Dimetapp Forums

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I take urine tests on a regular basis and my daughter and i have a severe cold. We have tried honey and lemon juice, vicks vapor rub, but we just cant get any relief nor sleep after these 3 days with no sleep and her being 16 months old, whinny. There's no stopping the pressure in my head, I cant take it. We dont have insurance and the pharmacy suggested dimetapp cold and allergy at a half dose since she's young and tylenol infant for fever, but i do NOT want to fail a drug test over this.


Why did the manufacturers change the formulary of Dimetapp Elixer about 15-17 years ago? ## I looked around online and couldn't find any specific details stating what the old formula contained. Do you happen to have any information on the what the ingredients used to be prior to the change? According to the manufacturer (Pfizer) the current formula contains: Brompheniramine Maleate 2mg + Phenylephrine Hydrochloride 5mg + Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide 10mg But maybe if you contacted them directly they'd have more background info on previous formulas. Their customer service hotline can be reached at: 800-762-4672 or 800-762-4675, Monday thru Friday between the hours of 9:00am and 5:00pm EST. I hope this helps!

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My daughter is roughly 55-60 pounds but she is three can she use children's dimetapp cold&congestion? ## Hello, Summer! How are you and your daughter? As such a young age, it would be safest to check with her pediatrician, before giving her any medication. Some can be dosed according to weight, but some can't. It's just a good idea to check and be certain. Is there anything else I can help with?

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Can I also take Claritin D medicine with dimetapp cold and allergy together? ## Hi Anne, From what I could gather, there are no drug interactions listed between the active ingredients in Claritin-D (loratadine + pseudoephedrine) and Dimetapp Cold & Allergy (brompheniramine + phenylephrine). So with that said, you shouldn't experience any problems taking the two medications together. However, I would always recommend consulting with your doctor first before making any changes to your current regimen. This way if certain side effects do occur, he or she would at least be aware of the situation ahead of time. I hope this helps!

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I read somewhere that Dimetapp is contraindicated through g-tubes. ## Do you remember where you read this? I've done several searches, but I am not finding anything that states it is not safe. Actually, I am finding the opposite, resources with instructions on how to give it, how much and how often.

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ecr 6 white ## I'm finding this listed as a 6mg Brompherniramine tablet, commonly sold under the brand name Dimetapp, used to treat cold and allergy symptoms. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness and dry mouth. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you with?

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