Dilaudid Withdrawal Pregnancy (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am 19 weeks pregnant. I have been taking 2mg Dilaudid every four hours daily, which would be a total of 12mg in a 24hr period. I have been taking it since 13 weeks pregnant, so a little over 6 weeks. I have been taking it every single day for chronic kidney pain. My doctor decided to transfer my care to a pain management clinic, and my appointment is not until Tuesday, it is currently Saturday. My OB refuses to write me a script to get to through until my appointment, and even though I have been taking them only as directed, they want be to come in and be converted to Methadone. NOT HAPPENING. I will suffer through all the pain in the world before having a child born to Methadone. My OB has refused to wean me down on the medication, so I am currently off it cold turkey. My last dose was yesterday morning, and this afternoon I did receive a 3mg Morphine injection for a UTI after having to go the Emergency Room. I am wondering because I am pregnant, and they are not offering me a safe process to come off the medication, if anyone knows how bad it will be? I currently am vomiting, extreme irritability, helplessness, shakes, hot and cold sweats, headache, and body aches. I did have a seizure this afternoon followed by a muscle spasm fit in which every single muscle on my body tensed uncontrollably. Can anyone please tell me how long this is going to last? How bad it could be? I have been on it daily for 6 weeks. And prior to that I had it several times via IV while in the hospital. Thank you for any answers that you would be able to offer me. I am incredibly embarrassed and wish my doctor never would have started the medication in the first place, and now being so unwilling to help other than to give me methadone.
You a cold hearted lady my dear karma is a bit h
Wow, you are one stupid c-nt. Learn some proper spelling and grammar and turn off the caps lock.
Jessica, I am happy to hear that everything turned out okay with you and your son. Best of luck to you.
Amen, Jessica! Breeia is WAY out of line! Like you, I got pregnant while taking Demerol & was continued on the Demerol by a high-risk OB/GYN at a famous teaching hospital. My son was NOT born addicted, is now in his 20's and has NEVER been into drugs or alcohol! People should not judge others so harshly w/out thinking through the other person's circumstances (like Breeia did to you!). You WERE under a dr's care & you were suffering from a lot of pain (& not just withdrawal pain). You were smart to keep your baby off of Methadone!
Wow Jessica. I cant believe someone would be so cruel and unsupportive when you were hurting and needing it so bad. Actually you are the better and stronger person as you didn't bad mouth her back. Just know that the lord is there for you and your family and always remember he is the only one that has the right to judge you not someone who has no ides who you are or what you and your family were going through. I agree leave your posts here they may help another person who really needs it also. May god continue to bless you and your family.
Oh my gosh I am disgusted by you Breeia..... Obviously you have no knowledge of ANYTHING. Are you that dumb to not realize that if she wasn't on pain meds and was stressing her body out that it would then stress the baby which then would cause pre term labor!!!! You need to get your facts straight! How dare you judge someone when you haven't walked in her shoes!!!! I have been in the hospital since I was a little over 20 weeks and have been on pain meds as well, what do you have to say to me? If I wasn't on meds then I 100% would have delivered and my baby would not be here today.... Get over yourself you bully!!!!
Omg woman....who are you??? Just a hateful beast arent u??? Lol wow! Poor Jessica!!!
wow I feel sorry for Brie because it feels really harsh when you judge other and then find yourself walking in thier show and have to eat s^^^^. I think it is so silly when bible thumper know it all judge others in the name of being Christian, if you truley read the bible you will know YOU are NOT to judge ANYONE , you are to leave that to the Lord! I was just at hspt today with know it all 12 year old nurse telling me that the treatment I take (after working with pain mgmt for 11 years) is all wrong, this after hearing 4 minutes about my case! No thought to the fact that I have letter in her hands explaining why 32 specialist have decided this is best plan. WOW such fun to meet know it all, who are really know it nothings.
You worry more about your child being born with withdraws than asking for pain killer medicine. Read the side effects, the same side effects you get the baby is prone to get too. Think about your child. Especially during the stages in pregnancy where there is so much risk. The first 3 months is when they are developing so much. I understand pain issues,
Jessica, I also am taking dilaudid and just found out I am pregnate. I've been told taking Methadone while pregnate is better than putting the fetus through withdrawals that can cause the fetus to fail. My friend recently had her beautiful son addiction free while being on Methadone. Everyone has their opinions yet don't understand anyone and what they are or have to go through.
god bless you just mean and I support Jessica I have sickle cell disease and it is very painful and I'm pregnant so I need meds as well don't like it but the pain is to much to bare and I have two healthy kids at home god is the only judge and jury here not you so jessica don't let no weapon formed aginst you prosper
Who are you to judge?! You're prolly from the way it sounds the biggest druggie of all, to have to put someone else down to make your addiction ok.
That's not true...I had a friend that had a son born addicted to methadone and that was the most pitiful sight and situation I have ever experienced...the baby had to be stepped down off the methadone by being given small doses of it and it cried and cried bc it was in so much pain all over... I have been taking dilaudid and just found out im pregnant (not sure how far along yet just know its 3+ weeks) and I will raise heck if they try swapping me over to methadone!
Jessica, im relating to youre situation dramaticly right now due to the fact im about 6weeks pregnant n ben perscribled dalidid for my back pain thank god im not in that much pain but i have ben perscribled pain killers for some time now.. You saying u have a healthy 2year old gives me some hope in contining having this child n completly getting off any type of pain killer threw soboxon but i have ben worried im causing this unborn chid birth defects n others trying to convince me about an abortion. Thank u for giving me some hope that i can have this baby without feeling i need to abort my child due to taking diladid
Oh Jessica, you are much kinder with your words than I would be. People like Breeia are just nasty, jealous and have nothing better to do but cause others pain. I don't have the time or patience to deal with stupid b**ches.
I couldn't imagine the pain you were in. Your Dr was very wrong to let you go cold turkey like that. They knew you would become ill from withdrawal and obviously didn't care. Those few days must have been hell for you. It was much more dangerous for your baby to stop cold turkey and go through withdrawal. Especially since you had a seisure. Your physician should have done their job and weaned you off, tapering slowly for at least a week.
Good for you for not going on Methadone I just hope you didn't suffer terribly bad as that too is a lot of stress on baby. Very happy to hear you have delivered a very healthy baby. That's great! Even though the Dr's were correct in offering you Methadone because of your pregnancy it would have been 100 X harder to get off it. It is so addictive, worse than dialaudid.
Good luck! !
Best of luck!
I think any narcotic will get transfered to the fetus. What I understand is the way Methadone breaks up in the body causes less of the drug to get to the fetus compared to other narcotics. In Jessica's case I'm assuming she would have been prescribed a minimal amount.
Very sad for your friends baby. Adults can't handle withdrawal from it I can't imagine what a newborn baby would have to go through.
All the best with your pregnancy.
I am wondering if some people know where the caps lock key is, I too (along with my wife) live in extreme pain daily, I understand how it destroys not only quality of life, but destroys life as we know it period. Even though, I don't think I have ever typed ever single word to someone I vehemently disagreed with in all caps, its the same thing as yelling. however there are those that yell at every single person in their lives, comes in contact with their lives and, well, simply yells to yell. That in itself says "I am a very unhappy person and I will take it out on you" IMHO. Calm down, take a breath and communicate in a normal, civil tone... you can communicate displeasure without yelling.
such disdain for first responders... I pity you! "hero boy"! he sounds like he is too kind to blast you so I will. As a veteran of 2 wars, first off, we don't see ourselves as "heroes", we have a job to do and we do it PERIOD! But when I see civilians cut down my brothers/sisters in arms when they have no clue what it takes to do the job it is worse than an insult, it is a level of understanding that you have no respect for the people that give you your freedom, yea, I said it... you certainly didn't do anything to earn it, you inherited it, have a little respect for those that serve in your interest, less than 5% do so. and turn off your damn caps lock key. I don't think it shows any illness, it just shows ignorance, pure and simple. as my grandmother aways said, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything. (now, you may flame away as it won't bother me, I have been done by much better, even at the business end of a rifle and lived through it... have a nice day
I give you kudos for your apology...I'm sure it took a LOT for you to do that. But there should never have been a need for the apology. This woman posted here for advice on something that had her confused and worried. I'm sure her intent was not to be berated by someone who doesn't know her. I applaud her for her restraint with you and your responses. It has been my experience that when people are so nasty and hurtful with their words in their judgment of others, it is their way of making themselves feel better. That's very sad......
Reading these posts has reminded me that there are some really mean people still in this world. People who obviously just like to stir the pot any way they can. Those who feel better by putting others down.
Breeia- you are the ipitome of the cruelest kind of cruel. This poor woman was scared and probably felt very alone and I believe all she was looking for was someone to listen and possibly offer a kind word- not someone to cut her down as you did.
So for you, Breeia, I will pray. Pray that our heavenly father helps you to "pull the plank from your eye" so you may see what is in yourself before judging others- I am sure you have not lived your life in perfection- none of is have!
Jessica- I'm happy to hear of your healthy baby who I am sure is happy as well- always believe in yourself as a mom, not matter what others may say.
God bless all who stood up to this bully, because that is all you are Breeia- you are the type of "mean girl" I am raising my children not to be.
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