Dilfur Forums
Recently active Dilfur forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Dilfur and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.it is given to a AGE with some dehydration ## Where can i find Dilfur Suspension either online or a specific pharmacy or pediatrician here in the Philippines, specifically northern luzon? Really need it badly to cure an amoebic cyst for my daughter.
As drug retailer here in General Santos city, where can we find this product? There are some infected patients in our area who need this medication. ## Where can I find Dilfur? Is it over the counter or by prescription only? Brother diagnosed with Amoebiasis the health clinic had told me about this drug.
Requesting details about this med for pharmacology ## whats the use of dilfur? ## Dilfur is a brand name for [Diloxanide Furoate] a type of medicine known as an amoebicide. It is used to treat amoebic dysentry, which is a tropical disease caused by infection of the bowel with an amoeba called Entamoeba histolytica.