Dilaudid Forums (Page 4)

Recently active Dilaudid forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Dilaudid and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.
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Will a time release dilaudid show up different in a 21 panel drug test, than a plain dilaudid? ## I took one pill for sleep 2mg hydyromorphone and had to take a hair follicle test fro drugs which I don't take mainly alcohol but I took it 3-5 days ago. I wont show up on the 21 day panel right?? panel? Also few shots of tequila maybe two and clean a very rarely maybe a few times a week not even if that and mostly not. always comes up clean on soberlink. I SHOULNDNT HAVE A PROBLEM ON A HAIR FOLICULE RIGHT IF LAST DRANK WAS 3 days and tons of water > They say it depends on the amount and Im nervous but was told Ill be fine. can you give me your feedback. Passed salivia and breath. ## What drugs does a 21 panel urine test screen for? I was just curious because that is the test that m...

3 REPLIES Updated

White oblong tablet with RX 724 ## I was given dilaudid lastnight for a migrain and today is my sisters birthday, can I safetly drink today? Does anyone know? ## IS IT A SLEEPING PILL BECAUSE IVE BEEN TO A PHARMACIST AND REQUESTED A SLEEPING PILL AND HE GAVE ME A RHINETON? ## The tablet with the RX 724 marking is listed by Major Pharmaceuticals as containing 10mgs of Loratadine, and 240mgs of Pseudoephedrine. It is most commonly used to treat sinus symptoms, such as allergies. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, dry mouth, nervousness, and insomnia. You can view more information by clicking this NDC code: 00904-5833 As to the Dilaudid, what dosage was the tablet, and how long ago did you take it? The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being ...

3 REPLIES Updated

how long does it take to be weaned off a medtronic pain pump with the med. dilaudid the pain management wants my daughter to come off it in one month is that to fast and will there be alot of side effects and withdrawal please help i'm really scared for her and they are suppose to start reducing tomorrow ## Dialudid is a potent narcotic containing the active ingredient Hydromorphone. It really depends on how high of a dosage she has been on and for how long. It should be done on a very slow taper, slowly decreasing her dosage every 5 to 7 days, until she eventually isn't using any. She will, more than likely, still experience some withdrawal effects when she finally does stop altogether, however, they should not be severe nor dangerous. Just somewhat miserable. Did they say why ...

39 REPLIES Updated

A dilatin replacement, less likely to make you sick when you stop taking it. Starts with the letter d, is not an opiate. ## Did you mean a replacement for Dilaudid? Learn more Dilaudid details here. Dilantin is not an analgesic. Learn more Dilantin details here. I could help you better if I was clear on what exactly you're looking for. Is it an analgesic of some type? ## I have a lot of pain from hip to knee. I am using Naproxen, but not much relief. Looking for a stronger medicine, going on vacation and want to be pain free to have fun with grandchildren. I was told a pain reliever sounds like Darposet or something with the letter D. ## I need a name of some painkillers starting with the letter d, they have some strange shape, small and white in color ## I was a pharmacy tech for 1...

12 REPLIES Updated

I haven't taken a dose in three days, i have a urine test in 48 hrs and i just took a 4mg dilaudid dose. Wondering if my body will metabolize it before the test. ## I'm trying to find out to I have the same problem. If you find out please let me know. ## I haven't used anything in almost a tear and I am in a suboxone clinic, my boyfriend brought a dilaudid into the house and I broke down and did a 2mg IV I have a drug screen for my clinic in 1 day and 14 hrs to be exact am I screwed? am I gonna come up dirty? I messes up it did nothing to me and I regret it with all my heart! how long should this screw up take to get out of my system?? please someone let me know what I have to do.. help! ## u havent shot up in 3 days or you just shot up a k4?? drug test 48 hours? depends on ...

30 REPLIES Updated

dalada 2 small round white tablet ## Were you referring to Dilaudid? It is an opiate narcotic that is used to relieve pain, which contains Hydromorphone. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Can you please post back and clarify?

1 REPLY Updated

I am 19 weeks pregnant. I have been taking 2mg Dilaudid every four hours daily, which would be a total of 12mg in a 24hr period. I have been taking it since 13 weeks pregnant, so a little over 6 weeks. I have been taking it every single day for chronic kidney pain. My doctor decided to transfer my care to a pain management clinic, and my appointment is not until Tuesday, it is currently Saturday. My OB refuses to write me a script to get to through until my appointment, and even though I have been taking them only as directed, they want be to come in and be converted to Methadone. NOT HAPPENING. I will suffer through all the pain in the world before having a child born to Methadone. My OB has refused to wean me down on the medication, so I am currently off it cold turkey. My last dose w...

61 REPLIES Updated

I take 70mgs of methadone daily. I’ve been experiencing toothaches but it is unbearable right now. I have a Dilaudid 8mg here. If I take that now at 11 pm, will that affect my methadone dose tomorrow? Will it counteract my methadone or will my dose still work as accurately as any other day? I usually get my dose after lunch. ## Hello, Leslie! How are you? There is a chance that the Dilaudid may not work, since you are on the Methadone. The NIH warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Updated

Will someone PLEASE tell me who makes the BEST 8 mg Hydromorphone? I can't afford the brand name. I heard Mallincrodkt sucks. BUT they do make the best Roxicodone. But I can't find anyone to tell me which manufacturer makes the best 8 mg hydromophone. It's driving me INSANE. I don't want my prescription filled with ineffective medications and ya know you can't take it back. So far I have found Roxanne, Mallinckrodt, and one other I can't remember the name. But that's it. Roxanne only got 8.6 out of 10. They don't make Abbott anymore UNFORTUNATELY cause I heard they were the best. If someone can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it. I have exactly one week before I'm prescribed it again. And I KNOW I'm gonna have to call around for it. ...

13 REPLIES Updated

I have taken half of an 8mg Dilaudid and I have taken alot of cough medicine: Mucinex, Sudafed, and Robitussin and I am feeling very drowsy...........I hope I don't overdose is it bad to mix???? I'm afraid to go 2 sleep!!!!!!!!! Someone please. ## I would recommend contacting poison control center asap - Please respond with how it turns out. ## Relax, take deep breaths; walk around and drink lots of water, eat some bread. Make sure there is someone with you. You will be fine, you are not going to die. If things don't get better in the next 20 minutes, you will be o.k., cause you would've overdosed by then. If you get worse, 911. Don't panic. ## Wow! How are you doing? Did you experience any adverse effects? Combining medications can cause more severe side effects tha...

3 REPLIES Updated

I have been on roxicodone for a couple years. I had soo much trouble filling them that I stopped and realized that I couldn't lead a normal life from my pain. Soo I am back in pain management. Filling roxicodone in FL has become impossible. I and my six are trying dilaudid as a replacement, however, I am now having trouble finding them as well. Anyone else suffering the same issue? Stuck in FL!! ## I"m sorry about what you are going through. Unfortunately, this seems to be an ongoing problem all over Florida and while several theories have been postulated, there has been no official word as to why this is happening. Have you had any luck getting your prescription filled, yet? ## Yes, I did fill it. Unfortunately, it is not the same as the Roxi I have to take more and that don...

18 REPLIES Updated

At least i think its a Dilaudid patch maybe fentanyl, but my mother had or has an intestinal infection/block we havent really been able to get an exact diagnosis of but they originally had her on hydromorphone pills for the pain. Then she was over medicating herself accidentally(or so she said) and would end up sleeping for days straight, or doing all kinds of abnormal things like making huge messes, or throwing the rugs from the house in the front yard. then wouldnt remember any of it. So they took off the pills and gave her patches. Today i went to her house and she wouldnt answer the door or phone so i went to my sister work and got her house key. when i got into the house i knocked on her bedroom door and her dogs went crazy but she didnt answer so i tried to open the door but, it w...

4 REPLIES Updated

I am seeking a new pain management doctor for degenerative disk disease pain management. I have been going to the pain clinic here in st. joe for 3 years and am getting worse. ## I forgot to mention I'm looking for a doctor who will prescribe dilaudid. ## Hello, Debi! How are you doing? I'm sorry, but there is no listing of doctors according to what they will or will not prescribe that I can refer to for you. What is the problem with your current pain management doctor? Will they no longer help you? Learn more Dilaudid details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## Just moved to Springfield MO from southern california and was being seen by a ...

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I have cancer and was prescribed to take 3 pills every three hours. By mistake I took 4 pills thinking they were 1 mg and they are 2 mg. Is there anything I can do to delete the dosages? ## This medication is hydromorphone ## You can't delete a dosage, only time will take care of that. That's not an inordinately high dosage, but if you aren't opiate tolerant, it could cause problems or overdose. Did you suffer any ill effects? The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## You should be just fine even though you lack any real tolerance. You have not ingested enough to cause any type of overdose. You may feel slightly woozy...

4 REPLIES Updated

I took 2mg of Dilaudid 2 hrs ago and was then told to take 20mg ER Oxycontin the next hour. Is that ok? ## Who told you to take them both? The FDA warns that these medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. Were they both prescribed for you? Are you on any other medications? ## Wow, who are you to talk to someone like that? People know the risk. We're not stupid. Do you ever drink? You know alcohol can kill you.

2 REPLIES Updated

Two weeks ago my boyfriend passed away while in hospital for his Diverticulitis. He was given Morphine at 5pm and then 1 mg of Dilaudid at 8:20pm another 1mg at 9:20 then two more mg's at 11:30pm. Is that to close? Is that to much. His heart rate was at 128 bpm, he was ice cold to the touch. Heavy rasping breathing. Urine was almost black in color. Can you tell did the pain killer make things worse. Also, another question How do you know when dye that is used from testing leaves your system? If it does not how long to they have to remove it before it becomes deadly as it obviously killed him. ## They are commonly used like this, the Morphine wasn't helping enough, so they switched to Dilaudid, which is also used in even higher doses. My guess is he probably died from something r...

35 REPLIES Updated

round white pill w/ m imprint and # 2 on other side...is this pain med.? ## Can you get a script with a refill? ## There is a 2mg Hydromorphone tablet that matches this description, it is manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. The FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth. And no, MIchele! You cannot get a refill on these types of medications, anymore. New regulations require that you see your doctor each month and get a new prescription. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated

I got a script from the drugstore for 2mg dilaudid and when I open the bottle there were white ones in there but I saw some cotton in the bottle pulled it out and the rest of the pills were orange whats up with this? Are they ok to take? ## Hi, Wendy! It can be normal for this to happen if your pharmacy ran out of their supply of one and had to add some from a different manufacturer. However, I can't confirm this for you, without knowing the markings that are on the tablets. Learn more Dilaudid details here. Can you post back with this information? If so, I'll gladly check for you. Thanks! ## I have a pill that was supposed to be dilaudid, but it looks like it got wet or something. All I can make out with a light and a magnifying glass is that one side is scored. It's pink, ...

2 REPLIES Updated

Hi everybody I suffer from crohns disease and my levels of pain are off the charts sometimes, it gets real unbearable, I am taking 4mg dilaudid pills 3x a day because I can only afford to see a general doctor, at the moment I have no insurance and paying for prednisone and 6-mp is beyond expensive. My doc won't give me dillys more than 3x a day because he is scared I will get addicted but I take these pills and the pain gets even worse, what am I to do, he told me I'm at a deadend in pain management with him because that's the most he can prescribe, but when I tell him it makes the pain worse he looks at me like I'm crazy but its true it makes it worse.. Has anyone else had a problem with this? What else is there that maybe I can see if he can switch it to? I just want t...

49 REPLIES Updated

How long does a 8mg dilaudid pill stay in your urine stream? If the pill was taken approximately 8 days before a urine drugs screen will it show up on the test? I had only taken one or two pills. ## After 8 days, in theory, you should be fine. Like most other narcotics, the Hydromorphone in Dilaudid is usually detectable in a urine screen for approximately 4 to 5 days, after use. However, there is no precise time frame, because individuating factors are always going to play a role, such as your metabolism, overall health, activity levels and etc. Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I took a d 8 on friday eve will I pass a ur 2day please ## If your not a heavy frequent user you should have passed. Let me know if you did I'm wonder if I just dif one just now will I pass a t...

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