Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Everybody, if you have Medicaid you should meet with Wendy. She is super caring and wants to help. And her doctor is amazing. I'm so happy now!!! Wendy is the sweetest!!

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Has anyone gone back to CPR?
Did they cut you back?
Or start weaning you off certain ones?

It is not their (CPR'S) fault in any way that this happened? Per state law, if a patient makes allegations against a Dr., any Dr., they first suspend the doctor, without pay. Then they launch an investigation with the district attorney and medical board. The DA has dismissed the charges, but the medical board wants to do their own investigation, money motivated. The patient that caused all the problems had coke and marijuana in their urine and they were dismissed. They were pissed and so that person ruined hundreds of lives.

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Admin, you stated earlier that people would be blocked in certain instances. Wow, sounds like we need to hear the rules again. I didn't understand why Wendy, or fed up or original Wendy would ask for a fee for a doctor's name. I was willing to give the benefit but now it's sounds like more. I sincerely hope someone wouldn't lie about a person trying to take their life. When we say we are concerned about our docs, it is because we want to protect them from drug seekers etc! I feel for anyone addicted, there but for the Grace of GOD, go any of us. Saying that a new doc needs to see old records is reasonable, requiring a special referral, that I don't understand. No regular doc will touch pain anymore which is so sad. If you ask ppl for their hard earned money, and they don't get value, of course they are going to be mad! And at you! Let's see this doc's name or at least enough identifying info to find the doc! That is why we tell folks to read through the posts. If you are at home due to pain, you will do it; looking for a quick high, maybe you won't! I do think anything we can do to decrease our dosages is a good idea, it's only going to get worse. I am going to try hypnotherapy and see what happens.

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Fed up, um all pain management Drs work side by side with the DEA, not only your doctor and once again at any pain management Dr you need a referral and records to prove why you need pain management, so that Nate guy had to see a Dr and lied to the Dr to get what he wants. So why are you not going after him but you are running your mouth on this website? WE people on here didn't do nothing to you at all, PERIOD. You come on here trying to bully and push us around like we are the ones handing our meds to this Nate guy so why don't you call CPR and report Nate yourself.

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Fed up
For those of us with real pain who are seeking a good pain management doctor who follows the rules and cares about patients, will you share the name of yr doctor?

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Smalls how are you doing was wonderin if u go 2 CPR for ur pain management even though I don't go there I'm just concerned 4 tha patients there do 2 wat fed up posted and that mom wit tha son Nate sayin they were gonna call and report that they are a pill mill just cuz of 1 person wen tha mom shld be happy only 1 callin and reportin her son Nate instead of callin and tellin tha news ppl that it is a PM

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Chaos u are rite fed up just read his profile and just started assuming things I talked with Mac myself a few times I knew of his conditions and family issues alittle bit but I wasn't tha 1 sayin things bout Mac I wldnt do that at all

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Rainbow, everything will be ok. Yes, cash clinics are being looked into as Florida was.

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Dr. Sisson in loveland, Colorado.He will treat you right.

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Concerned loved one - First, if your story is true then your son is simply convincing and doesn't mean that the clinic is the problem. Making that assumption is showing that your attempt at showing compassion for the people you THINK your son is contributing to their OD's is more important to you than the well being of HUNDREDS of patients who actually need this clinic. It's good that you're taking a stand against your son, but do just that, don't take it out on the people who need this clinic because it is your SON who is the problem here. His decisions should not affect all of the people who use CPR for legitimate help. I understand you are angry, but either you are taking it out on the wrong people, or this is all fake and you're just trying to troll and stir a pot to see who freaks when they think you are going cause them to lose their meds.
Just think it through. The news isn't going to help. Blaming doctors for your sons problems isn't going to help. Making threats isn't going to help. The ONLY thing that is going to HELP, is getting your SON, help.

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My heart bleeds for you. Please take the time to read back to the beginning as you have time. Oftentimes a docs name will get mentioned and then that doc gets deluged (both with legit and drug seeking) patients and it affects the legit ones because that practice either stops prescribing altogether or they raise their rates so a docs name will not reappear but their name will be in the original post. I know it is more time than you probably can stand but its the only good advice I can give you. I can tell you that I know of NO pain specialists that take Medicaid (most are cash only now..a few take other insurance plans but not Medicaid). Be forewarned ..most of them charge an initial consult fee anywhere from 200-500 bux and then monthly ranges from about 150-250. I know it still blows my mind that even though I am on SSI (btw I initially hired a well know law firm that specializes in SSI and they weren't doing anything for me so I took it on myself which wasnt difficult and I was approved within 6 months) yet I have to pay cash for the doc but now also for some of the meds. It adds up to over $300 month which is not much less than SSI pays. But these are the times and the quality of life has gone way done, close to nonfunctional..and then they wonder why illicit drug use and overdoses are a huge problem that transcends race, religion, economic, etc. I know several "soccer" Moms using it because they can't get properly medicated and ironically, it becomes the only way they can even get out of bed each day. We need massive changes so I encourage all of you to let your local politician know what its like to walk a mile in our shoes. I will pray for you. Godspeed.

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Bob (# 5365) --

Go in there and tell the truth. Have ur U/A's clean everytime. I know you worry about looking like a drug seeker but if you have MRIs, scans, etc., they can usually tell. I used to be on 3 100s a day. They eventually stopped working so now I'm on fentanyl patches. What people don't know is that we can not get euphoria on our meds. I would have to take enuf to OD to feel high. The brain catches up every time. higher doses are useless. Every visit...speak from the heart that your current regimen IS NOT WORKING!!! Wish I had better news but u are right, us chronic pain folks are not part of the problem but we are having the quality of our lives ripped apart. I'll pray for you. Keep us posted.

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Did you find a doc? I'm looking for one too and would appreciate any obviously know how hard it is out here looking for one and having a hard time finding someone to recommend one. Thanks!!

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Hi MaC686, boy do I know what your going through! I have degenerated disk dies. as well, am on S.S.I. .. I swear when your on dissabilty doctors just don't seem to give a dam, I have been passed around to so many doctors. I finally found a suregon, but he has wanted to do so many other things to see if they will help the problem before he does anykind of surgery. Well the pain is worse than ever. I am also in need of pain meds, My primary care doc. gives me norco, and that just makes me really sick. My surgeon gave me a one time script of Demerol. That helped a bit better, didn't make me sic, but the thing is, he won't give me anymore. I'm sorry to go on like this, but what can we do? Outside of going and getting what we need on the streets!!!!!!!!!! Something has got to be done. We all need to get together and write letters to whomever like crazy! I have not been able to do anything the last 5 years of my life! I'm not living, only exsiting.
Let me know how your doing.

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I get 6 oxyir 5mg a day, and he actually just asked if I wanted the 10's instead, so I get 180 a month but on the xanax i'm not sure yet but another person is going 2morrow also for the same thing. Hope all is good and ur pain free at least a little. But what ever works for u just tell him and that is wha u will leave with. And they will scoot u out if they think ur seeking she is real good at it. But if not no worrys. Good luck let me know how it goes.

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No medical records is a no go, but if u have med records that say what's wrong then he probably would prescibe since the tramadol is not working. You just have to tell them it doesn't work and u would like to try the oxy, but you need to call your old doctor and have them give you your medical records so then you can see him. And there are more than 1 doctor in the clinic and they all are great and compasionate, none want anyone in pain and will work with you.

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There are people out here "legally" dying from tylenol and ibuprofin because their doctors are afraid to prescribe. I don't have cancer, but I hurt and no f***ing dr cares. I'm just about to take a few bottles of tylenol to end this s***. When I'm on narcotics I can hike, I can play with my horses, I can live a normal life. Check out the UK and their narcotic program.

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Who is your Dr. Mike? I am bringing my 80 year old mom to Denver and she has trigeminal neuralgia.
It is very painful. I see a lot of complaining on these messages but not much real help. Mike if you can help my mom let me know please.

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Has anyone else had any luck with the Colorado Pain Relief in Wheat Ridge? I am 26 and have sciatic never pain as my lowest vertebrae was destroyed playing varsity sports for 8 years. Most doctors think I'm too young, but as most of you seem to know, living with pain everyday has been making me miserable.

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No I'm saying that they will only write one script every thirty days per medication. Essentially they won't fill early. And they will almost guaranteed give you SOMETHING, but you just have to tell them what works, and they might start you at a pretty good dose, and they're very chill as long as you do what you're supposed to. They won't prescribe more then 6 oc a day tho just fyi so if you're trying to get more then that don't waste your money. But odds are you probably don't even need that much.

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