Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycontin In Oklahoma (Page 4)
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I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks

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In severe pain with cysts on ovaries. Help, I need medication for 3 days only. Maybe 4 but don't want to spend time and money on bulls*** if you know what I mean. Any suggestions that are a guarantee and probably how long to get in and what might be prescribed? I need a referral. Please help!! Desperate.

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Dr Ellis on south side is a pain dr

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I am looking for a pain management dr in okc. I have been dealing with severe back pain, herniated disk, ect for years & no one will help me

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Maybe you should sue, it's against our constitutional rights for the government to interfere with our doctors treatments.

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There is a dr Ellis at the doctors tower next to Baptist hospital. Good luck

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I just moved to Fort Smith, AR. Both shoulders are shot. Peter cups are shattered and tendons in my arms are tore. Dr. Heim at Mercy hospital reviews to see me because I ask him for some relief.. What do I do.? I Think it would feel better to just yank them off.

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Wow. No she will not give you iv dilaudid for home. No Dr in Oklahoma will. Come to think of it no Dr anywhere will. Period. They are already not wanting to give narcotics let alone iv meds

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They gave you iv dilaudid for home use?

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Oxytocin is produced naturally by the body, you will not need a prescription :)

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Pain Management

Can u plz email names of Tulsa Dr that will prescribe oxytocin?

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Can u plz email names of Tulsa Dr that will prescribe oxytocin?

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lower back disk, disk protruding , two cut

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Help me I've been in pain along time. I went to a pain medication doctor and i moved to Arkansas i can not find a doctor here I've been though so much pain but Arkansas does not care about people please help

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Cathy Woodward i have been treated for cronc pain i had pain medication doctor in Oklahoma city and i moved to Arkansas i can not find a doctor here I've been though pain and has been treated for years i am hurting bad

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In need of finding a new pain management Dr in the okc or Shawnee area that will prescribe 30mg oxycodones & fentanyl patches for my 62 year old father. His Dr recently got shut down & we're having a terrible time finding a good Dr that cares & will keep him out of pain? Any help wld be greatly appreciated. Thank u

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This is really becoming frightening the way the government has gotten so involved in every aspect of our lives to the point of causing innocent people suffer in horrendous pain and dictating our medical care. You can't lump everyone into one category when it comes to medical issues. And what right does the government have to be telling doctors how to practice medicine? What are they heading for? Letting us die in horrendous pain for feature we will become addicted to drugs?

it comes to

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Thank you for the info, we will be sure to have records faxed directly from the other doctors so they don't think it's a forgery. Already have about 6 MRI's. His headache unfortunately isn't a migraine but due to increased pressuse in the brain. :(

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#142... Some Dr's want to send you for MRIs and won't take medical records unless they are sent directly to them because of forgeries. Most times migraines are made worse by narcotics. Maybe they are saying he doesn't need narcotics.

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My husband has a cyst in his brain that causes severe constant headaches. He has MRI's and doctors records to prove this. It's awful. His current pain management doctor has him on low dose, decreased him from what his neurologist was prescribing when he first started with pain management. She refuses to increase anything due to his "young" age. He has been her patient for 16 months. OF COURSE his tolerance has built considerably in that amount of time. He tried going to a different doc but they said they only do injection (which is not an option for the brain). If you know a good doc please let me know. Ty.

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Shannon call Dr Ellis at 405-604-9595. She is primary care also so you don't need a referral.

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