Doctors Willing To Prescribe Heavy Pain Medication In Colorado (Page 168)


I have a serious problem. My dr. had two patients start dr. shopping and has decided it is too big of a pain in his butt to continue prescribing, even though I have gotten MRIs and Xrays to prove my problems. I have over a half a dozen herniated discs in my low back, along with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, scoliosis and arthritis in my facet joints. I am currently on5 30mg oxycodone a day for breakthrough and 60mg of methadone for my long lasting meds. I REALLY need a doctor in the Denver, CO area who will not judge me because of my age, thinking I'm just some drug seeker as I TRULY need my meds to function. I am even being placed on disability until I can get my back healed because if something doesn't change I will be in big time pain for the rest of my life. If ANYONE knows of a good doctor that prescribes strong meds willingly in the Denver area please let me know. I am in desperate need of help as I am going to be SCREWED if I cannot find a good doctor. SOMEONE please help me with a doctor!!!!!

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I need to know if someone can refer me to an easy going ,nonjudgemental,pain dr in MINNESOTA. Preferably one that allows methadone and oxycodone to be a part of the same pain i know this is only one that works for me

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Hi Susie, I'm so sorry I missed tonight. I was fit to be tied. I had a missing child. My 16yr old txt'd me he would be home in a little while around noon. That usually means w/in an hour. By 6:00pm he still wasn't home and i started calling his friends. No one had seen him or heard from him since 2pm. He said he was "in the park". We have 2 parks around my house. One near the school he plays basketball at and the other is a wildlife reserve he cuts thru to go to the shopping cntr and over to his friends house. his phone was bouncing right to vm so I thought his phone was dead but still no excuse. I walked the entire park with my dog and going the other route to the shopping cntr he was there. I think cried, yelled and exploded. I live in Lakewood. I used to live in Aurora for more 10yrs. About a month ago they found a young man hung from a bridge near an elementary school. They ruled it a suicide. His Dad is a close friend of mine that lives in Fl now. He says no way its a suicide. They didnt even do autopsy. He was on his way over to his Moms for dinner. He was a 3rd black belt. His family, friends n room mate all believe fowl play. So when my boy was that late I flipped out. He's a big young man (almost 17) but still my baby. Anyway thats the excitement for today. I do have some good news from yesterday. I did see the regular doc at RMIM n he wrote another script that will last about 3 days and I got my hormones. He actually wrote it to last for 14 days or until I find a pain mgmt doc. So thats what Im trying like the dickens to do. My quandary now is having to wait for the records from the last bad doc. I have to send those over before I make the apt.? So how was the group tonight? Hows everyone doing?

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What I do not understand is that they lobbied hard to get the states all on a system which a doctor or pharmacist can look at to be sure that a patient is not doctor shopping (trying to get medications from more than one doctor) which from what we now know was a huge problem. Now that almost every state .... if not all the states are on this data base, it is harder than ever to get the medication that we need to keep our bodies from screaming out in pain~ It seems that once they got the data base in place ... the government started working on the doctors and made them afraid to prescribe what a doctor use to be comfortable prescribing (even though they know for certain now that they are the only doctor that is prescribing for a patient.. Also, here in Florida even if you have a legitimate prescription the pharmacies will turn you away without an explanation .. How can this be?

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Cakes, You are absolutely correct and also it's a disgrace that a pharmacy will turn you away with a legit prescription. They wouldn't turn away someone for heart medication w/out a suggestion. They ALL can't be out of pain medicine. I would recommend finding a small local owned pharmacy and fill other prescriptions there first, establish the relationship yadayadayada but I would also try hospital pharmacies. I mean all of them and I would put up a stink about. Don't make easy to be dismissed. I remember when we had state wide shortages a couple years ago for going over our quota as a state. I'm guessing you can't drive to another state to have a script filled? Does anyone know the answer to that? Read post 3347 you might find that one helpful. Good Luck

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Janey and Wendy, I want to verify if you both to the same office in Wheatridge? Also, is there more than one doc you can see? lastly, are the patients permitted to use their own pharmacy now? I remember when someone posted that they were not able to use any other pharmacy except the they directed all their patients to and that sounded strange to me. The pharmacist ended up being some weirdo that in the end made problems from what I recall. Also, if I called the right place the first appt was 300-ouch! then the subsequent visits were I think 180 or so. Do you know if it make a difference to them about patients being on medicaid? do they even ask since they don't take insurance? I ask b/c that was the reason my last pm office decided not see me anymore. I'm dropping off everything in person Monday and plan on making my appt then too if I can even though I still need to wait for my dr reports from last bad doc. Thanks for your input

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Pheonix I have heard that if u rva Medicaid recipient that its against the law to pay cash for Pain Mgmt. Maybe the feds and DEA are uo in Colorado screwing up ppl s lives. I heard of this 2 years ago. Maybe they are trying to implement the law. I've also been told one is not allowed to pay cash for a narcotic prescription with cash if they re a Medicaid recipient. I am a Medicaid and Medicare recipient. I'm sorry idk the current pricing and pharmacy info. I hope this is not true.i wish the best for you please do keep us updated. Could you tell me more specifically why your current PM separated from you? Did they say because they aren't taking Medicaid anymore? Did they say anything about a law about Medicaid participants not being able to pay cash. Does anyone else know?

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Pheonix , wow I just scrolled down and answered my own question. I'm ok now that Pm/Medicaid law isn't going to affect me right now but I plan on moving back to Colorado and going to CPR. I'm disabled and have Medicare for mh primary insurance and Medicaid secondary insurance. I pray for you and I and others who have Medicaid.we don't have the freedom to pay for a visit to Disneyland or the movies or a Dr? Maybe this is also a way for Medicaid not to have to pay for our meds that we would get from our pm docs. I'm not into politics but didn't an Obama care law pass through recently? I wonder I this has anything to do with the medicare/cash Dr..issue...stay positive..never give up. You can't give up with the job you have!!

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Pheonix and/or anyone gone to Unified Health Group? They Take Medicare and Medicaid as of 9/2014. I went there for 2 years. I heard about the time I left that they were no longer prescribing for new patients. I liked them a lot. They do injections. I found so much relief from the facet injections. So if u don't WA injections you just be firm and say no.they are more likely to prescribe if you do at least one of their therapies'. They don't do that deep Long needle ?? epidural injections!! Anyway it wouldn't hurt to call them and just get a consultation ..konda check things out because I do think in my heart that they will still prescribe on a case by case basis.. See DR. HONG if you can. If you go into the office chat with Shelly at front desk be kinda subtle but I think I you have a serious serious condition they might help. This clinic is in Arvada Co called Unified Health Group. Dr. Hong and there is another Dr a PA I can't remember her name but see the Md if you can in this case of serious condition / need of pain meds..also Pheonix I read fast so your posts are nice to read...write on!

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CAKES it's crazy here in FLORIDA!! The DEA FDA idk they have already been in fl harassing drs and pharmacies and messed up so many real pain pts s lives. I think the worst is over here for us. Things are loosening up. Some not a whom bunch. But you can get a prescription from PM then to find a pharmacy to fill It is our problems in Florida. Cakes stay away from Walgreens . They will call your Dr just going the extra mile to harass you and Dr. Sometimes Dr will just say this patient is too much trouble and can get you fired quick. I've not had a problem with pm I go yo my Gp and my Go writes all my scrips, treats me better than PM. I'm not just another patient. Well I'm writing a novel again..stay strong

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K8tie there are legal cases being started everyday. One thing we all need to do is record video / audio. The very best info is to find a lawyer.

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CO to FL I know here in Texas if you are on medicaid you are not supposed to pay cash. Rationale is that is if you can afford to pay cash you probably dont need the medicaid. If the doc knows you have medicaid he is not supposed to accept a cash payment. If you want to pay cash just dont tell them you have medicaid. Its all crazy, I think you should be able to pay how ever you want. Hope this helps. Karen

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CO and Phoenix,
I believe u guys r correct about the medicaid and payment to doc. It's $200 for first visit and $180 after that. I had heard they had applied for medicaid approval but haven't heard back yet. Medicaid does pay flr my meds, which helps.

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CO to Fl, thats exactly why! Because i was on Medicaid. They even sent me a letter 1 1/2 mo to cya about not accepting medicaid. But they did know. I had a heck of a time getting an MRI approved. For some reason was denied at first n then approved the second month in the end of January after I had already had my app . My Feb appt he looks at my mri about 2 seconds n mumbles something about the disc bulge on l4-l5 and narrowing I mean literally 10 seconds. They hadnt included the nice report I guess. I had asked for a copy of the cd too so I looked at it too. I know what its suppose to look like is not even remotely close to what mine looks like. Thanks to the web. There was a lot more to it then he was able to read. He got aggravated that i dare question him on what the findings were or that i got up and looked at them with him. This was the doc that never made eye contact or spent more than 15 min w/me. He said i was more than welcome to get a 2nd opinion. So when i went to my pharmacists I asked them. They said the dr name and i called n made an appt. I had for about a day before they called me back n canceled. They said they couldnt accept me b/c i had medicaid n thats been the rule for a long while now. My next visit with my bad doc he opened the door n immediately accused me of dr shopping. I responded that i did exactly as he suggested or at least try to but that the doc wouldnt see me b/c I had medicaid. So this is two times now he knows I have medicaid. That dr had called my doc to tell them I had called n may have gone a little further n reported my doc for taking a patient w medicaid. Idk how it transpired but w/in two months that dr said he could no longer see me b/c i had medicaid n he had no idea. I about fell out my chair! Hey no love lost there. I did not like him at all. He never even gave me an exam. Even his NP who was a sweetheart said she always space out his problem patients b/c he waz such an a**hole if they all came in the same week. I said s***, am i a good or bad one? She said i was great as far she was concerned n the doc never complained so i fell into the good book. That tells you what kind of guy he was. I called so many places n thats the first question outta their minds. What insurance do u have. If i had medicaid i was told they dont accept it. This time i called so many places it was ridiculous. But really for a family of four on insurance. I was paying $512/mo for Aetna thru a rather large company I worked for n then I paid $1886/mo for cobra for a year b/c of stupid medication. But my husband needed surgery that was pretty serious n thats why i went to work there n they put me on unemployment when they moved my job to GA so that worked out great excwpt for 2nd house payment cobra payment. So I think it is a medicaid mandate. But I also know some docs dont pay for the service of the computer software. Most of them are GP not PM docs. So there is a slither of hope.

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Thanks Janey, still cant private msg. Nothing at the bottom after the regular post reply except the drug index. How?

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Kittykitty, idk how good this place is butthe online reviews from.zocdoc are very positive. Quote from their website "Within his practice, Dr. Brooks treats patients with acute, chronic, and cancer related pain using amultidisciplinary approach, utilizing minimally invasive procedures, physical therapeutic modalities, and medicationmanagement. He also treats patients with fibromyalgia, headaches, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, arthritis related disorders, sports medicine injuries, and many other chronic pain condition" He's in colorado springs. Hope this helps. Good luck

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Sorry, I didn't see your post till now. I know exactly the emotional upheaval from a teenager, and they don't understand why you are so upset. Group was great. Hope you can be there next week.

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I went to the Advertising section and left Admin a message about email.

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Co to Fl..... I know exactly how right you are! I am in Florida and got caught up in all this crap like everyone else that lives here. I had a problem with Walgreen who had been by pharmacy for years ... They wont ever get another $ from me. I have also had a problem with CVS when I was in Orlando which was a hot bed and hopefully is getting better for the people that are still there. CVS all of a sudden refused to fill my long acting medication because the PM doctor was about 40 miles from my home. I had to go that far because my insurance company did not have anyone in network that could fill my morphine pump. Things really got messed up when my pump needed to be replaced and the hospitals that the doctor worked out of would not accept my insurance. This left me to get by on oral medications until January when I could pick a new insurance company. Unfortunately the year could not come fast enough when no one would fill my prescriptions. It got so bad that i was without my long acting medication for a week because CVS would not fill it from the pain specialist ... saying that he was to far away. I was finally so desperate I had my GP to take the PM doctors script and re-wrote it ... CVS filled it then in 30 minutes. On the down side, the PM doctor fired me for (having another doctor write the script for me) It did not really matter since no one would fill his script for me but it was a kick in the ass. On the Up side, we had just purchased a house in Ocala and were in the midst of moving. That was another kick in the butt when it took me a couple of months of hell to find a PM doctor who would write something besides subutex for me ..... UGGG. Most of this has happened because greedy people... including doctors would write narcotics for people who did not need them and then they would turn around and sell their medications to others including addicts ... which turned into many deaths! The people who really need these medications are now the ones who are paying the price for all the greed! Blessings to you and everyone who needs these medications ... pray it gets better~

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Phoenix, things have gotten somewhat better for me after I moved out of the Orlando area and finally found a doctor that would prescribe something besides subutex. However, in Orlando I could not find a small pharmacy that would fill my pain medication. When you finally got around to bringing in the pain med prescription they would tell you that they were at there limit ... or they would demand cash at an unreasonable amount of money! I tried filling at the hospitals but they would not fill them either ..... they would only fill for the people that were leaving their hospital with prescriptions or their doctors that worked out of the hospital and believe me ... it was impossible to find a pain management doctor working out of the hospitals. I do not know if it is actually illegal to fill a script out of state, but when the pharmacies will not fill your prescription in state, I think your chances out of state are slim to none~ I would have thought an attorney would have picked up the ball on this by now but then again ... when they have the doctors afraid to write what they know a patient needs they probably have attorney afraid to go against the government ... they enjoy practicing law without the government down their throat! I wish things were better for me but believe me ... I have had things much worse and reading what some of the others are going though makes me think I have nothing to complain about ... I have medicare and a little money which gives me many choices compared to some .. sending caring and prayers to everyone!

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I am very fortunate that my PC handles all of my pain meds since 1996 so I haven't had to deal with a lot of the crap most of you have. I was wondering whether any of you who are willing to pay cash have thought about using any of the Drs in Colorado who are self pay physicians only? They may be more willing to prescribe the meds you are used to getting. There is no insurance directing them and they are solely working for YOU! It's a thought for those of you looking for a Dr and who are paying out of your own pockets. I know some of them are less than what CPR charges.

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