Dilaudid Elago 24mg Er Once A Day Versus 120mg. Ms Contin


I have several physical back,neck,knee,foot issues that cause chronic pain. I have been on pain medications for about 20 years. Yes..I know it sounds like a long time.
But I had small kids to raise and a very unsupportive husband. I am at a pain clinic.
Recently I asked to be taken off of MS Contin 60mg. twice a day with 3 tablets of 4mg. dilaudid for breakthrough pain. I did take the dilaudid sparingly according to my activity level. Well..they wanted me to try long acting ELAGO in place of the morphine. I feel like the ELAGO does not last 24 hours and I feel like I need to take more 4mg. dilaudid. I also feel like I am getting a rapid heartbeat sometimes. Could you tell me what may be happening to me? I was hoping to not have to take anything other than the ELAGO ER, but it is not the case. Did I have withdrawals from the morphine. It has been almost 3 months since the change. Now they say I can either up my dosage of ELAGO or go back on the MS Contin. I am freaking out this.

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You'd actually need 30mgs of the Exalgo to equal the 120mgs of MS Contin. So, you are on a slightly lower dosage, which could explain your problems.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I did not think 24 Elago versus 30 would be that much of a difference. But I am also concerned about the crappy fillers used in ELAGO..a toluene chemical among other things. Toluene is carcinigenic. I feel pretty bummed as I really try to keep my diet and lifestyle organic to make up for the chemicals I am ingesting. I also find that the 4mg dilaudid for breakthrough pain wears off before 3 hours. Is this because I have been on them for so long. The doc says they are supposed to last for 6.

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