Doctors Who Will Prescribe Pain Medication In Huntsville Al (Page 4)
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My pain management doc got investigated and now hes closed his practice down. I was getting 30mg oxycodone 5 times a day and morphine 15mg 2 times a day. Does anybody know a doctor in huntsville alabama that will keep me on my meds, need answer ASAP!
I can't find a doctor to prescribe me my norcos, they all think I'm too young for them I'm 34 for goodness sake.
And it's happening now. The cops and government need to leave doctors and their patients alone and crack down on the illicit drug dealers.
Brian I'm gonna write that down, "They're like a drug dealer who insults you for buying their product while continually threatening to cut you off" perfect description of pain Mismanagement!!!!
Doctors who prescribe pain meds mpls
Uab did a lunar punch on me like to have killed me I've never been since
If worse comes to worst cant u go into rehab that way the withdrawal wont b so awful? Inquireing minds want to know.
I appreciate you posting that. You described it perfectly! I usually keep a pain doc between 7-9 months. The last one was actually for a full year and I thought for sure that they would be my pain care forever. I was out of pills but my refill was for the next day! Can you imagine! Yes Amy urine had no oxy in it. I had run out a week early due to trying to wean myself off the fentanyl patch...I don't think women who are menopausal who can't take HRT meds, should be on any extended release opiates. There is a study that was discontinued in 2003 concerning that. Ok so she decreases my fentanyl and also increases days on patch while knowing new law that she can no longer give me 2 months of prescriptions! Ok I could go on forever with complaints but I think I need to learn how to roll joints LOL
I need a family practice Dr that writes pain meds
Kwik kratom. It's $8 per oz with no shipping costs. The place is in Florida. My orders are in my hsv al mailbox in 3 days.... hell I have an order on its way now for 3 red strains. The site has hundreds of positive reviews. I'm a 185 lb man so I have a tolerance but it helps a little. I'm also a nurse and after a ton of research and Dr. questions, it seems to be a safe the kratom bible for great info....
I'm a HSV AL nurse and I can tell you with first hand inside knowledge that the Aggerwal bust terrified doctors. Even known pill mills check urine and levels to make sure you're taking the meds exactly as prescribed. I guess it's understandable but the way people on pain meds are viewed and treated disgusts me. It's like a drug dealer insulting you for buying their product while constantly threatening to cut you off. Many need these meds but live with constant unhealthy fear and stress of being cut off and cast into a physical and mental hell. God bless the few left who understand the dependance and treat their patients as equal human beings......most of them don't and THOSE doctors are scum, keep in mind I'm a man who works along side them. I see their negligence daily ....sadly it's not considered negligence by their peers.
Obama or Oduma has everything to do with your pain and suffering.
Even when the DEA did a 3 state bust recently Alabama still has more physicians handling chronic intractable pain then anywhere in the U.S. I realize many of the posts are from 2013 but what I am reading is wrong, it is the so called president who has destroyed opioid use and intentionally he now on the 120 mg. morphine equivalent has us meaning pain management patients grouped with addicts.
He was prescribed 2 15mg morphine and 4 30mgs oxycodone and ya'll are saying he was over medicated and that's why his doctor was shut down??? With his low to normal dose, his doctor shouldn't have had a problem--imho his extended release morphine should be higher and most folks (patients) know that 6 a day of 30mg oxy leads to a normal life and 4 make it just barely tolerable--William was not getting too much
I know its not my drs "fault", its just me & my husband in our household so leaving my medication out was never an issue when & if I ever did i always kept it locked up but on this particular day we were rushing out the door to get somewhere, I got my medicine out, took my dose & just left it on an end table in our den. We left, just so happens my son came over to get a piece of mail he got here that I had told him about days ago. He has a key for emergencies, he had a friend with him that day & they both came in, at one point, as im gettin the story from my son, he had went to the rest room leaving the boy alone briefly, my son had no idea that I was even on pain meds bc that was my decision to not let anyone know hopin situations like this wouldn't happen, so im tryin to be discrete in askin him details of the events that happened while they were here, therefore the reason I didn't involve the law is bc im sure they would be questioning my son on the boys name, then releasing what I been trying to keep a secret.
I would understand my dr not wanting to give me something in its place if the story of "my pills got stole" was a repetitive thing with me but I have never had a story as to why I was short on my meds. If I ever took to many & ran out early bc I do have worse days than others, hes aware of this but refused to write me any breakthrough meds. He did once but later found out that it and my reg meds cancel each other out so I wasn't gettin anything off of either of them but he did not replace it with anything else.
I would have nvr went to the ER had his office not told me to go & even said they would help me with the withdrawals. But once the ER dr called me a liar then refused to talk to the nurse on call I was pissed, the nurse could hear him refusing to talk to her & she couldn't believe what was goin on either, thats why when I got the call that the dr wasn't goin to see me anymore bc of that situation was a total shock, im like where is that nurse that heard everything, why is she not speakin up?
But ive had other issues once I went bck to my reg dr that would have ur head spinning again. I just cant believe the behavior & lack of caring about their patients that ive witnessed with other ppl then of course that ive recieved, but I am lookin for a different dr as we speak.
Ty for ur feedback tho. I appreciate it.
oh I dont know what u were trying to say about the morphine. I am allergic to morphine and that is one of the new scripts my dr wrote me that I had to take back to his office to get something else. The meds was called something else so I didn't know it was a different form of morphine, so that was enough to scare the sh#$ outta me bc he is well aware of my allergies. It went downhill from there with bogus prescriptions he was writing me that I couldn't get filled. My insurance just happened to be all caught up as far as my deductible & co pays, all met so I wasn't havin to pay $65 every visit anymore, I was paying $0, after that my dr lost interest in helping me.
Not right off hand but if u find one or have one that will actually listen to u and want to help u will u pls let me know. I got one that helped for a lil while but would not write me anything for breakthrough pain therefore I would run out of my reg pain medicine about a week & a half early, go thru withdrawals & get in trouble when I went back for my schedule appt yet he refused to even at least up the mg on my reg med so maybe it last longer on managing my pain. Then once my deductible & co pays were all met & I was having to fork out $65 per visit but now paying $0 he decides to try different medications that either my pharmacist had nvr heard of, didn't even know if they could get & if they could then my insurance wouldn't cover em, instead of him writing me something else he would have the nurses tell me that he wasn't going to write me anything else, so yes i had to buy some from friends just to keep from hurting & doing the withdrawals, after 3 mths of this I decided to just try & get off of the pills so he puts me on zubsolv, after taking it for 3 days, twice a day I was puking my guts out, I couldn't eat or sleep from staying nauseous from it & from hurting, called his office to see if this was a common side effect or should I keep taking it for my body to get used to it, I didn't see vomiting in any of the paperwork, I got told by a nurse that he was not writing me anything else, I said I didn't ask him to, I wanna know about the side effects, was told that the dr said for me to go to the ER if I wanted to that there was nothing he could do for me. U know as well as I do the ER would just write u a script for nausea medicine, which I already had 2 bottles of nausea medicine, and tell u to follow up with ur dr.. I am so aggravated at him, disappointed & wonder if its got anything to do with not having to pay anything for my visits now, seems to be such a coincidence that he's failure to care & do his job properly & do whats in the best interest of his patient happened at the very same time as my not paying did.
you need to try kratom. I have severe fibromyalgia, so does my adult son, and we took pain meds for years too- until we moved up north and couldn't get ANY!
I ordered my own tramadol in the mail with no script until they put it in a narcotic catagory, so I was forced to find a natural alternative- I found kratom! It gives you energy, a nice buzz, and pain relief. There are many different strains of it, some strains even help you relax. Google it, it works..the governmnet has already made it illegal in Indiana (the extract), Tennessee, and Wisconsin, and they are working on Florida better get it while you can. It's safe and effective, non habit forming
MiMi you have to know the story of stolen medications is the worst excuse in these times of politically driven cut backs for chronic pain clients.
You must always be responsible for that medication. Do not ever leave medication where someone can steal it. Take it with you at all times--do not leave it at home, it could kill someone who is not tolerant or worse yet a child or animal.
A physician especially in the South will side with a physician. You did have ER visits whereas you asked for opioids and ER physicians very often are impaired they may not be able to write class 2's in the community and are very strict when treating walk in's in the ER. For good cause.
The problem was safeguarding your medication. I have known of pain patients who if that occurred had put aside a small amount each month and had to tolerate the suffering until their next visit. These medications are not replaceable in these times a physician is bound by this new FDA morphine equivalent which is very low and they will likely find too low BUT due to abuse of prescription medications true people with IP suffer (such as myself).
I would not blame the physician. Unfortunately the party who did this to you could have been reported to LE and arrested. I would have done so; the physician was not at fault.
This information from docskep is totally wrong and can cost you a life.
If you have been on any opioid therapy for a long period you should if you want to be off this medication do so with a humane provider who is willing to work with you to lower your dosages comfortably.
My medical records state from the top pain specialist in America "interruption of her medication supply will result in death."
Where do these do gooders come from they do "no good" for those in intractable pain.
Hi Folks I am a professional nurse that is not a high dosage for rare intractable pain.
If you are a rare case it is not even mid range--management should be by a high level specialized care physician who is research oriented.
Please all visit this page and learn what you can do to STOP the suffering! The war on pain pts may never been won unless?
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