Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 4)
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I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Re: CO Susie (# 2622) Expand Referenced Message

And I just said that. I have multiple degrees, was a professional, held down multiple jobs until MS decides to take hostage of my body. If only I could go back. To JetMech, I have more degrees than you will ever hope to have and I'd give anything if I could work at a 7-11 now, please don't judge ...and saab are why better than bmw, just saying

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Re: MtnGrl (# 2610) Expand Referenced Message

Since I can't slerp, I'm rereading all the posts, mmm mtn girl are u in the moutside like me, this snow and now rain aren't helping me. I wish I could go back to being me, 20 years ago before the ms!! I want my chocolate and biklble wrap too#! If I drink my juices and eat my veggies, will they appear at my door. Love you all

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Re: CO Susie (# 1908) Expand Referenced Message

Old post but I went to the beginning get when I couldn't I have foubd, automate everything you can, bill pay etc, grocery delivery or pick up if available and don't overdo it on the good days, maintain don't overdo it, although I need to folio my own advice

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Re: Smalls (# 5444) Expand Referenced Message

Really, odd because I keep getting dm's , also Dr's were precribing PLENTY in 2012 through 2018; they just started the crackdown last year. Also, if one is taking meds for pain and the only difference in the drug is " the intoxication" ; if someone complains about THAT not being in their meds/ they are chasing a high not pain relief ( I stand by what I said)

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janedoe (# 5430) --

I just found out this past week that she will no longer be practicing at Colorado Pain Relief and Wellness in Wheat Ridge Colorado. I do not know if they have a new provider yet or not. This could get tricky.

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Gigi (# 5431) --

Gigi, just so you are aware, you are ranting at a dead man. Mac took his own life years ago due to the fact that he was unable to find the right doctor and get his pain under control.
Good luck!

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Re: MaC686 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

YOU Are offensive ; YOU judge people that got addicted because SOME have much worse physical ailments THAN YOU & became dependent on pain meds from dr! You sound like a " disgusting ass junkie " ( AS YOU PUT IT) yourself! God will judge YOU the same way though..

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Re: Smalls (# 5433) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, sounds like u have a great dr, is it Dr lincoln. Wish we could share info and do a meetup. Hope you all are doing well and eventually it will get warm which helps my pain, hope yrs too.

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Re: Larry (# 5440) Expand Referenced Message

State of CO published results of a test on ER pain relievers. CO says if a person isn't already on ER, don't prescribe it for them. It's healthier to give a slightly higher dose of IR than to give ER.

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They quit Rx'ing long term high dose pain pills here in the past couple years. It looks like that's all a thing of the past. There's been thousands of overdoses in the country along with a concurrent crime problem that is heavily linked to narcotics addiction.
There is suboxone, a replacement drug which has been made more available these past couple years. A suboxone clinic treats those with a similar history of opiate usage as you describe. They accept Medicaid as a matter of law so you should be accepted into treatment right away. Google is your friend when you decide to look for your local suboxone clinic.

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Re: Smalls (# 5437) Expand Referenced Message

Just saw you reply. I saw on the news about that horrible accident on I 70. Those poor people.

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If it's your spine. Do yourself a great favor.Try and have a pain pump Itd great for back pain. Fill it up every three month.
Metatronic pain pump.
Good luck

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Re: CO Susie (# 5436) Expand Referenced Message

I am hanging in there, I totally get what you mean. Seems like you get a hold of one issue and then something else starts hurting, breaks down or just stops working altogether! It is very frustrating. It always helps to have people to complain to, besides our families. They get tired of hearing it. Of course they sympathize but since they can't help in any way it becomes a nuisance to where they almost quit asking. So if you ever need to talk just write me I will be happy to listen

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Re: Smalls (# 5435) Expand Referenced Message

Yes You are so right. I totally miss the support everyone gave each other. And give us some credit for our ideas LOL some actually do help. The pain on the other hand Ugh !! I keep getting secondary issues now. I swear it's lack of adequate pain management LOL How have you been?

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Re: CO Susie (# 5434) Expand Referenced Message

I would really love that, we always seemed to support one another even if we couldn't do anything for each others pain.
We always did have great ideas though

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Re: Smalls (# 5432) Expand Referenced Message

Sadly, no. I haven't heard from anyone. It would be wonderful if we could all start talking again.

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Re: Smalls (# 5432) Expand Referenced Message

I saw this on another chat today and it makes a lot of sense! I am going to all my pharmacist and check the book, PDR. These days it doesn't really matter which drug your doctor uses. They've all been reformulated to basically eliminate theoxytocinrelease from the pituitary gland which accounted for 75% of the effectiveness of synthetic opiates.

Years back everyone in pain wondered why your medications no longer worked very well on your pain... Now you know...

The PDR Physicians Desk Reference shows the reformulation. Look at a 10 year old PDR and a 2019 PDR and you'll see the difference in the chemical tree, the information and footnotes. I can't tell you exactly when it started because it varies from medication to medication, but it definitely started during the Obama administration. Which is when the FAKEopioid crisis started...

Yes they've played us for years and now you know the real facts. Even a lot of injectables have been made less effective to stop abuse. The government figures if you can't feel high from the euphoria you can't/won't abuse it, but where does that leave those of us suffering?... They could care less...

So basically your doctor who was told or suggested (laughing, it was or else!) to prescribe less of an inferior drug to help you tolerate your pain and keep quiet about it! The government looks at this as a success because they truly believe they've gotten away with it...

Some of you have seen me talk aboutoxytocin before in the past. Late last year a doctor showed me all this info using a 2009 PDR and a 2018 PDR. So this means doctors and pharmacists knew about this reformulation and were complicit in this whole scam upon pain patients.
Like I said, the government actually thinks it's a success! But myself and I would imagine all of you too have had your quality of life suffer for years now because of this!

Let these people know that you now know theoxytocinrelease from the pituitary gland has been greatly lessened or inhibited from occurring from the medications they're prescribing to you. My pharmacist tried to BS me on this and say this isn't necessarily true. I told her to show me her 2018 PDR last year and I'll show her exactly what it says aboutoxytocin! Needless to say she conceded and said, yes this has been kept quiet for some time now, but more people like me who won't let it go and want an answer are finding it out in a PDR.

A lot of you are getting less of an inferior pain medication that's around 75% or so less effective, your quality of life is horrible and no one but you, family or friends actually care about your suffering because of the government tampering with your life-saving medication and think you're not smart enough to figure out what they've done... Millions of people complaining about suffering immensely now because of pain medication that's almost worthless and everyone in this sham is as quiet as a church mouse!

They all have NO shame!!!

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Re: CO Susie (# 5428) Expand Referenced Message

I think we should definitely try to get together this summer. Do you talk to Rainbow, JetMech, or any of the original group?

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Re: CO Susie (# 5428) Expand Referenced Message

Actually I love my doctor! She is caring, thoughtful and fights for her patients. Wouldn't trade her for the world! My pain is manageable. How are you doing, have you and the rest of the group ever gotten together? I know we tried on several occasions but it never worked out. Weather, car trouble and illness always for in the way.

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Re: BimmBimm (# 5429) Expand Referenced Message

You are right, not many people have success with the shots. Our daughter had to get them in order for her clinic to write her pain meds. They didn't do anything after a day or so. There was just an article from the FDA about how dangerous the shots are.

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