Doctor In Tri Cities That Prescribe Subutex
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I've been trying to find a doctor that writes subutex for pain management and dont have to be preg or have hep to get the help you need. I was attacked by a police dog and was severaly injured. Had to have surgery and had massive muscle loss and hard to sometimes without my meds to even work. So if anyone knows any doctors in tri cities please let me know. Hate to ask as i'm a country boy but its gettin pretty rough.
2 Replies
Good luck with subutex here bro. I used to get 4 subutex per day and 6 mg klonopin. Moved here and now 2 strips 4 mgs join they will make you have an allergic reaction in the office. Rashes don't count
not right off the bat im sure there someone or thing out ther
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