Docetaxel Forums
Recently active Docetaxel forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Docetaxel and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Please look up a medication by lot number TMSA15268-A ## LOOKING FOR A MEDICATION WITH LOT # PRO3150. I THINK IT IS DOCETAXEL. ## At this time I don't think there is any way to look up medication via their lot number. For example, Lot # PRO3150 comes up as a Motorola headset/earpiece accessory which is completely unrelated. Lot # TMSA15268-A also yields nothing. Perhaps an easier approach may be to search for Docetaxel (the medication in question) and see if you recognize the specific tablet by imprint or description? Medications can even be searched by their NDC if you happen to have that information on hand. MedsChat has a National Drug Code Database that can be accessed from the home page. Does anyone else have thoughts or suggestions to add? ## Looking for lot 051670. It is half...