Dilemma With 2 Narcotic Scripts From 2 Doctors (Page 10)


Hi all. I have intractable pelvic RSD, peripheral neuropathy, lumbar facet spondylosis. I live in California and am about to have to change insurances at the end of this month. The new insurance has ridiculously high Rx prices. I go to a PM for all my pain meds, but my primary dr has in the past managed them for me. My question is if anyone knows if I get an Rx for the 60mg Oxycontin twice a day like usual from my PM and then my primary to write a script for 40mg 3 times a day and then I can go to 2 totally different pharmacies and fill one with my insurance and the other at another pharmacy and pay with cash, will that flag the DEA and cause my PM to get a notification of "Doctor shopping"? I am just trying to have enough meds to get me through an extra month until my husbands new job let's us get medical coverage?

I had to do this one other time a year ago when the same thing happened with me loosing my job because I could no longer work and I wasn't married yet to get my husbands insurance. The first 2 months I had no problem, but the third and LAST month I was needing to do it to get me enough meds to last me the 3 month waiting period, my husband forgot and filled both scripts under the same insurance but just at 2 different pharmacies instead of paying cash at the second one. My pain doctor found this out and thank God I was able to explain my way out of it and he didn't discharge me as a patient, but now in this situation again, I'm afraid to try it one last time til we are settled with yet another health insurance. I would really appreciate anyone's advise or experience they could share regarding my situation. I truly am not a doctor shopper, I am just afraid to run out of meds and be in massive pain and / or risk getting into trouble.

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Was just wondering about my question of the legality of what a Pharmacy can charge each individual.

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Thank you so much for replying. I know why you would wonder how I would know about the other person's situation. Simple really, just sitting and waiting together....one conversation lead to the next, so forth and so on. Your second theory sounds more plausible but if that were the case, should they have told me. The first CVS and Wal-Mart I went to said they would not check with another sister store. Not that they couldn't, they wouldn't. Very confusing. I don't like being treated like a juvenile and charged like I'm Mr Trump.

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If the reasons I stated are one of more reasons for the price change, it is legal. Pharmacies don't have any obligation to check with other pharmacies to see if they have a medication. Did you tell this person what milligram your medication was ? Frankly, it is Never a good idea to discuss your medication with strangers when you're taking an opiate or ant other drug that is often abused. In all honesty, unless you saw the person prescription and you can read prescriptions, you really have no way of knowing exactly what prescription the person got.

It is up to a pharmacy what they charge for a drug. The cost of a drug isn't something that can be changed depending on the person that gets the prescription. Remember things like insurance, milligram and manufacturer can make a huge difference in the cost that is rung up at the register. And you can't always go by what someone tells you. When you get your prescription filled, you have proof of insurance, milligram, manufacturer. If you think that you have been overcharged, you need to call or go in and ask to speak to the Pharmacy Manager and discuss it with them. It is common for the cost of meds to go up drastically overnight.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to speak to me. You were very helpful. I think a lot of people just don't want to be bothered. Of course in a perfect world I would not be taking anything. They always say, "you are not always going to be in your 20's and you might have to adjust your physical activities". I just never thought they were talking about me.

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I am weighting on my pm doc appointment mean while my pic doc wrote me narcos 60 I get 120 oxycodone can I fill the narcos while I weight for the oxycodone

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Maddy, everyone thinks that. None of us think we will ever get to a point where we can't do the things that we want to do.

Trav, pain management drs require patients to sign pain contracts now. You agree to not getting pain meds from any other dr but your pain dr. If you do, they can stop treating you with no more prescriptions. If this happens it is difficult and often impossible to find another dr that will treat your pain. Drs look you up in your state Prescription Monitoring Programs Database and see what you have gotten filed, when, the dr that wrote it, etc. All pharmacists have to turn this info in.

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I am prescribe from my PM doctor 10mg oxycodone for my knee. I need knee replacement . Anyway I was hurt at work , hurting my lower back and an orthopedic Dr prescribed me 5mg for back injury. I Pay Cash for the 10s and now comp will pay for the 5s. I'm nervous to get 5s filled . Is it legal to get filled and would I get flagged or would my PM Dr find out. I obviously would use 2 separate Pharms not afilliated with one another. Could someone please help me out. I really need both .

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Brianc66 , each state has a Prescription Monitoring Program that keeps track of Schedule II meds. All pharmacists and drs have access to the databases. It has nothing to do wiith paying cash or not going to the same pharmacy. You may not find a pharmacist that will fill it. If you do and you signed a pain contract with your pain dr, be prepared to be dismissed and to not be able to find another dr that will manage your pain.

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Okay so the beginning of the month I went to my pharmacy to get my pain meds, they said they didn't have enough so i went to another pharmacy and filled it i also paid cash due to the fact my insurance had lasped . However now I have my insur again and Iam going out of town and have my prescription that says refill after 3/2, they lost this one and found it last week and the dr gave it to me, even though she rewrote it and this is the one i filled at the beginning of the month, so my question is can i take the prescription that says refill after 3/2 and get it filled at my original pharmacy since my insur will cover it, can i get in trouble for this.

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just Me , it doesn't matter what pharmacy you get it filled at or if you pay with cash or insurance, your dr will find out about it and all pharmacists will know what you got filled, when and probably how you paid for it. Each state has a Prescription Monitoring Program, which is a database of all Schedule II prescriptions filled in a state and usually in bording states as well. All pharmacists are required by law to turn this info in and most states have laws that require a dr to check the database before writting a pain med prescription and all pharmacisgts to check the database before filling a pain med prescription. The databse has the patients name,a ddress, the drs name, the name of the med, when it was written, when it was filled, how long it should last, etc. Some states also have how the prescription was paid for. Your dr won't trust you again if you are able to get this prescription filled. What you need to do is call your dr and tell him that you're going out of town and ask him if you can get an early refill. You should take the prescription that you found back to him and hand it to him.

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This happened to me. The drug store called both doctors and pain mgmt. They both cut me out. I'm not a addict, I'm in horrific pain with 2 knee replacements, severe neuropathy, arthritis, and I'm 60 never had a drug problem in my life. Now I'm on Suboxone for pain and looked at like I'm a junkie.

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Hey Bob, if you have a 5mg Percocet and then a script for 30s, I didn't see if u said they were from same doc, but if they're not from same Doc, whereever you fill the 30s you can still do that. And the 5mg you can fill too because that is called a breakthrough med. For example, u fill ur 30mg and follow as prescribed, then you take the 5s in between ur 30 mg time period if ur still hurting. I get both roxicodone and dilaudid. Hope it helps u!

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Is it called Dr shopping when you go to the ER
OR a surgeon any response will be appreciated

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Faith it's Doctor shopping when you get the same narcotic prescription from a different doctor other than the original prescriber. It doesn't matter if the doctor is in a different field of medicine. If you have a contract with the original prescriber not to except narcotic prescriptions from other doctors. Then that doctor can fire you as a patient and report you. Once you're reported most doctors won't give you any narcotic medications once they check the database and see your name on it. The only way it might be okay is if you have a new injury or have just had surgery, but you have to report it to the doctor that you have the medication contract with and even with that they may still fire you. Especially if you have had drug seeking like behavior in the past.
The pharmacy also may refuse to fill it and report you too. All pharmacies are connected to a monitoring database in each state these days.

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Can i Lido prescription that was rude from one doctor Oxycontin 40 milligram three times a day oxycodone 1X days 30 milligram can I feel doctor prescription number 2 that he wrote oxycodone 15 milligram 2 times a day without getting in trouble I have lost my prescription from my first doctor they will not replace it it will be feel under different insurance and a different doctor and different Pharmacy we need help appreciate it please

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What state are you located in? Was asking because I need a new doc my old one retired and I have had several broken jaws and facial fractures. I'm in AZ if that helps or if anyone can help me.

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Why would you not have just called the doctor to ask if you could one fill the new script or ask if he wanted you to take extra of your medication. Most likely if you try to fill the new script they will flag it. You ran out early, your doctor is gonna think you used to many and won't give you anymore. Why not ask before taking more???

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Here's my question. I was committed with magistrate papers by my sister's girlfriend saying I was a harm to others bc my sister & I got into a silly argument & she punched me in the face & ran. I threatened to take out an assault charge on her bc I was very upset she did that but I never was really going to go through with it. So, in the mean time her girlfriend decides to take this involuntary commitment out on me to save my sister, I guess. Long story short, I had to stay at the mental behavioral health clinic at the local hospital for 8 days. They had me take drug panels & I told them I was going to show positive for my clonazepam & adderall. They tried to say that I can't be on controlled substances & they made many accusations, assumptions... ect, ect. It was hell. I'm out now & called my pharmacy to get my clonazepam refilled & they said it along with my adderall had been canceled by the hospital physician. I didn't know she was doing that or even lawfully able to do that? I now need to I guess contact my primary Dr. to tell him about it...? I just hope she hasn't screwed my meds up bc of her opinions about controlled medications. I'm in my 30's & have literally been prescribed clonazepam since I was 15 yrs old when my parents divorced. Any feedback would be great!!!! Thx

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Mimi , a dr can void a prescription after giving it to a patient. Your pcp may or may not contiune you on these same meds. If your pcp doesn't, you can see a psychiatrist. They may or may not continue the same meds you were on in the hospital. Where you prescribed Adderall before going into the hospital ? It is doubtful your pcp will prescribe both meds.

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Can I have a prescription for pain from a pain management doctor and a prescription for Ritalin from a sleep doctor filled without any problems. They are for two entirely different problems and two totally different medications but both medications are strong schedule two drugs . I go to the same pharmacy and I don't see a problem with having them filled do you?

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