Dilaudid As A Oxycodone Replacement? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hi. I suffered a L1/L2 complete SCI injury some 4 years ago. After 6-7 weeks when the spinal shock wore off I noticed I had a burning pain in my lower groin area even though I can't really feel much below my hips, we thought maybe it was a UTI but all showed negative. It was diagnosed as chronic nerve pain and it never goes away, I get acute nerve pains in my legs on top of this chronic pain.

I have been taking 10mg Oxycodone four to five times per day and methadone 10mg once a day for the chronic pain + 800mg Gabapentin three times a day for the burning in my legs. The only way I have been able to keep my doses so low over the years is by being very hard on myself as to when to take the pain meds but as hard as I have tried I'm now going up to around 60mg total Oxycodone per day and 15mg Methadone.

I have a very good pain Dr and we always wanted to do a pain med rotation before levels of any one drug got too high so we have changed the Oxycodone over to 2mg Dilaudid tablets. I have been told to try anything from 2-4mg at a time, four times per day to replace my Oxycodone.

I have only just started to try the Dilaudid like 1day ago but even at 4mg it doesn't seem to work on my chronic nerve pain as well as my Oxycodone does, all it seems to do is make me sleepy and I can't have that. I work a professional demanding job where I can't be feeling out of it or tired. I was wondering if anyone here that has tried both maybe let me know if Dilaudid is normally a replacement for Oxycodone?

Should I be giving Dilaudid a few more days before throwing it off my list of pain meds? Or should it have worked straight away if it was going to work at all for me?

If it doesn't work I'll have to return to Oxycodone and hopefully find something that we can replace it with that won't have terrible side effects and also let me work normally. I guess we could increase the methodone to make the oxycodone last longer, I find the methadone great like that but that is not a real solution to replacing the Oxycodone so we can give my body a rest from that kind of opiode and hopefully reset the switch so after a short period on the replacement drug I can return to a lower dose of Oxycodone.

I would be greatfull for any advice.


85 Replies (5 Pages)

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not all methadone comes with blockers
Some do some don't

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I have a rare degenrative dasease been sick ten yrs now im only 39 im was changed from 30mg of oxy ir 4 x a day and 40mg oxy er a day it workef like no other meds i was put on but now they put me on 64mg of dilaudid per day i cant even get out of bed i just pray for my life back hope u find what works for u good luck

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I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy(it's a rare nerve disease) 6 years ago and I'm currently taking:
Dilaudid 4mg 4x/day,
•Hydromorph Contin 12mg 3x/day
Ketamine 30mg/day
Elavil 50mg/day
Lyrica 150mg 2x/day

I've been on the same level of hydromorph and Dilaudid for about 2 years now and it's completely stopped working. I feel no difference after I take it. As for the rest of the meds, my pain Doc and I have tried a few different combos. The help for a month or two then just stop. I know my tolerance is just through the roof but I need to find something that's going to help. I've tried morphine, gabapentin, fentanyl patches, oxys, Percocet but just can't find the mix to help. In 2012/2013 I had a Spinal Cord Stimulator implanted with hopes of even 5-10% relief but again nothing.

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?!?

Feel free to email me directly with info, opinion or just to share stories. {edited for privacy}

Oh P.S. I'm im Canada with full benefits so price isn't a problem or a factor.

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I took 6 mg of Xanax, 3 75 mg lyrica and am still hurting And nervous as I have a very high pain tolerance. Can I take my 30 mg methadone and b ok? I've never taken this combo before. Thank u for ur help

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Hey Subtech,
Did your Doc put you on those meds and know you're getting Methadone?
I'd say if he/she knows and said to take it all then go ahead but if you take one of those meds from an outside source, Xanax perhaps, then I don't know if I'd go that route.
My personal opinion, from experience, 375mg of Lyrica is a low-ish dose. Have you tried taking another 75mg or 150mg(whichever you have) on top of your 375? That would probably give you some relief, short term though(4-10 hours). It'll also give you an incredible energy boost. Lyrica is addictive though so don't do the add on too many days in a row.(I find 3 days to be the magic number if I don't want to go through withdrawals from the add on dose). I'd advise not to exceed 800mg/day. Let me know how it goes and whether you took your methadone or not.

Hope this helps and you're feeling better soon.

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Get another doctor as quickly as you can. You now have a quack...

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Hi there. I agree with you that dilaudid does not work as well as oxycodone.I am 1 year post op from l5s1 discectomy and am in almost as much pain now as I was pre surgery.I am taking up to 16 mg dilaudid a day and it doesn't really touch the pain.I had been taking 30mg oxycodone three times a day and it worked better,but like you,my Dr changed my meds.I'm really confused why I'm still in this much pain.I have bad neuropathy in right leg,recently other leg is numb /tingly too.Saw a pain specialist and he wants to do facet joint injections and send me back to work. I can't stand or sit for more than ten minutes, and can only walk short distance with a cane,because leg just gives out. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Good luck to you.

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I couldnt help but think that this converter might be useful to some of you out there (globalrph.com/narcoticonv.htm) might be helpful. I've found it to be "fairly" accurate. It says 15 mg oxy is about 6 hydromorphone...and i believe that to be low at least for me. But it gave me an idea what to ask for. So i asked for the 8's cause they are scored anyways. I felt i had to say somethin when i saw the diludid 4mg equal to about 13 oxy . At least not for me! I believe that a lot has to do with the way that your metabolism works. It all gets converted into morphine in your liver and one persons digestive system is gonna be different than another persons. I cant eat any spicy foods after say 3 or 4 pm or I'm hittin the alkaseltzer or zantac. I mean morphine works great gor me if they give it to me in an IV at the hospital...but that time released morphine did absolutely nuthin for me ...except make me sick. Again i think that is do to the way my digestion processes the time released coating. Other people swear by it. I wish it worked for me because i like the way morphine works when it works. Since they keep changing the coating on oxycontin i get results all over the board...,and i'm sure thats because of my digestive system. Im trying to get away from so mucy oxy and 8mg dilaudid is close to 15 mg oxy but i still think the oxy is stronger. The dilaudid doesn't make me as spaced out though and thats a big part of this medicine equation at least to me. And once asleep on oxy i stay that way ... Until almost noon...and that just don't cut it! The dilaudid doesn't make me slur my words either (i wasn't aware of it but everyone tells me i was). I can get by on 4 mg of dilaudid.... i'm still in pain..but sometimes it is enough if I'm just in a little pain. I also take 30 mg of oxycontin once or twice a day. Thats my main med but like i said if they keep changing the coating i'm not sure what i'm going to do. The dilaudid is for when i forget my oxycontin or the oxy just aint cutting it (like when i dont take my next dose because i think im ok ..and its just the medicine doing that) . Im still trying to find the right combination that leaves my head pretty clear yet keeps me from focusing on this constant pain my last surgery left me in. I haven't tried the opana yet but my Dr. doesn't think it would be strong enough for me. Last word be careful with that Methadone. It would kill the pain for me but the dr. Who prescribed it wouldn't always give me my scripts on time and when that happened I immediately went into withdrawal. Then when i wanted to get off of it ...the withdrawal seemed to go on forever!!! Not to mention i still found myself stockpiling other medications because of the late scripts thing. Good luck to all of you in strange and mysterious pain...and may they find something it the next year or two that proves that we really are in pain even if people cant see it...And...they find one thing that works for everybody. Man what i wouldn't do to be one of those people who don't feel pain! Last word ...i says to my Dr. " Ya know they believe that there are people who's nervous systems don't feel pain...then why are they so reluctant to believe the there are some systems out there that are overly sensitive to pain...to which he just looked at me and said..Humph! " good luck to all again.

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Don't use Dilaudid. I'm trying to detox after hip replacement. It's a bear to get off and very addictive very quickly.

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Hi Friend in chronic pain!
My advice is give the disused at least a week-
but talk to your doctor and let him/ her know that dilaudid is not giving you adequate relief!
I survived a high speed head on collision with multiple trauma injuries and I know since I have been in meds and off- there is no way I can stand the pain and I u derstand about the sideaffects.
I take Exalgo16 ngs every 12 hours ER - it is dilaudid extended release and it does help! Ask your doctor and best of luck to you- I understand very well-
Remember- a lot of this is trial and error- if dilaudid isn't working- try something different.'Jadian us an excellent pain Ned- but expensive- look into it!!

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Can you show me a picture of a 2mg dilaudid pill

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I am currently on morphine 60mg er 2x a day and using Percocet 10/325 for breakthrough pain. My insurance is screwing around with me as my Dr office has faxed over a prior auth for my regular qty of 150 roughly 15 times and the insurance company continues to say they are not receiving it. So my doctor is willing to write me something else for my breakthrough pain. Would Loratab be a good replacement?

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Maybe have the dose of diliuiad increased I prefer this medication I've been in 3 rear end collisions. It takes more time to judge the effectiveness.

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Does dilaudid help with pain as well as oxycodone, and are they easier to find? I'm in a lot of pain.

Also, what pharmacies fill prescriptions for oxycodone?

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My pain dr changed me from 15 mg of oxycodone to 4 mg of dilaudid. Is oxycodone stronger?

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Can someone please tell me what the difference is between Dilaudid vs Oxycodone 20 IR? I am about to change to Dilaudid.

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I have been on oxy 30 for 8 months now, just today my dr. switched me to dilliad 8, I have taken 2 already and nothing has changed I am still in horrific pain, I dont know what to do either, I think I would have been better off in the oxys just moved them up to 6 a day one every four hours instead of one every 6 hours, I had been taken 6 a day for 2 weeks and that worked better than the dilliad, if im mispelling it sorry. Taking one pill of oxy 30 every 4 hours is better than this stuff by far, well this is my opinion on the whole thing, im having my back surgery hopefully next month, but im gonna go see my surgeon probably next week and tell him what I think works better for me cause this sure isnt working, im still in horrible pain and the only thing I know that worked for me was 6 oxy 30 a day ,one every 4 hours, try that if u can cause u sound like u r having the same problem as me, so if no improvements by friday im gonna call my doctor and change back, but I need 2 extra a day, one every 4 hours instead of one every 6 hours, I hope I have helped u with my story, and maybe try what I am gonna go back to, its the only thing that seems to work for me, maybe it will work for u 2, at least its worth a try, it sure gives me alot more relief, thanks for your story and I hope maybe I have helped u as well, good luck

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From what I know opioids are not for nerve pain. You need a nerve medication like an Cymbalta or an antidepressant. It should numb the nerve.

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I will be looking into the drug pump. The pharmacists aka PIGS! Refuse to fill our doctor prescribed oxycodone prescriptions. We are now forced to pay for health care where pharmacists have a right to discriminate us. When I win my disability claim I'm definitely moving to France.

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I've been in your situation as well. Not for back pain but for concurrently recurring pilonidal cysts. Yes I had 3 separate ones at the same time and they didn't heal properly after the first operation so we had to repeat it again. All said and done it was an almost 5 month ordeal from when I first started seeing blood and pain, a month wait to see the surgeon another month to have the first operation. Recovery was 5 weeks and wasn't successful so second operation and 6 weeks to successful recovery.

In that period, I went from 20 MG Oxycontin 2/day and 10 MG Roxicodone 4/day. We ended up switching to 20 MG Opana 1/day and 1 8 MG Dilaudid up to 3/day. For me the Roxicodone made me much groggier than the dilaudid did. My system just seems to respond better to the morphine based meds than the Oxycodone ones

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