Diphen/atrop - Round White Pill Rs 301
UpdatedSeeking information on a tiny round white pill that has "rs 301" imprinted on it.
2 Replies
Located a match it's Atropine so4-diphenoxylate HCl 0.025 mg-2.5 mg, which are the active ingredients in Lomotil, Lonox, Vi-Atro, and Lomocot.
To learn more click on the link below...
Do you have any more questions or infomation to add? Please post back if you do.
I have Mantle Cell Lymphoma and a large part of my colon and small intestine were removed. I am in 3rd year of terrible diarrhea and have bee taking 2 tabs of immodium 4 0r 5 times a day plus a powdered mixture each morning (Chollestyramine). I SELDOM HAVE RELIEF AND HAVE ACCIDENTS VERY OFTEN. I begin in the morning taking 2 tabs of Lomotil 4 times a day. Can I expect better results than I have gotten from Immodium?
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