Do Morphine And Oxycodone Show Up The Same In A Drug Test?


I am prescribed ms contin 15 mg and ran out but somebody gave me an oxycontin 80 to take for my urine test at my pain clinic will this show up the same or should I just say I ran out early

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I took a urine test and I'm on percacest 30 and 6 times a day but they have shut me off and I have be getting them of the streets and did morphine on the morning of my test so I took qcarb fluss how screwed am I and I pied 4 times and it was about 3 and a half hours before test so the qcarb was in my system four a solid 3 hours before I pied for them

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they show differently on most doctor's tests. Only the cheap ones lump them all into just "opiates". Morphine, Heroin, Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, even Codeine all show up differently. They test for the metabolites, not the individual drug. Each one gets broken down into different substances, That's how they can tell which one was ingested.

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I take norco an I have a drug test in the morning I was wondering will Oxy show the sAme in a test?

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I have been taking 60 MG of morphine my doctor prescribes and percocet my doctor prescribes I haven't been taking the percocet... today I got a random drug test do they both show up the same do I have anything to worry about?? She thinks I take the percocet every day.. Thanks a bunch

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Druggeek I understand they're both opiates but 1 only has acetaminophen in it perks i take 30s can they tell that no pure oxy but can c perk because off acetaminophen in it how do you think test. would show up just he has oxy codone and his system and he is not opiates naive thank you

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I would love to know how your results came out as I'm in the same boat right now and panicking horribly.

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Be worried because pain management tests for all different variations, however, the oxycodone and oxycodone show identical drugs, but, the levels are different. If you take oxy 40s and proxy 15s but run out of the 40s you can just take a 1/2 of 15 a couple hours before the test followed by your 15mg dose and the levels will be in the right range as the 40's release about 7 to 10 mgs per wave per level that has been ingested as it is an extended release tablet. If you match the mgs with an instant release pill your levels will be way too high.

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No, the drugs will show differently, especially if the drug test is one of the highly detailed tests that the pain clinics are forced to use. They then ship the specimen out to a lab after you test in the office to check for other illicit drugs and levels of the drugs you are on to ensure you didn't take too much or too little. They do this to be sure you aren't selling your pills, or buying other people's scripts.

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I take moriphine IR AND moriphine ER about 5 days ago I took about 6 percocet 5's. Will they show up differently on a U/A??

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Do heroine and oxy show up the same on a urine test if u just did a very small amount of heroine he night before

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Does roxys and morphine show up the same as herrion i just did a pee test for probation and been doing herrion because im out of meds im triping my po only said something about a fade line for thc but i dont know if i should be worried she didnt care about thc cause it was fade but i need to know will the herrion come the same as my meds i take alot of meds she has the list

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Yes they do u will be busted trust me heroine is an opiate oxy is an option

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So I found out that heroine and oxy do it show up the same as each other

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Was anyone able to find out if the MS Contin and Roxy's will show up the same as heroin on a probation test? Almost 2 days now and I haven't heard nothing but I'm still scared. Somebody please let me know what you know about this answer?

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Nope it wont show up they are different drugs of the same class. They may fire you for it because of all the diversion going on.

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U really thought a urine test for probation wouldn't be able to tell the difference? You were asking to get locked up!

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Will a percocet 10 mg and a morphine will show the same in a drug testing in probation

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False, the type of testing you are speaking of they only do in cases of death. They take weeks to months to come back and cost thousands. They do test for the metabolites of whatever you are taking. Like oxy will show as oxymorphone (sp) in a urine test. Perhaps if you're prescribed a very small amount they may suspect you are taking much higher doses if those metabolites are over the top but even that is tough since the time you took your meds and how could effect results. I work in a pain clinic.

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Would oxy and loratabs jyst both show as opiates. Its just a urine test and they are not sent out to a lab.

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I have probation tomorrow in a drug test I went to the hospital and they gave me morphine I've been taking Dilaudid for the last couple days when I take the drug test for probation will morphine and dilaudid show up as opiates or they come up differently on a test

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Re: druggeek (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I did not take morphine I take oxycodone and it show positive for morphine ,and I did not take morphine.

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Re: Beth (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I would be praying the lab confirms only the oxycodone and I would have asked to do another sample as well to be sure it wasn’t mixed with someone elses. If its found to confirm those drugs your likely to be fired from your pain management. This situation is most of us in pain management worst fear!

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I take hydrocodone-acetaminophen 10/325.I had to take a urine test today at the doctors office. I was told that the test showed morphine, percocet,and Oxycontin or can this be?? I have not taken any of those drugs.they are sending to a lab. What should I expect.

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It depends? When is your drug test? Are you currently in pain management? When did you take it, so many factors into this and you gave very little info to go on per your question! The short answer is yes it will and it will show up as a opiate which kind depends on the test yor doing

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I need to know if morphen 30 mg will show up in my drug test and what it will show up as

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Incorrect Keisha THEY ARE BOTH OPIATES ! But heroin metabolites into a form of morphine and on a 12 pannel urine it specifically reads on the report morphine metabolized as that used in that of heroin
It also comes up differently in regards to one's levels. There are many specific ways opiates metabolize in our system pertaining to the life of each individual medication. I'm curious of how you made out ??

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