Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 4)
UpdatedI have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!
Hey Mac, I am in a similar situation. Did you find a good doc? I could really use some help finding a new doc. I'm 24 w/ kyphosis and scoliosis. I've been taking 120-150mg of oxycodone per day, plus some time released meds. My GP is no longer doing pain mgmt, I need a new doc asap.
I don't know if just Kyphosis and Scoliosis would be enough to get all those. I'm not trying to say you don't have pain but I just am not sure just those two diagnoses will be enough for the doctor. But look farther down in the thread. The number is down a bit. It's expensive though. 200 for the first visit and 150 for every one after that. And I'm not saying you are being deceitful but they definitely seem to be pretty damn strict and they are really good at picking out the people who are just seekers. Once again, not accusing you, just letting you know, because I know how many people have serious addiction issues for recreational use right now in our country. It's an epidemic, that's why Dr.'s are getting so strict because the DEA is down their throats. And you have to have full medical records proving your diagnoses. And if you're on a lot of time release meds they might not do them at first but if anything they would work you up to them if they feel that's what needs to be done. Best of luck.
i am also looking for a doctor who will refill my meds without it causing so much hassle.. I have had chronic back and neck pain and have had 2 neck surgeries and a lower back surgery that did not work . I have osteo and degenerative disk disease , fibromyalgia and a whole mess of different things going on and i have went thru all the physical therapy and everything and i am not doctor shopping and i moved to Henderson, Nevada 2 years ago and i am seeing a doctor who started refilling my meds when i got here and now all of a sudden he feels i need to go to a different doctor and every time i go into his office its like he acts like i'm an addict or doctor shopping . I have gone there for 2 years and i am 51 years old i have been dealing with this for over 10 years and i had a great doctor in Wyoming but i don't know what doctor i can go to here without them thinking i am doing this to get high. I am only trying to get thru the day. my doctor refilled my prescription last month and he wants me to go see some other doctor that does not believe in pain meds .. i have been thru so much and i finally got meds that helped but i need to be upped ..ITS BEEN 5 YEARS on the same dose.. I am in so much pain i don't know what to do ..PLEASE HELP ..
I can't really help you if you live in Nevada.... This thread is for Colorado.
Hello I also have degenerative disc disorder and spinal however u spell that word but yeah major pain and taking tramadol now bc that the only thing my dr will give me so the number you posted is there a specific dr that will prescribe oxy or do they all the drs at that office office do it ? Or is there only one dr there?
Hello I just emailed you earlier so for this dr ur talking about what if u just moved out of state and don't have medical records and have never been prescribed to oxy before. My Dr would only give me tramadol and it doesn't work .do u think I'd have a problem gettin a prescription?
Ya you HAVE to have diagnostic records otherwise they won't even see you. Which with how much Rx abuse is in this country right now I think that's the right thing to do is make the patient get an MRI or some other diagnostic because there are WAY too many people that try to abuse the system to just get drugs. I'm not saying that's you at all, I'm just saying I think it's the right way to go about things. If you have diagnostics they will probably give you a low dose of Oxy but I've been having to work up back towards the dose of pain meds I was on when I was on Fentanyl and Oxy IR. So they try to work you up slowly. Odds are with no medical records or diagnostic papers, and with not having any records in the Colorado Presciption Drug Monitoring program showing you've been prescribed pain meds and havne't had issues you probably won't get anything. But if you get diagnostic papers that may be a different story.
No medical records is a no go, but if u have med records that say what's wrong then he probably would prescibe since the tramadol is not working. You just have to tell them it doesn't work and u would like to try the oxy, but you need to call your old doctor and have them give you your medical records so then you can see him. And there are more than 1 doctor in the clinic and they all are great and compasionate, none want anyone in pain and will work with you.
Ya definitely get medical records. Because if you don't have them they won't even see you. They're great doctors, but they follow the rules very strictly, which I feel is great. Places that don't follow the rules and bend/break the rules get shut down. And I definitely don't want this place to be shut down. So I'm ALLLLL for them making their patients follow all the rules so the DEA doesn't get involved and shut them down.
Ok thanks so much for the info . I will call my dr and see if I can get my medical records. Uve been very helpful I appreciate it.
No worries. As long as you have legit pain requiring the meds I'm glad to point you in the right direction the best that I can. But just please if you go there don't break the rules!!! I finally found a dr that helps me after almost 2 years and I don't want to lose them! Lol
Call eight six six, five seven nine, one three one zero, its a great service and they will be able to help you out in Denver
There are people out here "legally" dying from tylenol and ibuprofin because their doctors are afraid to prescribe. I don't have cancer, but I hurt and no f***ing dr cares. I'm just about to take a few bottles of tylenol to end this s***. When I'm on narcotics I can hike, I can play with my horses, I can live a normal life. Check out the UK and their narcotic program.
Don't end it. Please don't. I lost my sister to an overdose and ours the most difficult thing I've ever experienced andi don't wish that in my worst enemy. I know its hard but try Colorado pain relief. They are understanding. Please exhaust all options before you even think about nding it. From someone who lost a dear loved one, PLEASE DON'T end it.
O Wow sorry Idk of any personally prescribes those. In Centennial Co is Peak Pain Man. And anesthesia there's a lot if pm docs in that practice. Dr. Donasevich make sure you bring you own records. Some reason MT MRI s didn't make it to their office in time so he was only able to pull u one MRI and he didn't thoroughly even read it cause he said oh you have degenerate disc disease and bulging discs but It also noted 3 herniatons. My fault I should have been more assertive, but he clearly stated he wouldn't continue my percocet, instead 3600 mis of gabapentin, which helps along with the perks. Another is in Arcade Co they help with pain with therapy , but will prescribe while receiving treAtment. They take medicare and Medicaid. They offer complementary consultations. It's called Unified Health Group on Walton Rd. I wish you luck, since I've been in Co I've only been able to get oxymoron 10/325. And vicodin which is better than nothing but ii was on Oxy 15 4 times a day and vicodin 10/325 every 4-6 hours for breakthrough so. Hey somethin better than nothin!
My husband is a physician with 36 years of private practice. Under this obama regime medicine has devolved in many ways. He just quit his practice thanks to obama. Docs get harassed if they prescribe pain meds. Obama and Soros make untold amounts of money from the marijuana business and that is why they want to force you to go elsewhere for pain management. If you voted for Obama and you need pain meds, you can thank yourself for the pain. Sorry to be so blunt but that's what it boils down to. The only way to beat this is to starve them out of existence. Good luck. We all need it.
OBAMA SUCKS ASS!!!!!!!! If only their weren't so many sheeple who don't know a thing about politics or economics or ANYTHING buying into this "celebrity" President's BS. Sorry I don't want to turn this into a political debate. But OBUMMER BLOWS!!!!!!!!!
Who is your Dr. Mike? I am bringing my 80 year old mom to Denver and she has trigeminal neuralgia.
It is very painful. I see a lot of complaining on these messages but not much real help. Mike if you can help my mom let me know please.
hi im moving to colorado and need pain doctor..i have herdinated disks in my back and arthritis is my knees. i am taking oxycodones for pain..please send me name of dr if you can..i would appreciate it.. thank you..
I would like to talk to you through email.
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