Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 181)
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I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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Smalls AKA, you sound so sad. I am so sorry, I wish I had an answer for all of us. You do have a loving family and so many good things too. I wish there were some way to make you only think about those good things.
I was saying earlier that I feel as if pain is an actual creature that came from my nightmares, and has invaded my life. I know that sounds sort of crazy, but pain controls so much that it doesn't just seem to be a feeling anymore, but an actual powerful evil entity.
Please try to focus on what is good and try to put the negative out of your mind. Good thoughts actually do make you feel better. Lots of people care what is happening to you.

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A lot of you have been very ill for a long time, but you seem to be also, on good days, able to manage to fit in some sort of normal. I mean like on good days, doing the work that stacks up on bad days. When I first came to Medschat, what I was looking for was ideas on how to do things in an easier way. I was looking for ideas from people, cause it seems that if I can find an easier way, then I can do it.
That didn't make much sense did it? What I mean is like I couldn't vacuum so I bought a shop vac and I can use that because I'm only pulling the hose, not the weight of a vacuum cleaner. I wasn't able to mop the floors, so I bought a Shark steam cleaner and now I can mop the floors. All on good days of course LOL.

That's the sort of ideas that I'm looking for. Anyone developed little tricks to do things that you were having trouble with?

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I could only read part way through your post. First, I am so sorry about the loss of your sister. Second, I totally understand what you are saying about playing catch up. On bad days or weeks in some cases, I don't do anything, dishes laundry, or sweep. When I feel well enough to get our of bed I must catch up otherwise I can't relax in a pig sty. Then by the end of the day I have exhausted myself and I am down again, it seems like a never ending cycle. I am literally crying just telling you about it.
And about the taking of my own life, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't pray I won't wake up tomorrow. In fact, I hate bedtime, because I am not ever totally out of pain and I have to lie there and think, feel and live in the deafening silence and try not to cry to loud and keep my husband awake. And then after a night with little sleep and pain, I wake up angry that I am still alive. And so begins another day! If it wouldn't hurt the ones I love, but it will and I just can't do that to them. They don't deserve it. But when someone tries to tell me that God never gives us more than we can handle, I tell them BULLSH##! Walk a day in my shoes and then try to do it for 10yrs!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH LUCY .And Rainbow, thank you .I been on this site a long time since the start.Im crying this your kind words the acceptance, from you just the past day.Most of the time I'll talk write and Noone will respond to me .It is hard to find friends that aren't scared of me dying on them.Some of you kind of been unkind .I felt like an outcast that all changed some how when sick o started his crap. thank you everyone.

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Thank you very much, I used to have lots of trolls I thought were friends, I got rid of them.

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Lucy, you also hit on some very goods points about the future. I try not to think about it. I spend almost all my time thinking about what I can manage to get done today and perhaps planning for a week from now, but long range thoughts, I try to stay away from. Those thoughts aren't usually very good ones.
The pain medication that I have now, seems to keep me at a very level point most days. I do all the other things for pain management, which we started in 2000 and added to and changed as the years went on. I wasn't given any pain medication until a little over four years ago. After my last xrays in May, the rules are now, absolutely no gym, simple equipment is a no also. He is afraid that I'll do more damage than good. Walking and the pool are the only two exercises allowed at this point.
My family tries to understand, but as you said, unless you have experienced It, there isn't really any way to understand how powerful pain is. I sort of look at pain as a creature from a nightmare now LOL.

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Lucy, Very sorry about your sister. Fibromyalgia is the first chronic illness I developed and was diagnosed in 2000. I knew nothing about it and no one that I talked to seemed to know much either. 14 years later I still am learning new things about it. The whole body seems to be involved not just the quads of pain. Eyesight, fibro fog, pain, etc etc. Then I added arthritis and discs, so just falling apart.
Pain is an amazing thing. It controls so much of your life. Overdoing it is what happens almost every good day that I have, you are so right, there is so much to try to keep up with. But we all want somewhat of a normal life again. The fatigue that is almost a constant part of the fibromyalgia is as hard to deal with as the pain.

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Medschat Admin, Thanks. I'm sort of new to all this, so I have lots to learn.

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THANK YOU MEDS CHAT for ensuring that your initial mission continues on.

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I just researched subsys. It's a sublingual spray that is an immediate release fentanyl. Currently only approved for cancer patients and even then all participants (dr, pt, pharm) have to enroll in this program. Because of its potency, it may take some time before it becomes available to chronic pain patients. I've never had cancer and I've heard it can be very painful but I know some of us live with pain that is equally as painful and unlike cancer patients, doesn't go away when the cancer does. For those of you who do have cancer, I am in no way understating your pain. I can't even begin to imagine living not only with debilitating pain, but also have to deal with the horrible side effects of your treatment. Not to mention living in fear of what the future holda. Pain is so very subjective. People with the exact same diagnosis will commonly vary their self-perceived pain level. And some people are more tolerant to pain and pain meds than others. That's why it's so critical to have a good relationship with your pain doc, no matter your diagnosis.
Whatever the source of your pain, don't we all live in fear that we won't be able to work, won't be able to support ourselves at the very least. Let alone the effect it has on our loved ones (children becoming caregivers). Being active and having a full social life are a thing of the past. When we awake, the first thing on our minds is how we feel at that moment and will we have to cancel our day because we literally cannot get out of bed. I know for me, when I have a good day I overdo it because I have so much to catch up on. I also know that despite all this, thanks to the help of medication, I do have good days. I know there are people out there, including some of you, who have very few or even none. My sister was one of you, fibromyalgia where her only relief was sleeping. A few years in, she could no longer bear it and took her own life. I bet most of you have had days where you wonder how much longer we can bear it and how much we hate how it affects others. When we find the right doc with the right meds and dosing, we get a taste of living a "normal" life. It's not the perfect answer but for many of us who have tried everything.and I mean everything.,for years and years only to find that pain meds are the ONLY main solution. And now, because of the rampant abuse of rx meds, those of us who are compliant and dependent, are being under dosed and I for one wonder what the future holds for me and will I end up bedridden in some horrible institution. No one should ever have to worry like that. Not when there is a solution to manage (never erase) our pain and the beaurocrats with no medical training, let alone the specialty of pain management, are deciding for me and my medical doc what is best for me. It's terrifying. Connecting with many of you really does help me feel less alone and I wonder less if I am going to go insane :)

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For those wondering what "TROLLING" means, here is a definition from Wikipedia:

"In Internet slang, a troll is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

Have a great night everyone!

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Please be careful

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Wendy please be very careful using words or phrases such as CURES CANCER
The new Colorado law that went into effect can penalize you majorly for that verbiage!


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I was going to ask the same thing, what is trolling?

Also since I am always commenting and have been on here for about a year I thought I should have a name. Just worried about talking openly!

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Hi Y'all. I have one more negative on CPR and then I'm done! I say let's not dignify any "haters" with a response. Those types of people get off on upsetting us. Their opinion has ABSOLUTELY no bearing on our own individual treatment plans.

The majority of us left CPR because of C. A non-medical person should NOT have a say in my treatment plan. And we live in America, we should be able to choose the ONE pharmacy we commit to. (C's prices were higher for those that were uninsured or hadn't met deductibles compared to say, Costco, hundreds of dollars higher. He's trying to be a monopoly by assuring these practices with him by their side they are safe.

Which brings me to this point. If CPR was following the DEAs mandates, why need this reassurance. I think I know part of the answer. A friend of a friend of a friend, etc, was a CPR patient for years. Earlier this year he tested positive for crystal. CPR simply sent him home and told him to return when the meth was out of his system. Several days later he showed up, clean this time, and given his full scripts of oxy and morphine. I was told it wasn't his first time. 2 months later, he did it again and was finally discharged. I don't know any pain clinic that would tolerate that ONE time. Mixing illicit drugs with narcotics is a deadly game and should never be tolerated.

I've said it before I'll say it one last time. Only you and your doctor knows the truth and what's best for you. Follow the rules (both dr and patient) and there's no need for the troll who is trying to make a quick buck through intimidation and scare tactics.

So from here on out..let's ignore them and go back to providing each other with valuable information and much needed support. Whoever your doc is, as long as they are following DEA protocols, there is NOTHING to worry about. Charles is an egomaniac who is most likely disappointed in his reduced income for that is ALL he cares about. Do NOT let him get to you. I am willing to bet he will be gone with the wind before too long.

Ok..that is it. Had to get that out. I know the people this troll (aka Charles?) is talking about and it upsets me. We all have so much to deal with, this is the last thing we need.

Again, let's simply ignore any one who posts negatively. They are not worth our time or energy. From here on out, it's info and support. If anyone wants to chat privately let me know so we can both request to communicate that way. there is NO WAY someone can get your email without you expressly requesting/allowing it. So the trolls on here have NO IDEA who is who ...although they think they do. No worries, ok. No one is ,in trouble so keep your head up and your pain down (stress on here won't help your pain). Thank you to the folks at MedsChat for watching this forum closer and shutting down the haters. When they designed this site its intent was purely for support and info exchanging. So let's get back to that and f*** anyone who is bored and ignorant and clueless. For they are the true losers. Thx for listening. Like I said, no more bashing from me. Good night all. Sleep well.

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Oops, too many posts here lately so I overlooked it!

P.S. - I actually was thanking the mods for coming out, was not meaning to sound passive-aggressive! ;)

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Ladies, I have a dispensary. You want meds high in CBD not THC - Strains called Charlotte's Web or Harlequin

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What did I miss?

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Would someone explain what "trolling" is to me? Thanks

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@Fuzzy - are you talking about your post # 1866? We approved it earlier today.

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