatly appreciate your help. Thank you & May God Bless you and yours.
{edited for privacy}
I live in Des Plaines and am looking for a doctor to prescribe Percocet. I have been on it for about 4 years and need to find another docotor. Can someone help me please
If you're located in the Chicago area, I would check out the Northshore/Skokie Pain Clinic. They are a part of Northsore Hospital off Gross Point (by Old Orchard Mall) in a Skokie. Dr. Blum should be able to help. Their phone # is (847) 933-6974. Best of luck!
Hi, can u help me find a doctor please... I've had two major back surgeries and my old dr wouldn't help me enough. {edited for privacy}
If I were you, I'd report him to the State Medical Bar Association! What an insult!
What is the current dr you go to for scripts? Thanks!
Dr. Blum out of NorthShore in Skokie. He's a pain management doctor, but deals mostly with back injuries. He should be able to help
do you have dr madisons number i am looking for a doc that prescibes oxycodone 10mg in chicagoland area i have chronic back pain please help
Hello, I also, looked your Doctor up on the Internet and I could not find anything about Dr Valerie Flaco in Arlington Heights. I to am in the situation like so many. The last Doctor I was seeing, dropped me as a patient and told me that I had came up positive for H. THIS IS AN OUTRIGHT LIE! On my last visit, when I was waiting inline to get my script, the Dr. tapped me on my shoulder to follow him into his office. I followed him and he said that he would love a massage. So I kind of took it as a joke, and as I started to laugh and was going to massage his neck just a little joking around now mind you. He looked at me and then said, I need a massage but not there, and pointed to his crotch. Now I have known this doctor for many many years, he was the main doctor of the clinic in River Grove, where I was seeing Dr. Demorest there. His boss was Dr. Giachinno which is the same doctor that wanted a massage from me. Now the doctor that is working with Dr. G is Dr. Madison. Dr. G told me on the phone about my UA, when I said OMG I cant believe this, I thought at first he was joking. He said that Dr. Madison will not see me anymore nor will he write me a script for a couple of weeks, until I find another doctor. He also said no when I asked him to refer me to another doctor. He said there is no doctor that will see me with this in my record.... and the reason why, is because he is lying about my test results. He is just getting back at me for not putting on act he wanted from me. PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN HELP ME TO FIND ANOTHER PAIN DOCTOR IN CHICAGO OR THE SURROUNDING SUBURBS, I WOULD APPRECIATE HEARING FROM YOU!
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