Ditropan Forums
Recently active Ditropan forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ditropan and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Hi, i was put on Ciplavasv on the 20th December.. i wasn't told why.. 1 per day. Well the 2nd i started swelling all over, feet, legs, hands even my face..eyes, my WHOLE BODY WAS SWOLLEN AND I RAN A FEVER PLUS LOTS OF PAIN...IM SURE ITS THESE MEDICATIONS I WAS PUT ON. WITHOUT TELLING ME WHY AND WHAT FOR.. IM 65 YRS OF AGE... FEMALE.. WHAT MUST I DO...? WHEN I SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO OTHERS ..THIS IS A DANGEROUS TABLET.. PLEASE HELP ME... MY BLADDER PAIN'S VERY SEVERE. IM ALSO ON DITROPAN 5 MG..ALSO NEW TO ME... PLEASE HELP ME. I'm on SIMVASTATIN 40.. CARLOC 12.5mg and HYPACE .5MG...FUROSEMIDE 40mg.. FLUOXETINE 20mg .. LANSOLOC 30... I WAS FINE UNTIL I STARTED TO USE THE DITROPAN 5 mg AND CIPLAVASC.. PAIN ALL OVER.. LOTS OF SWELLING AND FEVER. PLEASE HELP ME.. {edited for privac...
Has anyone had their vision deteriorate while taking Ditropan? ## Common adverse effects associated with oxybutynin and other anticholinergics include: dry mouth, difficulty in micturition, constipation, blurred vision, drowsiness and dizziness.[7] Anticholinergics have also been known to induce delirium.[8] These are dose-related and sometimes severe.Ditropan is belonging to anticholinergic and it affects aquity of vision due to pupillary dilatation. ## Yes, that is correct, the FDA does warn about the possibility of blurred vision while taking this medication. I tried it once, years ago, when other meds had me running to the bathroom all the time, and I suffered blurred vision so severe that I would get dizzy and vomit. Are you on the regular, or extended release? What dosage are you ...
I am taking ditropan for an incontinence problem. It seems to be working but the side effects are unbearable. I am experiencing severe abdominal pain like trapped wind and it has now been 11 hours of agony. ## That can be a side effect of this medication, according to the U.S. FDA, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, and blurred vision. How long have you been taking it? Have you informed your doctor? You may need to try a different medication. ## I was taking it for 8 days but have stopped now. I've seen my doctor and he is trying me on another tablet but I haven't plucked up the courage to try it yet. I am still having the stomach pains even after 4 days tablet free.
what generic drugs are avalible for frequency? ## Hello, Leslie! How are you? A generic was approved this past April, but it is not available on the market, yet. However, Ditropan, which contains the active ingredient Oxybutynin is available as a generic. Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness and blurry vision. Is there anything else I can help with?
trying to find out what kind of pill this is its round and small like the size of a cigarette, like a maroon or brown color and has the imprints XO on it or OX with nothing on the other side please help me haha ## Hi Buzzy, The closest match I can find based on your description is Ditropan (Oxybutynin chloride) 10 mg. It is a round light pink pill with the imprint "10 XL". It is an anticholinergic medication used to relieve urinary and bladder difficulties, including frequent urination and inability to control urination (urge incontinence), by decreasing muscle spasms of the bladder. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Oxybutynin Details Please post back if you have any more questions and I'll be happy to assist you!
Are ditropan and Toviaz`in the same family of meds? ## Hi Lynn, To answer your question directly, Toviaz (Fesoterodine) is in a class of medications called antimuscarinics. It works by relaxing the bladder muscles to prevent urgent, frequent, or uncontrolled urination. Ditropan (Oxybutynin) is in a class of medications called anticholinergics. Although it also works by relaxing the bladder muscles to prevent urgent, frequent, or uncontrolled urination. That said, they are in different drug categories, but nevertheless, they are indicated to perform in the same manner. I hope this helps answer your question!
I need to know if my doctor gave me the correct medication. This is supposed to be Ditropan XL 15mg but every picture of Ditropan XL 15mg looks different than this new pill I just got at the pharmacy. This is a new pharmacy for me so I just want to make sure I'm getting the right pill. Thanks. ## Yes, this tablet contains 15mgs extended release Oxybutynin, the active ingredient in Ditropan XL, so you did receive the correct medication. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and blurred vision. Read more: Do you have any other questions?
need to see what the pill looks like so I can find it among others in my medicne cabnet ## Unfortunately there are many, many of these pills, all made by different companies, they all look different and have different markings, because it is now available as a generic. The only way anyone can help you, without knowing the imprint, is if you are looking for the name brand pill, which clearly has Ditropan written on it. Otherwise, you will have to provide us with some imprints that we can look up for you. ## please let me know what a pill is....it's long and oval, reddish/rust in color, and has what looks to be a 1-2 on it. Thank you for any help on this matter.