Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycontin In Oklahoma (Page 5)
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I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks

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I was reading your response about a good pain management Dr. My Dr had a stroke and can no longer practice can you please send me your email address so i can get a name.

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Dr Harvey Jenkins lost his license last year for operating a pill mill. He has been reduced to becoming an uber driver around here in okc. Guess you don't watch the news, just google.

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Is Dr. Harvey Jenkins in the tulsa area?

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Yes I've seen her in the past at her okc location but she only wrote hydro to everyone at that time

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Do i need a referral to go see her? And to your earlyer msg im not just going for pills. I have a severe pain in my shoulder and have seen my doctor but all he said was i need to stretch it out and that made it worse. Needless to say im not going to that doctor anymore. If she percribes me something thats fine it will help me work my long hours and if there is something wrong with my shoulder to where i need surgery then we can go from there.

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Peyton have you seen Dr Ellis before. Reason I gave her name is because you don't need a referral

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Yes she does I get oxycodone and dilaudid. And have been good a couple of years now. I am a current patient of hers

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Does Dr. Ellis write opana? I know she won't write oxycodone.

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Dr. Jeri Ellis won't write OxyContin or oxycodone. Does anyone know a doctor that will?

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Dr. Jeri Ellis. Not only is she a pain management dr but you can use her as your primary care dr also

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What pm Doctor are you talking about on the forum?

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However if you are looking for oxycontin that is not gonna happen. Opana yes, oxycontin no. If you really want to be pain free then I suggest anyone give her a call. If you are an addict and only can take certain meds then leave her alone. She is real thorough and can see straight thru the bs. Good luck. By no means am I calling you an addict. I'm just putting it out there so you don't waste your time or hers.

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Yes. It's Dr Jeri Ellis. She is really nice. She really cares. She will prescribe for sure however be prepared to do a UA every single time and be there for hours. She spends no less than an hour per patient. So if you have the time to wait than she's the Dr for you

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Is this a number for a doctor in oklahoma city?

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I take ultram I had been on suboxone for four years. I have soonercare I live by chandler Oklahoma any doctors even if its the city thattake soonercare?

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#124. Try 405-604-9595. You will have to take lab work and be there all day.

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I'm looking for Doctor in Oklahoma City Oklahoma who will prescribe pain meds. I have severe shoulder pain and think I have torn or broke something. Every Doctor I go to seem to think I'm making it up. I work as a heavy structural steel fabrication technician and work 12 hour days. Can anybody help me find a doctor who can help me

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I'm going through the same thing basically. My most recent Dr of three years had a call in so his reserve had seen me, and she told me that I needed to go to see a psychiatrist because she wouldn't write me the scripts I was on. I live in Norman Oklahoma, but don't mind if I have to drive to OKC or somewhere not too far. I have no insurance is one problem. (My Dr. Was prescribing me 90 1 mg Xanax 3x day and 90 Soma 3x a day..though I am wanting to possibly change my rx...I don't know if a Dr would prescribe me 2 mg klonopin- does anything mix well with klonopin?)....I plan on bringing my paper work in to which the Dr will see I do have a problem. If anyone knows of a Dr in OKLAHOMA (between okc to purcell) that is sympathetic and/or know of any resources I've missed... Would you please let me know? {edited for privacy}. Ty

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Will u plz let me know about a good pain doctor in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mine moved to be closer to his son and now I am having trouble finding one that doesn't want to start me back out on Lortabs and Percocets. I have been on Oxycontin and soma and fent patches.

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I am seeking a new pain specialist in OKC that will monitor my paid closely and prescribe Oxycodone for pain and muscle relaxers for extensive muscle spasms. I was in an auto accident 4 years ago and received multiple neck and upper/back injuries. In the last 3 years, I learned that I have been suffering from arthritis in the back and hands. I didn't think my life could get much worse until I was diagnosed with gall stones which creates shooting pain and nausea for extended periods.

My pain is consistent, but also comes on rapidly and intense. I was being treated well for my conditions, until recently. I spoke to my pain specialist about the additional pain from the gall stones and even provided the results from a CT scan. They accused me of having drug seeking behavior even though I have never failed random drug panels for 4 years. They reduced my dosages and changed my therapy to morphine and Opana.

I don't like the way morphine makes me feel and would like to continue my past treatment methods with another pain specialist and I was informed recently the pain clinic told me they quite prescribing Oxycodone altogether due to pressure from the DEA and their new initiates. I get it, the DEA is trying to solve a bad problem related to drug abuse. I, however, am suffering as the result. I want to be treated by a specialist that understands my pain and won't let the DEA decide what's best for me.

I would appreciate any referrals that the group can give me. God bless all who are suffering and are victims of an intrusive government that is causing needless damage.

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