Do You Need A Px For Methadone? (Top voted first)


My oxycontin 40 mg. doesn't work very well anymore and $700.00 a month is too much!

2 Replies

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Hello, Maemae! How are you?

Yes, it is also a narcotic, so it's a controlled substance that also requires a prescription.

However, it is very habit forming and should be a last resort choice, not your first, if your current medication isn't working.

Have you discussed the issue with your doctor? You might just need a dosage adjustment.

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Hi Verwon, thank you for your response. My doctor is my Fibromyalgia Specialist and she made the comment that if I am still feeling pain after "that much medication" then it obviously isn't working and she didn't feel comfortable with increasing the dosage. I have an appointment with a Pain Specialist the middle of February so I hope he will understand that the only think the pain meds do for me is help with the pain - I don't feel high from them, etc. I guess since I am an alcoholic who has been clean and sober for over 5 years still scares them, as it does me. I just know that the current dose worked for 2 weeks and really helped alot! I was hurting so bad the day I wrote this question that I ended up taking a second 40 mg. oxycontin because I couldn't stand the pain any longer. The pain eased off and I felt pain free for about 3 to 4 hours so I know an increase will help - I also know if I tell the doctor this, they will say apparently I can't stay within the boundaries of my prescription and hold that against me as well.

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