Doctors Who Prescribe Oxycontin In Oklahoma (Page 3)


I have been in Pain management since 2004 in California and just Moved out there to muskogee Oklahoma... unfortunately there are NO doctors here willing to treat my pain i was on a regiment of 80mg Oxycontin 2X daily 10/325mg Norcos every 4 hours and 4mg IV dilaudid as needed for breakthrough pain... i am in search of a doctor out this way who is actualluy willing to perscribe these meds... thanks

220 Replies (11 Pages)

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Dont go to the welness clinic of Roland they will try to have you arrested and keep your money if they decide they want to . dr Myer is ok but the staff isnt. . .

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This question is forHollywudz that knows a good pain management dr in Oklahoma . I can't see your email address so I don't know how to get a hold of you

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Did you find a good pain dr in Oklahoma

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The Holloway Group in okc

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This is for Niki. Did you find a good pain management dr in ok? I have severe degenerative disc disease and my lumbar spine has four bad disc out of six. I also have spinal stenosis

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I'm looking for a good pain management dr in Oklahoma city if possible... already have done the epidural IV's and physical therapy. I'm currently taking oxycotin and oxycodone for breakthrough pain. My pm dr fired me because he said I was using triangulation with the nurses. I had called the nurse and said I needed of possible to get seen sooner that morning and she got my scripts ready. The lady at the office realized what the nurse had done for me and said I broke the rules. I didn't even think something like that could get me discharged. My dr was dr Jenkins. I'll be out of meds soon and the thought of having to go to a methadone clinic sickens me. I have multiple things wrong with my back and have g got current Mri records. Please someone help me

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I too had problems with Dr. Jenkins. I followed the rules to the tee but wasnt good enough I guess. I have been trying to see another PM but it is taking forever. I have found that he was charging my insurance crazy amounts of money and sending lab outside of network. If anyone knows of PM around OKC I would be so grateful. I was taken Opana and lortab.

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Can I plz get information onto

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Looking for a doctor in oklahoma city that will see me for pain management. I was prescribed suboxone 6 months after acdf surgery because I felt I couldn't handle withdraws. Now I'm having a hard time finding a doctor that will prescribe pain meds. I have a cut nerve and a spinal injury since the surgery and stay in constant pain. I've grown tired of going from doctor to doctor just to be labeled a drug seeker, yes I am seeking relief but I am opiate tolerant and need a doctor that understands. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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pain management dr that you said that you have?

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Hi I'm going through the same problem I live In Mcalester and I'm on soonercare I have gotten An X-ray and then MRI and they said ya there's this and this wrong and you can have IV's. I'm not doing needles in my back from past experience and need help finding someone! Ugg I don't mind traveling an hour or little over

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I have been looking for new pain management doctor in tulsa been going to advanced pain specialists and got injured in iraq he will only prescribe percocets and im worried about damaging my liver with him giving me so many. He will not prescribe anything without Tylenol in it do you know of anyone

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i've been to a few in, thought maybe we could trade names and info about them with eachother. I'm trying to find a decent one at least now, before too much time passes from the last time i was prescribed-ya know. get back to me if you can. thanks

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I have suffered from a herniated/ruptured disk at L4-L5, a compressed sciatic nerve, and chronic pain in both arms from the shoulders down to my fingers for years, and cannot get a doctor to take me on. I get PAs who will prescribe me 10 mg lortab which is like taking Pez...and they will only prescribe once or twice. I can't get a referral to a pain clinic. I have a copy of the MRI for my back but have never had mu shoulders x-rayed because I don't have insurance. I am cash-pay and can afford offoce vivits ans meds. I just can't get a doctor to accept me.

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Can anyone help me find pain doc that will give 30mg oxycodone my current doc has me on 10mg, its not working, plus i also take zanax and all docs act weird about giving me the combination, does anyone know of GOOD doc in okc area

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There is a dr his name is Harvey Jenkins. He'll prescribe whatever you need

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Chelsea, you need to find a dr who takes Oklahoma Medicaid. Not every dr accepts it.

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I suffered a very serious on the job injury in 1997 with injuries to my neck, right shoulder and lower back. I didn't even go to a Doctor because as a single Mom I HAD to work!! 9 months later the pain became so much worse that I HAD to see a Doc who told me I had a sprained neck, put me in a collar, gave me some percocet and muscle relaxants and 3 weeks off work. (I was a nurse). I went back to work in considerable pain, but plugged along for a couple more months when I lost the feeling in my arms and kept dropping things. I demanded a CT scan which he didn't think I needed but agreed to do. I was in a patients room when he came in and told me I had to go home because I had 2 ruptured discs in my neck. Long story short, I had surgery to fuse the discs, tried to go back to work 3 times but only got worse. I went from Percocet to Norco which didn'd do much, to a few other drugs I can't recall but not much help, and fought going on oxy for 3 years because of it's tendency to cause addiction which scares me to death. I should be taking the oxy along with lyrica and zanaflex but I would be a zombi!! I went from 80 mg oxy twice a day to 60, then 40, then 30, trying to get off of it but the pain is almost unbearable. Now I can't get the dose increased because I was the one who wanted to try a lower dose. MY Doc would flip if he saw how many drugs you are using at those doses, My last 3 UA's have showed elevated oxy levels and I haven't taken a single extra pill but you would think otherwise by how I'm being treated. Has this happened to you

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I need a doctor in Muscogee, Oklahoma who prescrib Norco 10/325 for chronic back pain I have degenerative disc disorder I am constantly in pain

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Oh how I understand. He fired me because the red haired lady who owns the place heard me talking to another patient about the nurse being mad at me. Long story. Anyway he didn't tell me I was fired and wouldn't I had to go up there THREE weeks later which left me no time to get into another dr so I had to go to methadone clinic cuz I was taking 3 oxycotin 60mg and five oxycodone a day. Now I'm taking myself off the done by 5 mgs a day cuz my surgeon said I had TOO much damage in my back to operate and I had BONE ON bone in all my lumbar. So their referring me to a new pm clinic in okc. Does anyone know anything about dr.Nouh in advanced pain management clinic in okc? Thank GOD the surgeon did give me an rx till my appOintment which makes it easier to get off this stupid methadone. Thank GOD I was only on it for four weeks. Already gone dub 24 mgs in a week down to 31 gonna wrap it up this week. . Wish me luck

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