Dilaudid And Subutex (Page 2)
UpdatedI had a knee surgery yesterday. I have been using subutex to help me taper narcotics. I stopped the subutex 2 weeks before surgery. My doctor prescribed both percocet and oxycontin. I am getting no pain relief. The iv Dilaudid worked in the hospital. Has anyone taken Dilaudid by pill at home?
I guess you are not on Buprenorphine then are you? If you were you'd understand the concern. THey should switch to a short acting opiod instead, Bup INHIBITS any pain med by attaching to your mu receptors and doesn't let any other pain med attach, hence no pain relief...Reap what you sew? not a nice think to say to people you don't know.
I have been taking hydromorphone 4 mg to relieve back pain due to degenerative disc disease. I am awaiting a call back from my doctor, but I'm impatient....do you need to taper off/stop taking pain meds prior to surgery? If so, how many days, hours?
Will anyone ever learn the simple difference between "milligrams= mg" and "micrograms=mcg" (usually a 'µ' on computer bc not even computers are nerdy enough for science, but we adapt. So people, hope this helps.
MICRO = 1x10^-6 = 10^-6 = 0.000006 = small (ten times ten to the negative sixth power!) holy hell. small number, but there are number milllions and millions more small!
That's my rant about decimals, fentanyl is given in micrograms cuz it's stronger than everything else. 75mg/hr, would in fact, make you puke more than age 21 and the night you turned it. Just sayin jo. Peace out I am jealous of u all Plllllease throw me a bone and maybe we can be pen pells???? I tell stories about all my goodies and i'm honest and easy to work with. And I am 9999% more normal than that.
Bye All tty soon, feel BETTer!
Agreed to a point but you also must realise that different people feel different levels and tolerences and what not.Perfect instance would be when me and a pal were on tour in my youth.We got all shot up in the same type areas because a scout did not see a wire and stupidly walked Over it.SO we had bullet ridden knees ME worse then him.He was poping the morphine cap screaming and could not inject himself the pain was so bad. I was in horrible pain but held my head together to go stick him till the corman got there to help.I did NOT stick myself but delt with it and went to prone position after the AK47 trap quit fireing at us(went empty) to clear the area. I was shot up in the same areas as him but worse but his NATURAL pain tolerances were lower.NEITHER of us took any drugs nor ever drank or anything.We were clean whole lives.I saw his pain and he could not take it like we were trained to and keep quiet.He could not. Sorry I think your WRONG different people have different natural tolerences I have seen it.
I agree. I have been on Methadone for 6 yrs now and I'm @ 160 Mgs and it's working perfect for me. Been @ 160 for over a year and a half. Broke my back in 4 places. My back is destroyed and will need surgery @ some point. Also found out I have degenerative disc disease. Horrible, horrible, God awful pain at times. This is not perfect but the other opioids were killing me. Destroying my life. This is the best I can hope for, however, it could be so much worse.
Are you serious? Is that what pain meds do? Mask it you say? Hmmmm.....
Holier than thou crap! Good for absolutely nothing, just like your post.
Can I take dilaudid then a couple hours later take Subutex? Will it put me in w/d? I take 2 8mg of dilaudid 5 times a day. I am prescribed that and want to stop so can I take subutex right away?
I have taken Subutex for years as well for pain management and have had great success. Recently I had surgery and stopped my Subutex doses 4days previous to surgery and had no problems with the anestesia or pain meds. Once done, after such high quantities of dilaudid, I feared returning to my previous meds. Well, each person is different, but 12hours into some withdrawl, it worked fine, as I feared a new addiction to dilaudid. With the pain still high, I simply increased my Subutex and it is working fine. I once found it stopped working and I simply stopped my dose for 3days and the Subutex would work far better as it has a half-life of it is 3days. Happy healing ya'll.
I've been in dauladid almost a yr. after my accident when I almost lost my right leg fr. The knee down,I had seven fractures fr. Knee to ankle And THen. The. Muscles & tendents were all moved from the outside of my calf to front of. My lower leg.From under my knee to a few inches above my ankle,the big problem is its my driving leg.I was on fentenyl taffy,THAT. Worked great but because the only test done were cancer patients after being controlled the taffys for 5 yrs ,my insurance Co.decides to stop my taffys THAT I can control &put me a pill THAT I had. To stop &take a pill &wait for it to work! !befor Horan taffy all I had to do was open & rub in my cheek.NOT RIGHT AFTER 5 YRS OF EASY PAIN CONTROL NOW I HAVE TO FIND A DRINK,TAKE A PILL & WAIT! !NOT RIGHT AFTER 5 YRS.OF PAINCONTROL
I had to go under anesthisia awhile ago for a colonoscopy i was also on subutrx, i stoped faking it 2 days before i went under, it sounds like hell but subutex has a half life i reallu didnt go through withdraels, i just WANTED it. But just make sure to tell ur doc AND anesthetic doctor that u do subutex, that way they kbow, thdy give u a stronger doae. I was knocked out so cold they culd hardly wake me up! No worrys, just be open witg ur docters, its private i am younger n didnt want my mother who was there with me to know, and so they asked her to step outside n stuff when talkin bout personal stuff, she had no idea just thought it was procedure.
Ive been on Subutex for 7 years and have had an operation recently they could give me nothing for the pain . Subutex is a great drug but if you like me need medication for pain it is difficult. I'm on 24mg a day
Yes I just had surgery for a shattered knee and broken pelvis in two spots I was on suboxone before it happened and dilaudid worked better than anything else I got it IV and after in pill form which I was sent home with. I think it works great it's just that they don't send u home with enough to last till u see the doc so now I may have to go back on my subs till I hear from them which sux bc of the pain but yes it worked wonders for me.
I have had 3 back surgeries in 3 years. (two lumbar which is now completely fused, and a double fission on my cervical). I have been on 8-12mg of dilaudid for almost 3 years now and have had no side effects. Don't get me wrong, I want to come off if it as soon as possible, but since my last surgery was only in may, my Dr doesn't think its long enough for the pain I'm going to feel. He wants to wean me down to a drug called Norco which I was on after Mt 7th and 8th knee surgeries.
Yes I'd u go down a couple posts under urs I'll see wat I said about it... But lemme also just add I was on suboxone and after my knee surgery on iv dilaudid then was first put on OxyContin and oxycodone after that and not only was I in pain I went thru withdrawal but the second they switched me to dilaudid in pill form it was great! They helped way better! I now am on my syboxone again I only stayed in the dilaudid for two weeks but they worked wonders!
I take Subutex daily - 8 mgs and I take Dilaudid also, 8 mgs. I get very good pain relief from post cancer. The Subutex is very good for me because I do not wish to get high though sometimes it oddly enough does happen. If you take the Dilaudid without the Subutex - in my experince, it is ok to take the Subutex about 16 hours after and you should not have any precipitated withdrawel - or so has been my experience. Hope this helps - just have to be careful as both are serious respiratory depressants and someone should be with you while you are takin ghtem and sleeping just to be on the safe side. Best of luck.
Yes used dilaudid at home and it helped tremendously but then I switched back to the subs two weeks later .. I also was on I've dilaudid in the hospital n at first was switched to oxycodone and OxyContin which did nothing but wen they finally switched me to dilaudid ills it was great and like I said two wks later was able to go back on just the subs... It was an easy transition from the dilaudid pills to the subs ... Hope this helps.. Mine was for my shattered knee and broken
Pelvis in two spots n I switched back on 2 wks just bc I didn't wanna stay on dilaudid but if u need a lil longer just talk to ur doc n they can help u taper back to the subs with hopefully no issues :)
I can't get over you ppl.who act like everyone is a druggie ! They're the Real problem ! ! There USE TO BE GOOD PAIN MANAGEMENT MEDS,all of the sudden the drug co.care about the druggies HA HA HA! All it's about is $,if I wasn't on medicad I'd BEABLE to get fentynol taffy,all the sudden after yrs.of being on the taffys I can't get them due to what medicad pays.They try & say ( the only testing was done on cancer patients So I can't get them after all these yrs.) Bull ,now I have to suffer w chronic pain that was taken care of all those yrs.CHRONIC PAIN is chronic pain,Why do I have to be dying of cancer to get the Same MEDS I've been on for yrs..My Chronic Pain Dr.lies & says he put in an appeal BUT HE LIES!! HE'S TO LAZY TO GET SOME XTRA PAPER WORK DONE SO I CAN GET THE MEDS HE KNOWS I NEED.Hes had me on so much heavy MEDS ,that I could Really function like a normal person,But he's to lazy,But puts on an act like he really cares & did put in for an appeal but I would have gotten a paper fr.my medicad & haven't SO HE'S A BIG LIER ! Now after he raped my $ I got fr accident now he acts like he cares IM SURE HE KNOWS I KNOW BUT ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS THE $$ he steals fr. His patients but I don't have the $ now so I suffer everyday of my life & I'm tired of lying drug co. & LYING DR.who only care about patients he can steal $ fr. I showed him this site so if he reads this he knows who I'm talking about ,Dr.P fr.philly !
I take alot of pain meds for 26 years of chronic pain due to several operations for Crohn's disease, 1 of the operations was in testing phase at Cleveland Clinic and it failed and they no longer do that procedure. I'm not familiar at all with the Subutex or similar meds. My post is just to concur with the person who posted #21... People judging others they don't even know, that is a mean spirited thing to say. People come here for advice and questions. If they wanted counseled, they probably wouldn't be in this forum as there's plenty of sites for counseling... Just irked me.
I had a breast biopsy; which is very painful and my doctor gave me four Dilaudid 4mg tablets. I was very afraid and sketchy because I have been on Subutex 4mg now for close to 3 years but I didn't want to experience any pain. I usually take my morning dose around 10am and my afternoon dose around 5pm. Well, my biopsy was Thursday. So, Wednesday, I took my morning dose and then took my afternoon dose at 4pm. Thursday morning, I didn't take my morning dose and took my first Dilaudid 4mg around 1pm. I didn't feel a thing. My biopsy was scheduled for 3pm. At 2:30, I was so scared that I took another one (thus being 8mg of Dilaudid). NOT A THING! I went home and when the numbing sensation wore off, my breast was hurting pretty bad. At 6pm, I took another 4mg Dilaudid. I felt nothing. ever. I hurt all night long. My mistake was trying to switch to Dilaudid for that one day for pain management when I should have just increased my Subutex dose for that day. I am sharing this to help others. Now, my next problem was... when do I start my Subutex back without having precipitated withdrawal. I read online to begin it back 12-24 hours after taking your last opiate. So, my last Dilaudid 4mg was at 6pm. I waited 18 hours and took a small (half of a quarter piece) of Subutex at noon the next day and felt fine and back to normal! So... if you are having a procedure, it must take days.. I mean days.. for the Subutex to leave your system. Dilaudid is a very powerful drug and I just knew it would help my pain but it didn't. My Subutext binded so tightly to my brain receptors that it blocked the Dilaudid right out. So... to help others... ask your doctor to increase your Subutex/Suboxone dose the day of a procedure and do not try to go for an alternate of pain management!! I learned that Subutex/Suboxone truly does its job, even if you space out 24 hours taking an opiate!!
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