Difference Between Yellow Hydrocodone Acetaminophen With 1096 Vs White Pill Same Strength But U03. Both Say Sub For Norco. (Page 5)
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Just want to know difference between both pills, beside Manufacturers. I was taking Hydocodone-Acetaminophen 10-325 yellow pill #1096 on one side a V on other side. I was then switched to a white oval pill with the same strength, but has U03 on one side. both say substituted for Norco.

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Uo3s rock my world! They are like heaven in a pill form. If they were a professional boxer the uo3 would be like Tyson and the m367 would be some skinny white chick. Ten times the punch!

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There are many different manufacturers of generic pharmaceutical meds. There should be a 3-4 letter abbreviated name down at the name and strength area of your script label... That is to say what manufacturer produced that specific script. The yellows with the v that were made by qualitest (now owned by par) are still made in alabama but par also has a plant in new york that makes white 10/325. In my opinion the new york ones do not work (for me anyway) so my advice is look on an older script bottle and get the manufacturers name and find a pharmacy that carries them or will order them for you... If that doesn't work ask doctor to write a script brand specific and daw..... As you prob guessed I've been in chronic pain a long time.... Hope you can get the proper meds that work for you... If you feel euphoria from the meds they are not the right ones.

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I am so glad to get an answer to my question that I was going to ask. Hi I've been taking 325/10 for several years. I've been fine with generics until I got the white u03 pills. It does seem to dump all at once. I got so high I couldn't function. Instead of 2, I take 1& 1/4, then 2 hours later another 1/4. I d rather count the good ones than have extra garbage at the end of the month.

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The yellows are not Watson, they are Par Pharmaceuticals manufactured in their Alabama plant (formerly Qualitest). Par bought them last year and Watson was purchased by a Brazilian company 2-3 years ago.

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Quality ... Are they really the same strength ? I mean really ??

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I also take Norco 10/325 and the pharmacy I go to doctor choice says that all they have is the U 03 no Watson and no yellows , all the other pharmacy carries these but I go there cause I pay cash and they give me a discount, I want to give what ever I have left and get the Watson yellows or whites, these are not helping I took 2 this morning and back still hurting they can Nkrumah have the same ingredients in them, please help me in severe pain with also 2 bulging discs

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Myself, I like Watson better than any other generic.

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The yellow w/v on them are not made by Watson ..... they were made by qualatest in Alabama but that company was bought by par pharmicuticles which I think have factory in New York but are headquartered in Ireland

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I've been given the 10/325 Watson brand white verses the yellow and there is s definite difference! The white doesn't work! Where do or can u send these pills to get tested to see if they are what they say they are! I've been throwing up since ive taking them and no relief in sight for the pain!!!

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Thats the only difference is the maker. Still the same exact thing just different manufacturer.

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A bit late, but, Meijer pharmacy has always carried the yellow Watson 10/325. When all the other chains stopped carrying them I changed because it seemed like something in the fillers of the white ones were dumping the entire drug all at once and the pain relief would last maybe an hour where as the yellow ones would last me for 6-8 hours.

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They have even took a lot of the ingredients out of the Watson 10's they r not like they use to be

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You know what they say......everybody is different. I'm 51, and up until last night (10-10-16), Hydrocodone would always make me feel sick to my stomach. I've been dealing with the pain from a partially finished root canal (to be finished tomorrow). I've been trying to tough-it-out, but the pain became so bad, that I almost went to the ER. I was given one of the white U03's, and AMAZINGLY, it didn't make me sick, AND relieved about 90% of my pain. I'm a lightweight when it comes to drugs, but the point is that these DID NOT make me feel sick.

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Same white lortab 10/500 blue watson way better i always ask what meds the carry same for my ambien and colozapam

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To my husband and I the yellow Norco work way better than the white oval ones do. The pain medication that worked the best foresults me were the Green Lorcet or the Vicodine 7.5/750 but the took them completely off the shelf.

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CVS has the yellow pills. I always ask, and in some cases, they will order. CVS does not honor certain RX coupons though, or at least mine doesn't.

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FDA has required all Norco or generic to be ONLY ONES contain 325 mg of acetaminophen due to people trashing their liver.

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I prefer the Watson brand the first time that I took the white ones were in the hospital and I did not care for them at all would prefer to have my Watson brand Vicodin back Pharmacy says they are having a hard time keeping it in stock so that's why they went to the white ones don't like the others at all

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Hi all, I have been taking 3 to 4 Hydrocodone 10/325 (used to be 10/500) the difference between 325 and 500 is the amount of acetaminophen/Tylenol which in large amounts over time can be very dangerous. Now, to address the real difference on the narcotic pain relieving portion of the very controversial medication. The basic question is Yellow vs. White. Pharmacists will argue with you that the active ingredient (hydrocodone) is exactly the same and I did my fair share of the argument, lol. That just draws attention from other customers in the pharmacy, which makes you look like an addict. All we want is the most effective pain relief available in what our legitimate Doctors have prescribed for us! In conclusion, I have been recently introduced to a simple theory which makes sense to me. The test: Try to break a yellow on and then a white one. I broke both, but the yellow was much harder than the white. The white seems to break as easy as a piece of chalk. Conclusion: The acid in the digestive system which breaks down the white pill will dissolve it much faster, maybe giving the person a faster relief, but leaves the body much quicker and very possibly not giving the full 10mg hydrocodone. The yellow on the other hand, while not regarded as "time release", compared to the white one, can result in a drastic difference in the quality of the medication. Only the small portion of chronic pain patients can relate to this because we have to take this type of medication for long periods of time. We still live in a society that easily discriminates against what they don't understand. WE MUST CHANGE THIS! #helpchronicpain

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oh no i was afriad this was gonna happen endo which was the parent company of qualitest bought par pharmaceuticals and obviously kept the wrong ones this really sucks

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