Doctor Who Will Prescribe Methadone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I live in Myrtle Beach, SC. I have been on methadone for 9 years. I have had a lot of pain issues since having cancer 10 years ago. I went to a pain management clinic in Philadelphia. No problems. TRhen I moved to MB and the only resouce I've been given is a methadone clinic.. I need to find a doctor to write my methadone for me. My insurance pays for that. but a clinic which is not helping my issue and want 300.00 dollars a month and I have to go everyday. I am not the healthiest person I can't do it. Is there anyone who can help me PLEASE.. I am willing to go to North carolina if I have to.. is anyone knows of a pain management doc or other???? Thank You God bless

53 Replies (3 Pages)

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Please help me. I need a dr that will prescribe methadone. It's the only thing that controls my pain for any length of time. I've had two knee surgeries. Two hernias removed from my groin. My appendix removed. I have two herniated disc and arthritis in my spine. As well as degenerative disc disease. All the drs I've seen seem to want to prescribe is norco. Boat loads of norco. I DON'T WANT THEM. THEY DO NOT HELP ME. Please share your Dr info. My email is {edited for privacy}.

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Can you give me your pain mgmt drs name I want to try that instead of daily.

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I am in the situation..but I believe with your pain management on your side that my mother was prescribed methadone through her pain mgmt in Wilmington NC you may check that out. I am pretty sure she got it there for a while

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Kimmy could u share the dr information with me to , thank u

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Could you please share the name of yourr doctor? My son is desperate.

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Has anyone gotten a response? I've asked numerous times for the dr info. Haven't gotten a response. My email is {edited for privacy}. If anyone gets it please share. I'm currently at the methadone clinic and it's breaking me. My back is pretty much destroyed. It's the only thing that helps. And the Dr's I've tried are so scared to give anything stronger than norco and they just don't do it.

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I am not sure I posted a reply but when my mother was on pain management the Pain management clinic in Wilmington NC which is about an hour and twenty minutes drive did give my mother methadone pills and when she didn't want them anymore they just gave her morphine sulfate and oxycontin. Try calling around Wilmington NC pain managment clinics. I believe they randomly call you in for pill counts and all. If I am not mistaken my mothers Dr was Dr Points in Wilmington. I am not sure he still in practice he was pretty old at the time. But it could help

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Hello. I am wondering who your pain management Doctor is in Charlotte. I have weaned myself off of Percocet because it seems to cause depression for me. I am now, once again, in chronic pain due to surgery on my neck for herniated disks apx. 8 years ago along with slipped disks in my lower back. I don't think my current doc here in Blowing Rock, NC will prescribe. methadone, but. I am going to ask him.

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I'm a 44 yr old man who have been taking huthe same dose of methadone for 13 yrs, I have 5 children and the meds are a god send I have a life. But now my current pain management, changed all their policies I've contacted multiple doctors I keep reaching dead ends I'm in the Charlotte area can someone please help me find a doctor that will prescribe methadone that's all I need I don't want all the Oxys the morphine's are none of the extra BS

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Hi hun, I seen your email was blanked out but I would like to have the information for that doctor in Charlotte NC as my husband has had 7 major back surgeries and currently goes to a Methadone Clinic and needs to just get into a dr to be able to get t prescribed because with this clinic he has to go in every morning and dose and we can't go to NY and visit family because he can't dos anywhere but there, their rules are weird :/

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Hi wayne, I too am in the same situation and I do live in Evansville. My problem however is that I'm currently on painkillers (lots and lots of back problems) and im lookin to get off of those and get on methadone but the only place I know around here that will give it to you is the methadone clinic. Do u know of any physicians that will currently write a person a script for the methadone? It will help control my pain and help me to get OFF these painkillers I'm on...

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Can you reply with the drs name or email me at {edited for privacy} please. I cant afford the clinic. I have a disc disorder and was on oxycodone and now im on methadone but cant afford the cost everyday along with the drive everyday! Thanks so much!!

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Looking for the name of a doctor in Columbia SC that will write methadone. I have severe pain and have been taking methadone for 15 yrs. Please Help!!!

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As you have seen trying to help a specific person in need whom experienced tragic circumstances brings all the methadone seekers who are APPROPRIATELY BEING TREATED AT A METHADONE CLINIC.If you are CURRENTLY being dosed AT A METHADONE CLINIC FOR WHATEVER REASON YOU CLAIM NO pain doc will prescribe methadone as a pain protocol because federal law PROHIBITS the PRESCRIBING of METHADONE for that purpose. DESPITE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES OR MITIGATION !!!!!SECONDLY if you comply with clinic standards the federal Phase schedule allows up to a 27 day TAKEHOME privledge with as little as 24 months of COMPLETE compliance. So all that bull crap is people looking to use methadone for purposes other then what it's designed for. FACT!!!!!!!

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No doctor will write a rx for methadone once a patient is treated at a methadone clinic.ITS PROHIBITED BY FEDERAL LAW. The clinic rules aren't weird at all, actually quite concise and easy to understand. COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND BECOME ELIGABLE FOR THE FEDERAL PHASE SCHEDULE THAT ALLOWS UP TO 27 DAY TAKEHOME PRIVLEDGES IN LESS THEN 24 MONTHS.
Those are the facts when clients are prepared to be drug free clinics grant latitude in treatment protocol. Denial is the hurdle abusers have to overcome before life can return to some assemblence of normalcy. God bless you....

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I have same issue I live in Greenville NC there is no luck it's so rigid here I'm from ny and now I gotta pay $300 too.

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I've been able to guest dose anywhere, I been to McCloud in Charlotte n other ones all over NC n been on it long time u can guest dose in NY if it's city any narco freedom clinic or LI there are 4 clinics but the Charlotte clinic will set it up or by law hr gets to earn take homes after 30 days in NC you get one n every 90 days another so I'm not sure he's getting right info or he's telling u different.

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No the reality is people who actually need it for pain are damned by the drug seekers and end up at a clinic because pain management has been f****ed up by people wanting to feel high! My back is destroyed and i can't get anything but norco from any pain center because of the dea tightening up on them because of the seekers. its bulls***! Everyone else has to pay the price for it.

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Hi Melody,

This sounds like the perfect match with patient centered care we all deserve. I have full body crps and just moved here from Maine. How can I get this information if I can't see your emai? There is no luck in SC oat likely due to being insensitive from all the addicts encountered which makes everyone pay. Thanks in advance

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I really would appreciate a dr's name! Mine is {edited for privacy}. Thanks so much!

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