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If it is Rx only, I can only wonder, why didn't Shering/Plough (I think that's the manufacturer) ...why didnt they just be upfront about the whole thing and Make An Announcement: "Original Drixoral is now Prescription by MD ONLY". There could have been a grace period, where the absolute disappearance of the product from store shelves took place as we experienced several years ago. (I can't help myself, I check again every allergy season, to see if Drixoral has one again become available.) Well, we all know about woulda-coulda-shoulda. Now I see Shering/Plough has essentilly brought back the Original Drixoral, in the new-named Disophrol, and by "original" I mean "prescription"... Or is it? The strange thing about the whole fiasco is the original Sudafe...

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