Doctor Who Will Prescribe Percocet Medication
UpdatedI'm living in columbus ms and few doctors got shut down and nobody wants to see me cause i was seeing one of the doctors. I was in a bad wreck in 99 got thrown out of bronco and they had to fly me to chatt tn. I have a mri. I was getting 120 percocet 10s every month and when he got shut down i was still getting 120 percocet 10s. now this other doctor im seeing is only writing me 90 lorcets 7.5 and that DOES NOT help. i have been seeing him for almost 2 years and i asked him if he can bump me up to tens or one more a day and he told me i was maxed out, but i know people that get 90 or 120 pain pills. i went today on my appointment and he wrote on the script not to be filled until the 6th. Im out of my meds. i even told him that i havent been able to sleep at night and he couldnt write me nothing for sleep.he is a joke. somebody please refer me to a doc that will treat me right. PLEASE HELP
12 Replies
You talk like you were seeing Dr. White? I think he may be practicing again, from what I'm reading. I'd be interested myself in knowing who you are currently seeing, as I'm in the area also, and I'm not totally satisfied with the care I'm getting either, although my situation is different from yours in some ways. I wish I could tell you of somebody who would help, but I think you were getting help like nobody else will probably give you. Doctors have become so high strung over these medicines, to the point of discriminating against people with disabilities in order to stop addicts. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My doc wants to help me just so much, then refer me out for this and that, and I cannot afford to go to all these doctors that want to see me each and every month - I don't have insurance, but I sure need help. I hope you post if you find somebody, and good luck!
I am sorry that you are both suffering and having so many problems, no one should have to deal with this type of thing.
However, the doctors really no longer have a choice in the matter, there have been new restrictions put in place regarding what general practitioners and surgeons can prescribe for pain, how much and for how long.
Thus, if you require more medication, or higher dosage for long-term treatment of chronic pain, you will have to see a pain management specialist.
I really do understand how hard it is, when you don't have insurance to see specialists, since I am in the same boat, but your doctor's hands are tied in this matter.
Have you tried seeing if there is any assistance available for you?
Even something that covers part of an office visit or the cost of your prescriptions could help.
The doctor's hands are NOT tied. They don't want to prescribe pain meds. They are anal and hysterical. I know people that get Percocet 30 and Opana 40mg from reg docs so it is how they want er uh don't want to help their patients. They think we are all addicts and have no compassion what so ever. Pain clinics don't want to prescribe pain meds anymore either so what are they there for? Last I looked, we pay their salary!! If we chronic pain sufferers joined together maybe we could stop this abuse, but no one will do it thoughEB.... (sad face) I want to know why its SOOO easy to get alcohol?? Oh never mind the drs, lawyers and judges along with the fda and dea panel all like to slam their booze at the end of the day to "wind down." HYPOCRITES!!!!!!!!
You are so right about the alcohol!! My mother died in an alcohol-related accident, and so did my aunt. Terrible, awful wrecks too. I really think American culture mindset has changed to put as much hardship and weight on the disadvantaged, which absolutely includes pain patients. I'm disgusted by the lack of concern for those hurting. Like I said, I think this absolutely defines discrimination against chronic pain patients. I'm prescribed lortab, but it doesn't make me high at all. I don't abuse it, but it sure makes a difference in the quality of my life. I still have a 13 yr old son at home to care for, and I'm still easily 20 yrs away from retirement age, so all they're doing is further reducing the quality of life for pain patients. Most of them that I know are not addicts - although I have known some through the years - they just suffer and want relief. What's the point of developing all these pain meds, but they can't be used? It's so stupid. I'm sick of it.
Allegra99, you are absolutely right! WHY indeed manufacture something the drs won't prescribe and the pharmacists smile and lie to your face and say "Oh they don't make that, we can't fill that, we can't order that." Sure you can, you don't want to. I know of 2 great pharmacies that don't get in your business and don't lie. That tells you they can do more than they say they can too. I am sick of it too. So sorry about your mom and aunt btw...
The address for The FDA (U.S. Food and DRUG Administration is:
10903 New Hampshire Ave
Silver Spring MD, 20993
If we would ALL stick together and write letters and call maybe we could do something about drs that are afraid or too anal to prescribe pain meds and pharmacists that are the same. People in pain don't show up to those meetings and don't write letters and or call. Its only the people that have lost loved ones to over doses that go and stand up and fight to have pain meds done away with. We ALL know its not the drug that kills the abuser. An abuser is going to abuse anything they can get their hands on but the pain meds can be controlled so they all go after them. Let's stand together people and fight for our rights!!! Please before its too late! Maybe ALL of us together as one voice can make a difference. Please voice your thoughts and concerns !!!
I live in north Florida and the DEA has mad Life Hell for Anyone Living In Chronic Pain, the DEA Is Doing Raids On Pharmacies Making Sure They Are Not Filling To Many Prescriptions Of Pain Medication. The Pharmacies Can Only Order A Small Amount Of Pain Medication Each Month. Witch Has Caused Shortages Of The Pain Medication. The DEA is Doing Raids On Pharmaceutical Wholesale companies, So Pharmacies Have Their Orders Delayed. This Never Used To Be A Problem, I've Been Going To The Same Doctor For 8 Years After A Motorcycle Wreck Almost Took My Life. But Now It Is Almost Impossible To Get My Legal Prescription Filled. We Now Have The DEA Making Healthcare Choices For Us All, some Medication My Doctor Was Giving Me He Had To Change Because Of The New Rules The DEA Has Made. My Doctor Said We All Should Call Every Congress Person, Your Governor, Senators, the White House Comment Phone Line, And Complain Tell Them What's Happening, Tell Them The DEA Is Causing Widespread Suffering, because The DEA is Making Healthcare Choices. That only Doctors Should Make. If We Don't Take A Stand Now, It Will Only Get Worse.
Re: Person in pain (# 6)
I've been on pain meds more than half my life and now all of a sudden they take percocet away completely and lower my time controlled morphine to 30mg a few times a day. Why are we people who have never failed a drug panel or done anything wrong be forced to suffer?
Re: Person in pain (# 3)
You hit the nail on the head. Political idiots want to seem tuff on opioids. Well guess what, addicts get their Suboxone and methadone!!!!!!!!! Heroin addicts still get theirs. But SCREW the people who can PROVE treatment is needed. Wouldn't want to become addicted. Hey ass hats, I am 61 years old and considering HEROIN for the first time in my entire life. If I overdose I won't be in pain anymore. Lord, this is a sad state of affairs. Any LAWYER out there willing to sue the Governor of Virginia for practicing medicine without a license. Or abusing the disabled? I AM IN SEVERE PAIN EVERY MINUTE of EVERY DAY. I pray for strength till the government wakes up .
Re: Scrue the DEA (# 7)
Amen, excellent response. I'm in so much pain I can't get dressed, brush my teeth or hair. I have to force myself to do it and have no interest in food or anything. Every day I wish I was dead. The pain would stop. NorCal CRPS.
Re: Kenneth (# 8)
You are so lucky. I am completely denied any pain treatment, no prior problems ever when I was able to function and had 10mg oxycodone 3 lousy pills a day. Three years ago. I wish I was on the other side.
Re: Anita (# 9)
I'm with you 110%. Suffering with every breath. Wanting it to end.
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