Dilaudid Given To 91 Year Old Mom (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy mom went to the emergency room and we think they gave her Dilaudid instead of tylenol for pain which was not in anyway severe or the reason she was there. After that she was totally knocked out and now 2 1/2 days later is in a semi comatose state. Could this be the result of being given that drug mistakenly?
5 Replies
I’m really sorry to hear that about your Mom. Why did she go to the ER? Was she in pain? If you have medical power of attorney for your Mom, you should be able to get her ER records and find out what she was given.
Re: Lori (# 1)
Sadly my mother came home from the hospital under doctor ordered Hospice and she passed away in March. We were told they were investigating what was given to her and got several stories. We requested the records of the ER room including pharmacy, but the pharmacy records were not sent. We were told she was given Tramadol, but they were researching what was given because they told us Tramadol would not cause what had happened to her; also before I left the hospital we had specifically discussed treatment for pain would on be Tylenol because of her age. They were keeping her overnight for observation. She went to er because she had passed out on the toilet and when the ambulance arrived they took her to the hospital because she had indeed passed out only briefly.
Re: Lori (# 1)
My mom passed away like 6 days after coming home from hospital she never really completley woke up also the doctor in the hospital showed me her record the morning after she was admitted to hospital, the computer showed tramadol was given, I ask her if this could have been changed to tramadol was given instead of dilauda which is what we expected, and with some hesitation she told me yes and they were investigating what was actually given. Now they are not saying.
If you look on the paperwork from your E.R. room visit you’ll be able too see exactly what they did from the diagnostic to determine what was wrong with your mother to what type of medications they gave her while she was there and what they sent home with her for a prescription.. usually all doctors are very very tedious about what they prescribe elderly people and what is age-appropriate also with the opioid epidemic that is going on the crisis with people becoming addicted to prescription painkillers they are very tightly given to anyone and especially elderly patient.. however if it was administered to her then perhaps you should take her back to the hospital or inform someone if you think that she is not going to come out of it or if she is semi conscious state you should take her anyway just saying.. good luck and keep us posted!!
Dilaudid is seldomly prescribed outside of the hospital setting. It's a potent opiate with high abuse potential. Back in the day addicts would disolve the tablet in water and inject it, which is said to produce a euphoric rush.
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