Doc Prescribed Me Tricovit Tablet For Hair Loss (Top voted first)


I have been diagnosed with alopecia aretae . I m going thru severe hair loss. Doc prescribed me tricovit tab . Will it help me and how long it would take to protect my existing hair .

6 Replies

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Tricovit is just a nutritional supplement that claims to contain vitamins that will help your hair.

It contains biotin, L-Cysteine and L-Methionine.

However, there are no guarantees that it will actually help your hair loss and stop more from occurring.

It is known that some hair loss can be caused by a deficiency in Biotin, so if that's what has caused it, supplementing it back can arrest the hair loss and help encourage new growth.

But, if your hair loss has is genetic, which is usually the case with alopecia areata, there may be nothing that can be done to change it.

There are cases of this, though, where it has been known to reverse itself spontaneously, so the outlook isn't completely bleak.

Are there any other questions?

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Can I get that prescription in the USA?

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This tablet is awesome but I am unable to find it with any chemist in Mumbai. Please tell me where it's available?

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You can find it in amazon. I have use it and work wonders.

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Thanks for ur response .

This problem is not genetic. Doc is saying ,it is b/c of stress. But I m going thru severe hair loss,50% of hair has been lost . Could u pls tell me how to overcome this depression . I m worried as i am a office going .How to hide this

Any suggestion ?

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I have done hair transplant and doctor prescribed me Androanagen tablet and Tricovit tablet twice a day. Is it safe or any side effect.

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