Different Versions Of Blue Valium (diazepam) (Page 2)
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Hi. I have just received a prescription of 6 boxes of 10mg teva diazepam, 2 times 14 tablets in each strip per box, they have 10 on one side and a line through the middle to split them on the other side. Can you tell me if they're a good brand or not? Many thanks.

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going by dr s 5mg which i get their fake mate their teva too from the phamacy 5 on one side no lines just blank on other though maybe blue teva tens are different are they in scotland

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Deffinatly ok, WHY do people write such rubbish bc ov 1 bad experience with 'getting burned' be more careful!

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Tevas in box without sell by date are fake, otherwise you should be OK, but just take half of what you normally take with a cup of tea/coffee on an empty stomach. Wait an hour max, it should only take 30mins and see if you are OK. If you're fine then take your other half. If there's no sell by date give them a pass.

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Teva is an Israeli based company who sell predominantly to the UK. Where I'm from we don't pay for scripts and don't prescribe generics. I would go out on a limb and say yes they are real. They should melt in your mouth really fast and they are as you explained. They are also a kind of off yellow colour but not so drastic that your notice, and all benzos come in strips and boxes with the leaflet folded over the strips. In fact all tablets do in the UK. It should melt in your mouth way faster than other brands and are kinda mushy in the mouth. Hope this helps

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They are probably fake. I have just bought X2 packs of teva diaz that have 10mg on 1 side and a score line on the other side and I've had a few ppl test them for me incase it was a tolerance thing as to why I wasn't feeling it. But they said they felt nothing and they took diaz years ago in their early 20s. The only way to find out is to take them. Other than that a lab would determine whether they were fake or not.

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