Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts From 2 Doctors (Page 4)


Hi all. I have intractable pelvic RSD, peripheral neuropathy, lumbar facet spondylosis. I live in California and am about to have to change insurances at the end of this month. The new insurance has ridiculously high Rx prices. I go to a PM for all my pain meds, but my primary dr has in the past managed them for me. My question is if anyone knows if I get an Rx for the 60mg Oxycontin twice a day like usual from my PM and then my primary to write a script for 40mg 3 times a day and then I can go to 2 totally different pharmacies and fill one with my insurance and the other at another pharmacy and pay with cash, will that flag the DEA and cause my PM to get a notification of "Doctor shopping"? I am just trying to have enough meds to get me through an extra month until my husbands new job let's us get medical coverage?

I had to do this one other time a year ago when the same thing happened with me loosing my job because I could no longer work and I wasn't married yet to get my husbands insurance. The first 2 months I had no problem, but the third and LAST month I was needing to do it to get me enough meds to last me the 3 month waiting period, my husband forgot and filled both scripts under the same insurance but just at 2 different pharmacies instead of paying cash at the second one. My pain doctor found this out and thank God I was able to explain my way out of it and he didn't discharge me as a patient, but now in this situation again, I'm afraid to try it one last time til we are settled with yet another health insurance. I would really appreciate anyone's advise or experience they could share regarding my situation. I truly am not a doctor shopper, I am just afraid to run out of meds and be in massive pain and / or risk getting into trouble.

241 Replies (13 Pages)

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Where do you live right now ?

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Im from ohio columbus.

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I live in Fort Worth, Texas and see a PM doctor in Dallas, Texas. I've heard about those Gabapentin PM doctors from other PM patients I know who have had the misfortune to have run across their paths, what a Nightmare!... I'm glad Oxymorphone is working good for you. Alot of PM doctors won't write for Roxicodone since the Oxycontin reformulation. The drug abusers are after the Roxicodone to abuse it. I've lucked out so far with the two PM doctors that I have had over the last 25+ years. Neither were liberal with medications, but weren't afraid to write for medications when the situation called for it and I also have been using SCS(spinal cord stimulator) since 1989 too. Fast87 you have found out first hand like alot of us already have that drug addicts not abusing drugs is more important than someone suffering who needs these medications to just squeak through another day in our lives of nightmarish suffering. This is just another thing this country is now upside down on and no one seems to care! Over the last 25+ years it's gotten worse every year, it's hard to believe we live in a country where loser drug addicts are a higher priority than someone suffering. Lead by the government and the pharmaceutical industry ruining medications that worked extremely well for so called tamper resistant medications that are still abused by addicts and now give the chronic pain sufferer a lesser quality of life... Fast87 you now also know what it feels like to be treated like a 3rd class citizen because you are a chronic pain sufferer that more than likely has NO surgical option to help you. I personally know of hundreds of horror stories over the last 25+ years here in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Doctors who are extremely liberal with medications are causing as many problems as drug seekers in the PM industry. My original PM doctor who retired 6 years ago told me that for every 1 good PM doctor there's 5-6 bad ones, but thankfully you got lucky and evidently found a compassionate caring PM doctor who isn't afraid to do the right thing, which these days is getting harder and harder to find! I hope this new PM doctor will be able to see you for many decades to come, because having to change from a PM doctor that is helping you is a certifiable nightmare beyond an average person's comprehension... Good luck to you.

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Fast87m just because a dr agrees to treat you does not mean that they will keep you on the same meds you've been taking.

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here in northeastern pa, cvs is refusing to fill any pain meds if you are paying by cash. i have a friend with cancer and this cancer causes him so much pain. he went to the er because he is uninsured. so he goes to the local 24 hour cvs, he hands the rx to the person at the pharm. they have him sit and wait for approximatly 25 minutes. now mind you this is 3am. he is the only person in the entire store. after 25 minutes the pharmacist says to him, "sorry but we do not fill rx's if you don't have insurance". he has been there and has payed cash in the past. i have paid cash as well and the rx's have been filled. apparently they have reciently decided that they only accept people with insurance. nice, they couldnt have told him this before they made him wait 25 minutes. i am curious to know if all cvs's have done this or is it just this one. if anyone knows please let me know. and if this is true please dont use cvs any more. that is truely not fair.

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cattycat I've never personally heard of anyone ever refusing to take cash for a prescription. In fact my pharmacy which is a privately owned pharmacy that caters to cancer/pain patients gives a discount for cash customers. I guess CVS where you live has taken the stance of no insurance equals drug abuser... This is just another example of drug addicts taking priority over legitimate pain sufferers. When is society going to stand up and say, NO MORE!, will a low life drug abuser take priority over a human being suffering in pain! Could you imagine if Obama went to that CVS with NO insurance and they turned him away because he was trying to pay cash for pain medication? Eric Holder the attorney general would be suing CVS the next day! cattycat you guys should report this to your local news station that has real investigative news reporters. CVS should not be allowed to get away with this! When will ALL of us pain management patients be treated with dignity and respect? Instead we're treated like some 3rd world low life in our own country! cattycat's story is just another example of an innocent person being stomped on by an out of control anal system that couldn't do anything right if they tried! The legitimate pain sufferer in this country has lost all of their rights and dignity to low life drug abusers who only care about themselves! Enough is enough!!!

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If your friend has terminal cancer, there should be a code on the prescription that tell the pharmacist that the patient has terminal cancer. If the cancer is not terminal, chances are the code won't be there. It sounds like there is another reason for the pharmacist not filling your friends prescription besides him not having insurance. But, a pharmacist does not have to fill any prescription and they aren't required to give a reason.

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Yeah...I dont get that either cattycat? Most dr's would rather get paid in cash n I would think the same for pharmacies. ... insurance companies pay less for services cause they have contracts n with cash, its guarenteed payment....immediate payment as well. I cant see cvs refusing to fill the script bcause of those who abuse meds since theres a national database of patients who are entered into upon filling a script for narcotics. Thats what most likely happened....if he has cancer, probably gets pain meds filled regulary n probably received another script of pain meds that he tried to get filled n the pharmacist probably looked him up in the database n saw he had pain meds filled for the month n wasnt due for a refill yet n denied him....thats the only scenario I can think of that makes sense.

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There is no National Prescription Monitoring Program. All but 2 states do have a PMP and many of those states are also connecting with border states now.

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I'm on Norco 10/325 from a PM DR I had some teeth removed today and the oral surgeon gave me a RX for Norco 7/325 I took the script to walgreens whereI get all my prescriptions filled and they said I have till the 18th to get the new RX filled can they refuse to fill this until then?

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Tina...from what I understand, if its written for a diff strength and/or dosage, it can b filled. But.... pharmacists can refuse to fill anything upon their discretion.

BL....how do u know this? The DEA has been all over the dispense of pain meds...cracking down on pharmacies, distributors, doctors...etc etc. Fining all the above and preventing their access to pain meds n its only getting worse!

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Tina, they can refuse to fill it until then or refuse to fill it at all. If you have a Pain Contract with your PM dr, you will be breaking the contract if you get it filled, unless you've already cleared it with your PM dr.

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It's so hard for those of us with chronic pain issues. I think it would send up a flag. I'm just now recently trying to find a dr who will write anything. They have them so scared to do anything. If you're in CA, can't you get your medical marijuana card?? I have rheumatoid arthritis. And it helps me. All I can tell you right now is to hoard your controlled substances. Pretty soon the government will want to monitor when we pee.

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Lisa I'm already having my pee monitored every 28 days. The doctor I see in Texas makes everyone he sees take a UA before he writes for anything. He does a portable diagnostic and also sends it to a lab for the spectrometer analysis too. If you come up positive for any controlled substances you're not prescribed by him or what he's aware of by other doctors he will fire you or if you don't come up positive for what your prescribed he will fire you. It used to be random, now it's everyone... The reality is someone could sell all their medicines and save 1 dose and take it the night before and come up positive to pass the UA, so these UAs don't stop the losers from selling their medicines. Alot of money is being wasted so some i**** politicians can live their bogus lies of doing something... I'd like to see all the people selling their medicines in prison, but they rarely catch anyone and the rest of us pay for it... The only way UAs would actually catch people selling their medicines would be to randomly come to their house asking for a sample, but the logistics and costs would be a nightmare. Until they develop something inexpensive that can determine frequency of use, nothing will change. I personally don't care what they take from me, urine, blood, hair follicle or whatever... I have nothing to hide and if it actually helps to REALLY curb abuse I'm all for it.

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What URL would I go to for this information. I don't won't to be in trouble due to pain. I'm about to go to rehab and look forward to my new PM Doctor who I have high hopes with.


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Jennifer, my cousin takes fiorcet with codeine from her PM. He is on vacation until the 8th or 10th of Sept. Can she get plain fiorcet without getting any trouble. Or should she tell him?


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Mark, taking one tablet won't give you the same levels of medication that you would have if you took the meds as prescribed.

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Jennifer, I keep up with things like this. At this time there are only state prescription monitoring programs. Although there are some states that are also connected to neighboring states.

Put, national prescription monitoring program, in your search bar and you will see that there is no national PMP.

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What about if you have two RX with the same medicine and dose?...perc 5/325 but different counts. One is 120 count from PCP and the other is 60 count from my Ortho. Does the same apply?
I have a PCP and a Ortho helping me out till I find a PM Dr. that takes my insurance. My Ortho gave me 60 count 5/325 for emergency situations because it's extremely hard to get an appointment with my PCP and I didn't have a PM Dr at that time. I'm running out of the 120 count because the PM Dr I finally found doesn't prescribe anything on the first visit. I don't want to get in trouble if I take the 60 count to a different pharmacy.....any ideas.

Thanks in advance.

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Taking one tablet of say oxycontin the night before makes you come up positive and you will be well above residual levels. I've seen people do this and they pass every time. Only hair follicle diagnostics would show that they weren't taking it regularly. So UAs are kind of worthless like I said...

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