Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication Portland Oregon (Page 10) (Top voted first)


suffering from cronic headaches and neck pain due to a variety of events

221 Replies (12 Pages)

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It is sad but true, it's almost impossible to find a new doctor that will prescribe any type of opiate medications out of fear of our government and their peers. It is tragic what is happening. Animals have more rights than people when it comes to pain. Doctors are cutting out pain meds and not giving help to those who need it to detox and as well some patients who have been on these meds for years will never get normal endorphins. What about the opiate patients with chronic pain like me who don't feel high off the medication? It just helps me to want to live and to be able to function. I had to detox off the Soma, morphine and oxy I was on and in just a couple weeks time the pain clinic I was going to discharged a bunch of patients with no reason, leaving us in the dark. I myself have had two attempts to dig my life out over pain being so bad. It's just not right. Good luck to anyone. It's time to write to our Representatives for this is a huge problem. It's getting to where you can't even be honest or it gets held against you. No wonder so many turn to illegal drug use.

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I too am looking for a doctor to help me with pain medication. Can anyone help me please?

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I too have recently moved to Maine my primary dr doesn't prescribe pain meds and I won't see a pain specialist until aug 15th I've been out of meds for 5 days it kinda sucks I need a new knee and left shoulder. Where can I find a good pain dr that will prescribe meds

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What doc did u transfer to in Oregon??? U said u transferred from jersey to Oregon and had no probs attaining your meds. I'm in Washington and am ready to commit suicide. I have a 14 yr old son and don't want to leave him behind. The posts I'm seeing on here are making things seem even more bleak than what I have and am experiencing. I have 13 disabilities in my back, neck and head. I'm 39 yrs old. The CDC has f***ed all chronic pain patients but exempted cancer patients.

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What Dr did your New Jersey Dr send your records to in Portland?

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Im in serious pain need to find a new pain dr asapi live in central oregonneed a reply asap

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Which doctor do you see they have quite a few.AT OAG

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Hi Ang. Can you name your great doctor ot is that not something you want to do. I started this thread and I have named a clinic specifically. This is Portland Oregon.

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I don't know how to start a online petition but I will look into it.....I feel like we have been hearing about this pain pill epidemic for a decade now and we have lost so many Doctors it is
is nearly impossible to get proper help so how, I ask is that we still have an epidemic with all the clean-up that has gone on for the past 8 years?? I have lost two good doctors to the effing medical board. There are Guidelines for Physicians but these are not laws.

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I am the product of a botched lithotripsy. This procedure happened 14 years ago. I was left with pyloric spasm which has severe abdominal pain. I was treated successfully by a Doctor for 9 years. He retired and I am now left to fend for myself. Current doctors are unwilling to prescribe the necessary meds to treat this condition. I am in need of a doctor that will prescribe opioids for pain. Does anyone know of a doctor who can help?

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Re: kally (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Does this doctor deal with pyloric spasm?? Need help dealing with the child-birth type pain that comes with??

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Re: Joann from Portland Oregon (# 196) Expand Referenced Message

I know a PA at Sellwood Medical clinic. Leslie Gregory PAC. Give it a try.

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Re: Cnai Westinonz (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

The first go-to drug is neuronten. This drug is a nerve killer and doctors do not know how this drug works and how the drug knows which nerves to kill?? Lol. This drug which is notorious for putting on weight -- gained 80 lbs in 2 months, is freely prescribed by many doctors. The fact is rather than prescribe an opioid -- doctors are willing to shut down every nerve in your body. The medical community needs to re-evaluate all the way they function.

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Re: Jennifer (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

I would also like to aid in the effort to starting a petition. I am a Washington resident with over 13 chronic and deteriorating disabilities. I have been on disability for almost ten years. I went bankrupt in 2007 and lost EVERYTHING because I had seen so many doctors and went through every fricken therapy known to man along with trialing every non-narcotic pain med only to find out I had to take opiates. I have been bedridden for over five years until I was put on a therapeutic dose of pain meds. The pa was so abusive and would not let me take a career offered to me when I demonstrated QUALITY OF LIFE on a high dose of opiates!!! No doctor will see me. I cannot get a referral because I cannot find a pcp. My insurance (Regence) cannot find me one f***in provider in their network that will see me. This is bulls*** not getting access to care thanks to the CDC and the Governor in my state/drug addicts. All I have wanted was to be able to work. I WANT TO GO TO WORK AND GET OFF DISABILITY!!! All I need is my pain meds at a therapeutic dose. Why can't I get that so I can return to work? These pain clinics that have popped up after the CDC guidelines f***ed everyone has been discriminating and making money off disabled patients. An ARNP at the Washington State for Pain Mgt had the audacity to tell me if I could demonstrate that I could hold a job she would prescribe me 45mgs of oxycodone a day.

I am disabled and on disability, I do not need to demonstrate s***!!! I want to go to work myself. I have been bedridden on 60mgs of oxycodone and she is only gonna prescribe 45mgs? Told me that I had to get a job first and provide proof of this!!! Who the hell does she think she is? Oh and she said when I can demonstrate that I am financially responsible... Who the f*** said I was not financially responsible? She discriminated against me because I am on disability and thinks the disabled are not financially responsible and wants me to irresponsibly accept a position knowing I cannot perform the essential functions of the job without pain meds at s therapeutic dose. Do you people understand what is going on? Who and where do I report this to?

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Re: MissT (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, did you receive the methadone treatment in Washington? I have lived in Oregon my entire life., with the same pain management clinic 14 YEARS. I made one violation in my pain contract and they dumped me cold turkey, after being on Methadone for over 17 YEARS and i went through severe withdrawls on Aug. 30, it is Sept. 27, and i am STILL suffering methadone withdrawls. If i did not believe in God, I would End this by putting a pistol to my head...Oregon is merciless, and their pain clinics don't give a D....n about their patients. My only motive now is to move to another state, and i have been a Lifer' here, Thanks and i truly do..wish you good luck and hope you find what you need.

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Re: MissT (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

who did you find Miss T? have had 3 spinal fusions and been on chronic pn meds 8yrs...they are great at helping improve quaity of life--i can walk when getting my meds but moved here from Wyo and many dr. dont wish to cont you know one who will...desperate need thanks!

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I am 67 years of age with several disk surgeries and fusion of L3-L4-L5 and moved from Wyoming. I had good Dr there and desperately need an MD in or around Salem Oregon who prescribes Norco for chronic pain. Been thru all the treatments and NSAIDS and therapies and this alone gives me any quality of life - meaning i can walk when taking Norco. I will drive as far as Washington or Canada but i need a compassionate Dr. who will review my history. If you know of such a Dr please send me his name and where he is located. Thanks so much. I am praying for such an MD.

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Has anyone taken oxycodone in the last few months? I took this drug for 9 years and never had a problem. I was taken off my thoradol and prometazine inj's. all at about the same time. The condition I had for 13 years prior caused nausea but never vomiting. I attributed the vomiting to the removal of the inj's. but was wondering if the oxycodone that is currently being sold causes vomiting and has anyone had a similar experience?

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Hello guys,

I recommend going to CODA for opioid treatment. CALL +1-503-239-8400


I am on 22mg of buprenorphine a day. Works great. THEY also have a methadone program. All you have to do is have an insurance that they accept and an opiate history of use and they will accept you into the program. This is the only way to get an adequate amount of painkillers in Portland without having cancer.


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Re: Tammi (# 208) Expand Referenced Message

Whats up in spring 2018 in old portland.....anybody finding it better or worse for chronic pain.....doctors etc

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