Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 274) (Top voted first)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

5509 Replies (276 Pages)

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Michelle (# 5402) --

Which Dr. is better, which is worse, I don't know. Consider some alternatives like, Nurse Practitioners or Certified Registered Nurses. Look at my thread, 5401, and see some of the BS I've gone through and am going through. I currently use 4 Dr.s and 1 Certified Registered Nurse

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Dale (# 5406) --

May I add something to your DORA advice? If anyone makes an accusation against a doctor, or PA, they are suspended from practicing until the investigation is over. A lot of people could be left without a doctor. So before you lodge a complaint, ask yourself a few questions.

1. Am I only doing this because I am angry and want revenge?

2. Did I do anything wrong that could justify what happened? (Example: Use cocaine)?

3. Is my life going to be improved in any way, shape or form if I lodge this complaint?

After you ask yourself these questions, sleep on it for 1 night and then proceed. If the doctor or the office staff did something wrong, unethical or inappropriate, by all means file the complaint, just don't do it for the wrong reasons, it will come back to bite you!

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Re: MaC686 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

YOU Are offensive ; YOU judge people that got addicted because SOME have much worse physical ailments THAN YOU & became dependent on pain meds from dr! You sound like a " disgusting ass junkie " ( AS YOU PUT IT) yourself! God will judge YOU the same way though..

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Re: Smalls (# 5444) Expand Referenced Message

Really, odd because I keep getting dm's , also Dr's were precribing PLENTY in 2012 through 2018; they just started the crackdown last year. Also, if one is taking meds for pain and the only difference in the drug is " the intoxication" ; if someone complains about THAT not being in their meds/ they are chasing a high not pain relief ( I stand by what I said)

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Re: MaC686 (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Hope You are STILL in the LOOKING cause you calling others Junkies is Judging; and YOU are dependent on drugs- addiction is Not being able to function ( Your Words) without that substance. Most doctors will tell you; you can use non-narcotic pain meds to control The pain you mentioned!

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Hey Tammy. Fill out that contact form on post # 18 with with me and then we can get in contact.

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I had no issues getting what I need. In fact, I am being moved up to higher doses consistently until I am where I need to be. I don't know you, but I know they are VERY strict about who they prescribe for because they have so many people failing UAs and all around trying to be sneaky. There is SOME reason that they cut you down. Either you didn't have proper records or they felt like you weren't willing to work with them on what you are prescribed. They wouldn't prescribe me the level of meds I was on when I was on Fentanyl 100mcg patches until they have seen me for a few months and have gotten to know me. They seem to be very concerned with sniffing out the drug seekers or people who ONLY say oxycodone works for them and nothing else. I talked to Dr. May about this situation specifically, and that is a red flag when someone comes in saying ONLY oxycodone works and no other opiates work. All opiates work for pain, not just oxycodone. Like I said I don't know you, but I know there was a good reason for them switching you. And just fyi, lortab is 10mg hydrocodone and 325mg tylenol. There are no 5mg lortab.

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You should be able to get suboxone from any Dr. here.....

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I would call them cause it might be case by case I am not allowed to have Tylenol because I am Tylenol toxisis so they wouldn't be able to give me Percocet. It makes no sense unless its the pa they gave right now, or did you see the doctor?

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Whoa there guy, no one said anything about anyone being an addict. I'm just saying it is a red flag when the most abused drug in the country is the ONLY thing that could. No they would probably write you 3 a day. But they won't just do ONLY oxy IR. The DEA is saying if you have chronic pain they will want you to be on an 12 hour narcotic med if any narcotic meds, and then if you need a breakthrough, you won't need more then 3 a day because your ER med should be at the right dose..... I'm not calling you an addict or judging at all, but that just makes no sense to me that you are allergic to the exact same drug when it's ER as opposed to IR.... Do you mind telling me why the doctor's said you needed to be hospitalized because of an ER formula???

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Mile High Pain Center? What did they write you?

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Well said mac also find one that you are comfortable with and who actually cares not one in it to make money and write whatever so they get paid cause that will get you and the clinic shut down fast and some without meds and another bad rap for the true patients in need of good medical care.

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CJK this is for Colorado residents bro. Read the forum first. This isn't Maryland.

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Believe me I know mac is a patient just like the rest of us I actually recomended dr. May to mac and it was his forum. Other people can read it but as for recomending a dr we only know of docs in Colorado so before you post anything negative towards anyone read the top post which is the question asked. If you have a problem with it then go somewhere else.

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Poor you, quit whining!

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Anyone that left cpr or was fired as a patient will be noted as a drug seeker so I am pretty sure that is what happened, the smiths finally did their job and checked the patients records and when they called cpr bang! Everyone just upped and left cpr for no good reason except you couldn't get your meds that same day or more since they cut them down per dea not Charles. Then one clinic gets 100 patients from the same place hmm sounds like a red flag so cpr didn't have to do anything you all did.

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If I may ask, what is bringing you from Philly to Denver? Please don't be one of the many moving here because cannabis is legal! If you don't have a job lined up that pays above $60,000 a year, it will be tough around here, if you wish to live in a nicer, safer area. I only ask because I see so many people that moved here thinking cannabis is legal, I can find a job and a place and the parks and shelters are full of these folks that didn't realize it is damn expensive here. My salary is in the $84500 range, and my family has to budget our money closely, and we don't live an extravagant lifestyle!!

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The legalities between Oxy and Hydrocodone are the same. Both are schedule 1 narcotics. This all happened Oct 4, 2014, when Hydrocodone was moved to schedule, they are all treated the same.

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I've said it before but i'll say it again- everyone on this board should just get on suboxone or methadone. doctors are not going to prescribe painkillers anymore and the withdrawls are horrible as I know but if you get on a good suboxone or methadone program you can get off opiods almost pain and withdrawl free.

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Omg thank you and he did take me in for next week thank god my prayer was answered if it was not for you guys on here helping us all I don't know what we would of done I guess I would die from it all but thank you guys for the number and info I live each and everyone of you and I pray every night for you all to get the help you need and deserve much live from me to you all

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