Difference Between Morphine Sulfate Er, Cr, And Sr?
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What's the difference between Morphine sulfate ER, CR, and SR. I am on Oxycontin and want to change to the generic form.

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There is no difference, each abbreviation that you listed is simply a different way of denoting that the Morphine in that particular pill is in a time released formulation. ER stands for extended release, CR stands for controlled release, and SR stands for sustained release.

You may see some others used, as well, such as XR, TR, LA, SA, and etc. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical industry doesn't have any one universal abbreviation that they use to designate it, so some manufacturers base it on the specifics of how their formulation works, and some don't.

The FDA warns that Morphine carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation.

Ref: Medline Plus Morphine

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Whats the differances between morphine sulfate er, cr, and sr. Thanks I am on oxycontin and want to change to one that has a generic, since oxy is nolonger thk Richard

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