Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts From 2 Doctors (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hi all. I have intractable pelvic RSD, peripheral neuropathy, lumbar facet spondylosis. I live in California and am about to have to change insurances at the end of this month. The new insurance has ridiculously high Rx prices. I go to a PM for all my pain meds, but my primary dr has in the past managed them for me. My question is if anyone knows if I get an Rx for the 60mg Oxycontin twice a day like usual from my PM and then my primary to write a script for 40mg 3 times a day and then I can go to 2 totally different pharmacies and fill one with my insurance and the other at another pharmacy and pay with cash, will that flag the DEA and cause my PM to get a notification of "Doctor shopping"? I am just trying to have enough meds to get me through an extra month until my husbands new job let's us get medical coverage?

I had to do this one other time a year ago when the same thing happened with me loosing my job because I could no longer work and I wasn't married yet to get my husbands insurance. The first 2 months I had no problem, but the third and LAST month I was needing to do it to get me enough meds to last me the 3 month waiting period, my husband forgot and filled both scripts under the same insurance but just at 2 different pharmacies instead of paying cash at the second one. My pain doctor found this out and thank God I was able to explain my way out of it and he didn't discharge me as a patient, but now in this situation again, I'm afraid to try it one last time til we are settled with yet another health insurance. I would really appreciate anyone's advise or experience they could share regarding my situation. I truly am not a doctor shopper, I am just afraid to run out of meds and be in massive pain and / or risk getting into trouble.

241 Replies (13 Pages)

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Brianc66 , each state has a Prescription Monitoring Program that keeps track of Schedule II meds. All pharmacists and drs have access to the databases. It has nothing to do wiith paying cash or not going to the same pharmacy. You may not find a pharmacist that will fill it. If you do and you signed a pain contract with your pain dr, be prepared to be dismissed and to not be able to find another dr that will manage your pain.

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Why would you not have just called the doctor to ask if you could one fill the new script or ask if he wanted you to take extra of your medication. Most likely if you try to fill the new script they will flag it. You ran out early, your doctor is gonna think you used to many and won't give you anymore. Why not ask before taking more???

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Listen. i live in pa and have been going to a pain clinic and the same dr. for 2yrs. i was never late for an appt. my pill count was always correct and my urine was always good. i take oxymorphone for pain for my back. i cannot get out of bed without my medication. i became disabled in
1997.Im 62. Well one night i took a back road home and got a flat tire and didnt have a spare. no one would come and help me. it was 10:30pm. i was 6 miles from home. so i left my purse with my medication and a pizza i had bought in the car and started to walk home. my futurr brother in law and father inn law finally decided they would help me. by then it was 12:30am and i had already walked a mile or so and was sitting at a church waiting for them. where i live there are hardly no people just wilderness. when we got back to the car we found the window smashed in. and my purse was stolen. all my money my medication and id they stole. but they left the pizza. i called the police and filed a report. i also went down in person and told my pain dr that my medication was stolen and that i had called the police. my dr. talked to the police too. also i had signed a contract when i first went to the pain clinic. it states the dr. Would fill your medication once per year if it was lost or stolen if you filed a police report. just letting you know i did everything correctly, but i was still discharged for not keeping my medication safe!! Well, i thought it would be safer to let my purse with my money and my medication in the car then to walk late at night with it!! Im not a drug seeker. i dont shop. i did everything right and i was still discharged. so now i have unbareable pain again and my life is unbareable everyday because of the pain. i just wanted to share that you can do everything right and still be discharged by your doctor in pennsylvania!!

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GINGER , it does not matter if a different pharmacy fills your prescriptions or if you pay cash or use insurance. Every pharmacy in your state has to report all of your Schedule II prescriptioins to your States Prescriptioin Mointoring Program. Your doctor can look you up and see what prescription you have gotten filled, what doctor wrote them, how many doses it was for and often how you paid for the prescription. Paying cash for a prescription when you have insurance that covers it is a red flag for Doctor Shopping. The time frame this information has to be turned in varies by state. It sounds like the information has not been turned into the database yet.

If you signed a Pain Contract with either or both doctors, you will be dismissed. You will also find it difficult, if not impossible to find another doctor that will treat your pain.

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Ginger, don't pick up the other prescription for pain meds. Be sure both doctors know you are seeing the other one and what they are each prescribing you. Even though they can see what pain meds another doctor has prescribed you, being honest with your doctors may increase your creditability. You have no reason to have two pain management doctors.

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Absolute do not do that they can track n e medics u fill even in diff states

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Joe, it is doubtful the pharmacist will still call your doctor. But, any pharmacist you take your Tylenol # 4 prescription to will look up your profile on your states Prescription Monitoring Program see that you got a prescription filled from your regular doctor for another opiate. Your doctors will also look you up and see what prescriptions you have gotten filled for opiates and what doctors wrote them. It is up to each doctor if they want to prescribe or continue prescribing you opiates. You could be flagged as a Doctor Shopper and it would be hard if not impossible to find a doctor to write you a prescription for any opiates

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Kristyne, it does not matter if it is for a different body part. All of your body gets the medication. Not just one part of it.

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Re: Mark (# 240) Expand Referenced Message

Thank u I considered it and went with it was too much of a risk and just didn't do it thank u all for Ur input

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I have a weird situation...i had a script for vicoprofenqty 30 from my doctor...i transferred it to another and filled it paying cash because i changed ins and had a month with no ins..thats why i went to another pharm it was much cheaper...well when i looked at my profile at the original pharm it was showing two new perscriptions on file for vicoprofen...i had never had it filled originally cuz it was too expensive. i called my doc to see if they had called another in...no...i called the cust service line for the first pharm to see if these were active scripts...they are..i now have ins can i fill both one with ins one czsh and not get in trouble...they are the same doc

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You are right, YesPainMedsNoCheating. People need to find out exactly what the Federal Laws are and their State Laws.

Some states have laws against Doctor Shopping, but not all do. It is best to look up and see if your state has laws against Doctor Shopping.

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Not the came drug, u can get an rx filled again if the mg's are different or even just the directions, but depending on if your on a pain med contract depends if you will "get in trouble.." that can mean discharged from pain management, flagged by DEA, up to charges for abuse of medication. It doesn't matter if you pay cash, use insurance, use a discount program, different pharmacies or whatever. If its a class that doesn't have to be written and taken to the pharmacy the only "safe" way is to take the script to somewhere in state like Walgreens that can transfer the script to another state and have it transfered and filled in another state. The problem you run into with that is if its a drug that can't be called in, it can't be transfered and you can't take your docs written rx to an out of state pharmacy because your docs DEA number is only good in their state. I don't know, but imigaine even if you get around that (as I have by having my doc call in something to a Walgreens where I live and then gettin it in Texas where I was visiting), the doc still gets a report of the meds written to who under their dew number. Honesty is best, or a good lie, like my father has a head injury and got it filled by mistake, so I have a few of this med from this surgery even though I told my dad not.to get them, with his injury he forgot, they might then cut your next months meds by a couple pills, or do nothing, but if they catch you and you didn't.say anything your most likely to be considered to high of q risk of addiction, so they have the right to discharge you or step you off the meds. My dad really has a head injury and I was on lots of meds and a contact from my pcp but I didn't know he filled the rx from the er for like 5 or 10 pulls one of the times it happened so the doc got report first and now I have a new less helpful doc but at least I am still on the meds I need for the most part.

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A doctors DEA Number is Federal not state. If you break a contract you have with your pain dr, the DEA does not flag you. The pain contract is Not A Legally Binding Contract. Your dr may discharge you because you didn't abide by the dr rules, and that will probably make other drs not want you for a patient. If you sell drugs or obtain them illegally, then you're in legal trouble as well.

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Yes you will be put on high alert as a doctor shopper,red flags will go up each and every time you name,dob ect is put into the system.Most pharmacies are connected to a main website and you will get shut off of everything but hey it's your life and that's just my honest opinion,my kid is a pharmacist,so take this info seriously please.

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be truthful to your pm dr. let him kno you r inbetween insurances! once u get flagged U R FLAGGED and not only tha you could have felony charges brought upon you! I wouldnt try it again cuz trust me it is on your record at the fda

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TAD You should be ok,they're both different meds and mgs,my PM Dr at first was giving me a script for both 40 and 20 mg oxycontin to take 3x a day until I got bumped up to 80's.You should be ok.good luck

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I'm just curious I'm curious about whatever this "flagging" is all about?
If they flag you is it FOREVER & only in MY state or what? Only once I had been discharged & I told my PCP that I was seeing a PM dr. SINCE I had 2 previous back surgeries & went in for my routine follow up visit for other issues medical issues he treats & I knew he was refilling my usual meds & yes I told him I was in pain but never mentioned I wanted anything for it because my pm dr already was prescribing it for me. It was his mistake because I DID NOT know he had sent it over through fax with my other meds & of course I don't dr shop because I use the same pharmacy for the same Drs! Then when I went up there there was two separate scripts for hydrocodone one for like 30 & the other was more so no I don't want to pick them both up of course & surely they wouldn't let me. That upset me because I really didn't know because if I did I wouldn't have used the same dang pharmacy!!! Then like a month later I get a certified letter from him dismissing me from his office for violation of pain contract. I was far to upset by then because my PCP screwed me & it was innocent. I felt that he'd think I was like most everybody else. My question is that will he still have me in his system after 6 years??? There's another dr in his office. He moved again to another location. Please help. I've had over 25 different surgeries for different things & I'm needing some relief now.

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Does anyone know anything about dr.dambrogio in new castle pa? I can't get my scripts from him filled anywhere. I don't know where to go or what to do, can anyone help me or tell me what's going on?

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Put Pennsylvania state board of medicine in your search bar. Their website should tell you if he is still licensed.

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U cant do it bc all prescriotions for narcotics r tracked as of this year. Theres a website that tells ur doctor exactly what scripts were written AND when. Im a nurse in NY and this is nationwide

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