Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medicine In Arkansas (Page 2)
UpdatedI am located in Arkansas near Little Rock and I need to find a doctor willing to prescribe pain medicine. Please help if you know of any doctors in my area. Thank you.
Dr. Lou is no where near a sweetheart. She makes you do UA's every month which is an added expense that most insurances don't like. She doesn't trust her patients and takes the word of people making anonymous phone calls telling things that aren't true and doesn't give the patient a chance to defend themselves. She constantly want's to push injections on you and tells you she's doing a certain treatment and doesn't do what she says she's doing.
Hi Calgirl, I'm from your neck of the woods and am dying!!! Can't get help here, been to springfield, Fayetteville, right NOW I'm hurting so bad I'm ready to scream! Not good on the computer. Any suggestions? Scarlettjoe
Appliance Guy. I think you are mistaken about Arkansas Pain Management as they don't do procedures. I recently went their and I can't say enough about those folks. I have been twice now and am so happy I found them they are great and you cant go wrong. I know they don't do procedures because they referred me to a doctor that does the injections you talked about and I am scheduled to have the injections in two days.
Calgirl, was wondering if you have found help yet. I'm going through the same thing. Dr. situation around here is horrible! I live in Yellville, and can"t hang on much longer. Have Mtn. Home pcp who won't refer me out of /brmc system!
I go to Dr. James Weedman in Texarkana Arkansas and he is great, very compassionate. Great bedside manner and relaxed and makes you feel comfortable. He has been an Internal Med doc for 50 years but he is pain management now. He ask s you what works best for you in the past and takes it from there. Its my 4th visit and he has me on 180 oxy 15's at the time being. He also does the subutex and suboxone too. $200 for first vissit and $100 a month after that.
I need a chronic pain dr. Asap closer to me like Texarkana r just before Arkansas are even Texas whom will not judge me for the pain I'm in n agony I'm going through please help me find a pain dr who is not scared to write wat I've been taking l
Hey i need some help finding pain meedicaon
My pain Dr in little rock just changed his practice and now has 3 other drs as partners. They do randomize drug panels but they do prescribe pain meds. I have been on fentanyl patches for 7 years and they write mine without much trouble. They take insurance and do procedures as well. Once u have seen them for about 6 months you have appt every other month and they give you your refill prescription for the month you don't have to come in. It post dated for the exact day they are to be refilled. They aren't perfect but from what I have been reading they may be worth anyone needing pain medicine management to call for an appt. My Dr is the original doctor and his name is Dr Carl covet. Their number is 501-773-6993 and they are on Janis road n little rock. I hope this helps.
Im looking for a walk in pain clinic who will prescribe meds for my back condition in little rock arkansas.I have medical records.
But she doesn't take insurance and is quite expensive. I had to quit seeing her cause I cud not afford her anymore tho she is a great dr!!
Dr. Carl covey in little rock on kanis rd. They accept insurance. They prescribe my meds as well as do procedures for pain management. I'm pleased with them. They will do a ua on the first visit as well as random at anytime after. They won't do early refills but after about 6 months u only have to go every other month and they'll give u the written prescriptions for the month u don't c them. Their number is 501-773-6993. I c a nurse practitioner now on my visits and her name is vanicea and I like her. If u really need pain management and not just seeking drugs they are a good place to go. I had records to show what I took and y I needed them. Give them a call. Hope u can get some help. Good luck.
I am looking for a good pain management doctor in Little Rock who can prescribe pain medication for chronic illness. The last pain doctor I saw was Dr. Robin Devan at UAMS, who was extremely rude.
Sorry I don't have any answers& am also looking in Little Rock. If anyone knows of anyone, I'm having an awful time & need suggestions as well.
Go to the Veterns hospital they son in law
Who was the doctor that was rude to you? I am trying to find a doctor in the Jonesboro area or anywhere in Northeast Arkansas. I live in Newport. But I will NOT tolerate being treated like that. Im not an addict but I have to work to live. Never been in jail or any trouble. But I do need my meds for my back due to a car wreck 11 years ago.
I read your comment, missed the part about drug panels on the first visit, started seeing them Wednesday 2, 2015. Got my meds but not what i was getting in north carolina. My question are the drug panel results evaluated on the spot or sent off, and do you know what will happen when it comes back dirty? I'm nervous n scared dont want to lose this doctor. Can you find out for me, im too scared to ask.
Why are you running out? Do they give you oxycodone or oxycontin? Who is your doctor and where are they located.
Hey read your post. Need a pcp that will refer me to pain management dr in NWA. please respond.
If they find anything else in your sample that's not prescribed and you've signed a pain management agreement there is a great possibility that they will refuse to treat you
Andi, the pain mgmt. doctor I was referring to in Mountain Home was Chatman...Tilley wasn't even here then. Chatman (and his male nurse) treated me like the scum of the earth. Please refer to my original post where I briefly state my previous surgeries & the source of my pain. I am, and was then, wheelchair-bound, in excruciating pain (which I will always be in since I've been diagnosed by 3 doctors as having "intractable pain"); I cannot do the most basic activities of daily living & all of this is in records from multiple doctors in California which Chatman had. He never once examined me let alone checked vital signs. He accused me of being a drug addict, he screamed & yelled at me at the top of his lungs as did his nurse, once right outside the waiting room door. I was horrified! I saw Chatman for a year-and-a-half only because I didn't know where else to go. At every visit I was evaluated & the results were always clean. I am a quiet, introverted person, 65 yrs. old; confrontation & argumentation make me intensely uncomfortable but that's all Chatman wanted to do. In the beginning, I would simply ask him (beg him) for the meds I was taking in California which allowed me an awesome quality of life with virtually no pain. (For the previous 2-1/2 yrs. in California I had been living in an assisted care facility (nursing home) and I gave Chatman those records on my 1st visit which included all my daily meds, etc. Chatman glanced at my meds & said I had been seeing a "pill-pusher." I told him he was way off base. I had the nurses & doctors of the nursing home, my family physician, my orthopedic surgeon, my neurologist, and my pain mgmt. doctor, an awesome team that worked together for me and my best outcome. As usual, Chatman ignored me & called me an addict. He would never let me talk; he was mean, rude, condescending, unethical, and an outright liar (a whole other story). At every visit, I just sat there and cried. He finally referred me to Dr. Larson at White River Pain Mgmt. in Batesville for a morphine pump which I could never afford. Dr. Larson turned out to be an exact copy of Chatman. I still haven't found a real evidence-based, patient-oriented pain doc so I continue to be house-bound in agonizing pain.
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